The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,643 The robot with a secret

The robot WALL-E was not found by Thane and the others, but it appeared on its own initiative.

There are two factors that cause WALL-E to appear. One is the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand, and the other is the golem constructed by the Flame.

But there is no need to explain these more detailed contents to Howard.

The Rubik's Cube is Thain's own thing, and Thain is also curious about whether he can discover any special secrets in this secret realm of top civilization.

Why is there a special connection between the robot WALL-E and the Rubik's Cube?

Is it just because WALL-E is also a robot that has awakened from his own wisdom?

These are all issues that Thain needs to discuss one by one next.

Regarding Master Howard's suggestion, Thain also communicated with Geri, Gilbert and others, and no one refused.

Under Thane, there are now hundreds of low-level knights and magicians gathered together.

There was no need for them to ask for advice. They would just follow Thain and other strong men above level four.

Thain also asked about the internal situation of Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

Overall, things are looking good so far.

Master Howard and others seem to be able to persevere.

Thain learned that the fifth-level female knight Aikaxi who came with him to this secret realm of subspace was now in the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

In addition, as a relatively reliable alliance creature under Thane, the fifth-level Kryptonian strongman Karazo is also in the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base at this time.

The appearance of Karazo and others also signified that the elite army of the wizarding world originally stationed outside the ruins also knew about the attack inside the ruins and urgently sent troops to assist.

However, the situation outside the ruins was not much better, and the legions originally stationed outside were also attacked.

Now the wizard civilization has shrunk most of its troops into the ruins, waiting for the arrival of other reinforcements.

Thain did not see the figures of Aikaxi, Karazo and others in the huge mirror condensed by the inert crystal.

It is estimated that the fighting inside and outside the base was too fierce, and it was not the time for the two of them to come over and meet Thain.

From Howard's mouth, Thain learned that the eight-winged angel robot that he had severely damaged had not appeared outside the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base for the time being.

This is definitely good news.

Otherwise, with the addition of a sixth-level combat power as a threat, the situation of Master Howard and others will undoubtedly be more difficult.


After ending the communication with Master Howard, Thain no longer hesitated and made a decisive decision, leading Geli and others to leave the vicinity of the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base and move deeper into the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

Thane didn't know where the core of this subspace secret realm was. In fact, even Wall-E didn't know.

One day more than 10 million years ago, after suddenly gaining wisdom, WALL-E has been following his established program - cleaning up garbage.

What secrets can a garbage cleaning robot know?

But Thain put it another way. He said he wanted to visit the place where Walli usually worked and lived.

This request was approved by Walli, so Walli took Thain and others and headed west.

The west of this subspace secret realm is also the center of the secret realm ruins determined by Thain and Howard ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ and others.

Without Wall-E's leadership, just the numerous energy barriers would be a major problem that would prevent Thain and others from advancing their exploration.

With the help of Wall-E, various obscure passages and special cracks were discovered one after another under the leadership of Wall-E.

As they get further and further away from the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base and go deep into the west of the secret ruins, Thain and others feel less and less threatened by the Gallente Federation. Instead, they are curious about the ruins of the Aylan Butterfly civilization.

Wall-E doesn't know what "archeology" is, but it knows what Thain and others are interested in.

During the subsequent exploration process, Wall-E will try his best to meet the requirements of Thain and others and take them to some places where the remains of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization remain.

In the past tens of millions of years, the ruins that Thain and others were interested in were just garbage disposal sites in Wall-E's eyes.

Yes, I don’t know how many scientific and technological artifacts of Ai Youlan Die’s civilization that are of great research value were compressed into iron lumps one after another under the huge force of WALL-E’s metal robotic arm.

After learning about this situation, Geli, Gilbert and others were heartbroken.

Wall-E's help to Thain and others is not free.

After roughly figuring out Wall-E's thoughts, Thain specifically asked Yuli to assign her Flame to communicate and interact with Wall-E whenever there was nothing wrong.

Wall-E may have awakened to the concept of "love," but Blaze obviously hasn't figured it out yet.

Not only the Flame, but also the group of intelligent robots on Cybertron that Thane suspected were not like this.


As expected of a top-notch technological civilization, Thane determined that the technological achievements achieved by the Ayrandie civilization back then were even greater than those of the Gallente Federation today.

Otherwise, how could a garbage cleaning robot understand love?

In addition to playing the emotional card of Flame, Thane also told Wall-E about the outside world.

Regarding the boundless and magnificent starry sky in the universe, WALL-E's probe-like eyes clearly showed some yearning and curiosity.

But this impulse and the desire to go out were all suppressed by it.

When Thain asked why, WALL-E's answer was not that he had to follow the procedures to clean up the garbage, but that he had to wait for his master.

The owner said he would come to pick it up.

"Who is your master?" Seth immediately caught the key point and asked immediately.

Faced with Thain's question, Walli first looked at him in confusion for a long time, and then his eyes showed a look of deep contemplation and pain. Obviously, this question was not easy to answer.

The body that was originally upright was also shaky. Some curls of green smoke floated out of Walli's body, and there was also a burning smell. I wonder if there was something wrong inside the body.

Seeing this, Thain quickly took out the energy amethyst and Rubik's Cube as backup.

It has been tested before that energy amethyst and Rubik's Cube can also work on Wall-E.

Before the two things in Thane's hand could take effect, Wall-E transformed into a metal cube under Thain's gaze.

This metal cube usually transforms into this shape when WALL-E avoids sandstorms or recharges its energy under the sun.

The occurrence of this situation at this time is obviously Thain's problem, which has touched some deep nodes in Wall-E's body.

This is a robot with a secret!

Being able to live for more than 10 million years, or even exist for longer, means that Wall-E contains many secrets.

In the end, WALL-E remained in this block form for three days.

Three days later, Wall-E returned to normal.

It still failed to answer Thain's question accurately, but recalled more scenes about its master.

"I remember being in a white room. I helped the master pick up the equipment, and the master praised me." Walli said ambiguously to Thain.

Thain nodded, then looked thoughtful.

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