The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,647 The Mystery of the Rubik's Cube

Does the Rubik's Cube actually have a glimmer of self-awareness?

This was a situation that Thain had not expected, but he seemed to have thought of it back then.

As early as when he first learned that the Rubik's Cube had the ability to unlock intelligence for the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, Thain had wondered whether the Rubik's Cube itself had consciousness.

The consciousness of the Rubik's Cube can be regarded as something like a "weapon spirit".

In the wizarding world, some holy towers or magic towers will have "tower spirits" added to facilitate management.

Including, as far as Thain knows, there are also weapon spirits in some special weapons or equipment.

When Thain first brought the Rubik's Cube back to the Wizarding World, it was not a complete world-class secret treasure and could only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

But then the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization took it away. After some upgrades, the Rubik’s Cube finally returned to Thain’s hands in the form of a world-class secret treasure. .

Since then, Thain has felt that the Rubik's Cube has undergone some subtle changes in many aspects.

Later, I learned that the Rubik's Cube can produce "energy amethyst", which is also the result of the Rubik's Cube's upgrade.

This time, Rubik's Cube's faint consciousness showed its willingness to devour the radar fragment.

Does it mean that the Rubik's Cube will be upgraded again?

World-class secret treasures are also divided into superior and inferior ones. Let Thain judge it. The Rubik's Cube in his hand can only be regarded as a mid-range item among the low-level world-class secret treasures.

But because it has the function of unlocking intelligence for intelligent robots, the Rubik's Cube is rarer than ordinary low-level world-class secret treasures.

In the subsequent exploration and communication, Thain discovered that Rubik's Cube's consciousness was incomplete.

It did not accurately answer Thain's question, but only revealed to Thain a vague desire to devour and absorb the radar.

After thinking about this for a long time, Thain decided to give it a try.

While Mo Yan and others were on their way, they were exploring the ruins of ancient civilization with great interest.

Thain has already begun a special experiment that is of great significance to his future.

Those who noticed Thain's strange movements, besides Yuri, who had been giving Thain a hand, were also Wal-E, who had his probing eyes open and looked at Thain curiously.

The results of the experiment were very successful.

Nothing unusual happened to the Rubik's Cube that swallowed up the radar fragments.

The only change is that its color is a little brighter.

And Thain didn’t feel like the Rubik’s Cube was working at first.

So much has changed.

However, when it stimulated the power of the Rubik's Cube and checked to see what functional improvements the Rubik's Cube had now, it was discovered that the Rubik's Cube actually absorbed and combined some of the functions of the radar fragment.

A certain amount of investigation and exploration ability appears in the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube's detection method is different from the phaseless mask that Thain wears on his face.

The Formless Mask directly enhances Thane's perception in all aspects, and is a great blessing to his power of law in the fields of fire, light, and sound waves.

The Rubik's Cube's detection ability directly presented a light map to Thain.

The special energy points flashing in the light map are the abnormal fluctuations in the surrounding area discovered by the Rubik's Cube.

The occurrence of this situation made Thain couldn't help but sigh: "It's incredible."

Lord Thain‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ What I want to lament is the Rubik’s Cube’s ability to swallow up artifacts of technological civilization.

The previous process of the Rubik's Cube devouring radar fragments was also very strange: in Thain's field of vision at that time, the cube-shaped Rubik's Cube directly scattered and shattered into countless smaller cubes.

These cubes contained the radar fragments. After about two days, the Rubik's Cube spit out the radar fragments again.

The absorbed Rubik's Cube is reintegrated into its original appearance.

As for the radar fragment, the metal color on the surface has become a lot grayer, and there is no longer any special energy or law fluctuation.

Based on the operating principle, the radar fragment should still be usable after being re-energized.

However, without the special energy and the blessing of the law from the Aiyoulandie civilization, the radar is no longer a fragment of a world-class secret treasure, but an ordinary damaged radar.

The occurrence of this situation aroused more research interest in Thain.

On the one hand, he put away the radar fragments that seemed to have no research value, and prepared to study them in detail.

On the other hand, he is observing the Rubik's Cube that has come back together and thinking about how to break it down.

When the Rubik's Cube was disassembled, in addition to countless smaller cubes, Thain also saw a special blue light of law in the center of the Rubik's Cube.

As the master of the Rubik's Cube, Thain certainly knows that the special blue light of the law is the real core of this world-class secret treasure.

But unfortunately, Thain's research process has been a little hindered.

After absorbing the radar fragments, the Magic Convenient entered a period of silence.


Although it can also stimulate the ability to use the Rubik's Cube, it cannot communicate with the weak consciousness of the Rubik's Cube.

Thain originally wanted the Rubik's Cube to add weapon spirits to the Maskless Mask, but now it seems that there is still a long way to go to explore the truth in the future.

"Can we only absorb world-class secret treasures of the technological type?" Thain couldn't help but pondered about his recent research findings.

Thain also has many good things on hand, including energy crystals and inert crystals, which he has also collected.

But the Rubik's Cube showed no desire to devour them.

When Thain borrowed the energy ball that Qixiu discovered some time ago, he asked the Rubik's Cube if it had the desire to devour it.

The Rubik's Cube also showed a faint willingness to devour.

But maybe the Rubik's Cube consciousness knew that this was not Thain's treasure, so ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ did not force it, and Thain then returned the energy ball to Qixiu.

"It's incredible."

"Perhaps this thing has higher growth potential and future development potential than the Phaseless Mask I inherited from Master Joes." Thain looked at the Rubik's Cube in front of him and said in wonder.

Before entering the ruins of the Aiyoulandie Civilization Center, Thain had not felt that his Rubik's Cube had such potential and special fusion effects.

"Then do you have the desire to devour them?" Thain pointed at the Flame in front of him and Wall-E not far away.

The Flame and Wall-E are also technological products, and both have some connection with the Rubik's Cube.

Rubik's Cube did not give Thain any reply this time. It is probably because there is no area of ​​integration and annexation with this type of robot.

In order to verify the potential of the Rubik's Cube and its other functions, Thain has to find ways to search for more leftover products of technological civilization.

The Rubik's Cube still doesn't like ordinary technological things. Only world-class secret treasure fragments suit its appetite.

For this reason, Thain's research and judgment are also related to the fact that those secret treasures of technological civilization generally have the power of special laws.

If it were just an ordinary technological product, the Rubik's Cube probably wouldn't be able to be exported.

What the Rubik's Cube really absorbs is actually the power of laws within those technological products!

It doesn’t mean swallowing other technological creations whole.

Didn’t the radar fragments used for research before end up being “vomited” out by the Rubik’s Cube?

When Thain had just obtained this extremely important research result.

Beyond the subspace ruins, war has arrived.

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