The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,646 Successive Harvests

In Thane's understanding, the "innate spiritual treasure" mentioned by Han Liao is a raw material that directly reaches the level of a world-class secret treasure without any repairs.

This level of treasure... indeed, Thain had never heard of it.

And what makes Thain a little strange is that since those top-quality materials that are bred from the essence of heaven and earth and the aura of the universe are of such high grade, why not process them into higher-grade treasures?

The difference in traditional cognitive concepts between wizard civilization and fairy civilization makes Thain temporarily unable to understand this phenomenon.

Han Liao and others were not professional weapon refiners in the Immortal Realm, so they could not answer Thain's question.

These questions may only be answered by themselves when Thain goes to the Immortal Realm in the future.

Because there was a fragment of a world-class secret treasure as an interlude, Thain and others stayed in this black Yinwen ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Ming ruins for a little longer.

In the subsequent exploration and analysis, Thain and others determined that this ruins should have been the vehicle of an important fourth- or fifth-level creature in the Black Yin Civilization several years ago.

And that domino-shaped world-class secret treasure is the treasure of that powerful man from the Black Yin Civilization.

It's a pity that due to long-term erosion, the domino can still be preserved in the form of fragments, but the owner of the ruins has no bones left.

In the end, Thain and others just found out that the other party's name might be "Youzhuo".

What a strange name.

According to research, the Black Yin civilization is also a branch of humanoid creatures.

There are not many Black Yin ruins discovered by the Wizarding Civilization. The main ruins of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization in this star field are still there.

And it may also be because the Black Yin Civilization was the loser. In short, among the ruins unearthed by the Wizard Civilization, there are quite a few specimens of the corpses of war beasts from the Black Yin Civilization, but there are very few remains of the Black Yin Civilization’s own creatures. Very few.

This makes Thain and others not know much about the Black Yin civilization. They only know that the other party is also a top civilization and has made great achievements in the field of war beast cultivation.

The fourth-level magician Lot found a fragment of a world-class secret treasure as a stimulus, and then the speed of Thain and others slowed down a little while moving forward.

Thain also asked WALL-E to introduce its previous living and working environment.

It seemed to be a ruin of steel.

Different from the yellow sand scene in the sky where Thain and others are at this time, the central area of ​​the Ai Youlan Die civilization ruins is an endless ocean of steel.

Another three months passed.

What made a special discovery this time was the dragon beast Qixiu.

Qixiu originally mastered the laws of the earth system and was extremely sensitive to certain special movements under the yellow sand.

After excavating a large area of ​​sand dunes, several relatively well-preserved Aiyoulandie civilization battleships appeared in the field of vision of Thain and others.

In one of the flagship-like warships, Qixiu found an energy ball that exuded a faint glow.

Another fragment of a world-class secret treasure!

Slightly different from the previous domino, this energy ball seems to still have some of its original effects.

Qixiu didn't understand these products of technological civilization, so in the end it was Thane who took over the operation for a long time. After activating its internal special program, the energy balls flew in all directions, opening an energy barrier.

This energy barrier is somewhat like the many barriers in the ruins, except that the color is a little bluer and much more powerful.

"I didn't expect that after such a long time of erosion, this thing still has so much energy inside."

"The thickness of the barrier is enough to withstand the full impact of an average level five creature."

"If this ball of light was in its prime, it should be able to easily block the attack of level six creatures." Thain played with the energy ball for a long time and then threw it back to Qixiu.

Qixiu's human form is that of a very stocky and strong young man.

Holding the energy ball in his hand and looking at it for a long time, he couldn't help but laugh "hehe".

After Mo Yan and Han Li returned to their human forms, they also got in front of Qixiu and watched closely.

To be honest, in Thain's opinion, this thing has limited benefits to Qixiu.

Because the dragon scales on Qixiu's body are extremely hard, the energy barrier blessing provided by this world-class secret treasure fragment is not lacking.

In addition, as a product of technological civilization, how to repair this light ball and how to process and upgrade it in the future is not something Qixiu can easily do.

Through communicating with these dragon beasts, Thain also learned about the powerful fairyland civilization. Although it is also divided into internal cultivation systems such as Buddhism, Taoism, demons, demons, etc., there are countless branches of these cultivation systems.

However, they all adhere to an arrogant and neglectful attitude towards technological civilization and other civilizations outside of the Immortal Realm Cultivation System.

For example, after the technological system was localized and developed in the wizarding world, the profession of "machinist" was catalyzed.

But these technological mysteries have no place for survival in the fairyland civilization!

this is one

A top-notch civilization that is tolerant yet arrogant, powerful yet conservative.

Tradition, civilization in the fairyland is a virtue.

Thain felt that this energy ball had limited effect on Qixiu, but it did not prevent Qixiu from enjoying himself for a while.

And Qixiu has indeed discovered a use for this energy ball - after he activates his true form of law, the barrier stimulated by the energy ball will stick to the dragon scales on his body, providing him with a layer of defense.

The situation of Lot and Qixi, during the subsequent exploration of the ruins, seemed to give everyone a shot in the arm.

Not only those fourth-level creatures, but also the hundreds of low-level knights and magicians who followed Thain and others were also very enthusiastic about exploring the ruins.

Large quantities of "good stuff" were discovered one after another by Thain and others.

Although there are no world-class secret treasures in the finished product, fragments of secret treasures with special fluctuations have been harvested repeatedly.

After a while, the fourth-level female magician Ge Li also got her wish and got a fragment of the secret treasure, which was a stone platform.

Although it was found in the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, Thain judged that the thing was not a technological item developed by the Aiyoulandie civilization, but should be a product of other civilizations.

Who says that technological civilization can only have technological secret treasures?

Since the Aiyou Landie civilization was extremely powerful back then and could defeat the Black Yin civilization, which was also a top civilization, it was reasonable to destroy some weak large and medium-sized worlds and seize the other party's world-class secret treasures.

What is the function of that stone platform? Even Thain and others couldn't figure it out for a short time. It seems to be used to assist cultivation?

There is a high probability that Geli will not need this thing. Her idea should be to sell this stone platform at a high price after returning to the wizarding civilization in the future.

Not only did Geli gain something, but Thain, Mo Yan, and Gilbert also made discoveries next.

The fragment of a world-class secret treasure that Thain discovered was a broken radar, which was obviously a product of technological civilization.

Although the mirror of this radar has been broken, it still has a certain detection effect.

It's just that Thane already has the Mask of No Form, so the value of this broken radar to him is of little importance.

Just when Thain was about to throw the radar back into the space equipment and regard it as another good harvest after entering this subspace ruins, there was a slight movement from the Rubik's Cube.

——The Rubik's Cube wants to devour and absorb this piece of broken radar!

Thain stared at the Rubik's Cube in his hand in surprise for a long time.

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