The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,644 Income from the Relics (Additional update)

Who is the owner of Wall-E is a question that Thain and others will need to explore in the future.

However, in recent times, Thain and others have focused their attention on the various ancient civilization relics recently discovered.

Wall-E brought Thain and others through the subspace secret realm very quickly. In addition to the small cracks between the energy barriers, there were also a large number of metal passages underneath for Thain and others to pass through.

These underground metal passages are obviously better preserved than other heritage buildings.

During this process, Master Gilbert, relying on his excellent knowledge in mineralogy-related fields, actually excavated horizontally and explored several inert crystal veins from the underground metal channels pointed out by Walli.

"The scale of these veins is not small. The industry term is called 'rich mine'."

"If our wizard civilization can completely occupy this subspace in the future, we will be able to mine a lot of inert crystals."

"Let's record the coordinates of these mineral veins first, so that they may not be useful in the future," Master Gilbert said.

It happened that Gilbert was talking about the inert crystals he was good at, and Thain couldn't help but ask: "Is there anything similar to the top-quality inert crystal that the master traded to me last time?"

"To be honest, the reason why we were able to escape the pursuit of the Eight-Winged Angels and the Federation Fleet was largely due to the help of the super magic bomb made by the inert crystal." Thain said.

"Tsk, that top-quality inert crystal is something that can be encountered but not sought after."

"There should be similar crystals in the core of the Blue Star where we first discovered the remains of the Aiyou Orchid butterfly civilization."

"As for what I have on hand, I don't have any right now."

"But... there must be something hidden in this secret realm of subspace right now."

"For example, if we find a way to explore and dig into the deepest part of this rich mine in front of us and find the core of the mine, there must be similar crystal stones around it."

"If you are lucky, it is not impossible to find a crystal of higher quality than the previous one." Gilbert said, stroking the beard on his chin.

Master Gilbert's answer made Thain sigh with regret.

The development of inert spar veins is not an easy task.

It is more difficult to excavate than traditional energy crystal mines.

Harder geology, so

The special experimental equipment required and the massive manpower and material resources involved are not something that Thain and others can easily handle at this stage.

Coupled with the situation in the secret area of ​​subspace at this time, it is impossible for Thane and others to stop and slowly mine.

The search for the best inert crystals can only be put on hold for the time being.

However, after Master Gilbert's analysis, the inert crystal mine presented to them at this time was actually the product of the precipitation of a complex concentrated energy of the Aiyoulandie civilization several years ago.

Then the Aiyoulandie civilization back then must have had more advanced energy sources.

These inert crystals were equivalent to ordinary energy crystals in the eyes of creatures in the wizarding world such as Thain to the creatures of the Ai Youlan Butterfly civilization back then.

So, what exactly was the advanced energy used by the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization back then?

Especially when it comes to the energy used by organisms above level four.

The high-level energy of the Gallente Federation is the "star core" produced by various planetary planes.

The higher energy sources in the wizarding world are more complicated, including the godhead, the heart of the plane, the energy essence aggregated by the holy tower, etc.

If Thane could obtain some of the higher energy from the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization, it might be able to solve his current needs.

Master Gilbert and Master Weili are keen on the development, exploration and research of mineral veins in subspace. The other two fourth-level magicians, Ge Li and Lot, who are traveling with them, are even more aware of the scientific and technological mysteries mastered by the Ai You Lan Die civilization. interest.

Geli and Lott did not dabble in the field of mechanics, which was a shortcoming in their exploration of the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

But fortunately, Thain is half a mechanic. After coming into contact with some technologies from the ancient Aiyoulan butterfly civilization, Thain was able to gradually understand them.

For example, among the two ancient civilization ruins discovered in the past two months, the fourth-level magician Lot unearthed a light yellow cannon barrel from a special metal plate compartment.

The barrel is about two meters wide and 15 meters long.

Lot judged that this thing should be the spare artillery of a certain battleship of the Ai Youlandie civilization.

The complete form of this artillery piece is of course not just this small.

It can be judged from some deciphered Aiyoulandie civilization texts that after using a special method to activate the memory metal of this artillery

, the artillery can be extended to hundreds of meters in diameter and can reach kilometers in length.

The built-in main gun of the wizard civilization standard space fortress is about the same size.

"It would be great if this kind of artillery technology could be integrated into the Flame. This would be a good subject." After taking a close look at the artillery piece, Thain couldn't help but say.

At this time, Thane's mind already had a picture of the Flame driven by Yuli, fighting against a giant artillery.

Especially when the power of the artillery was comparable to a full blow from the main gun of the space fortress... The picture was so beautiful that Thain couldn't help but get excited.

Yuli also curiously stroked this technological remnant from the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization that was unknown tens of thousands of years ago.

Because of the proper storage‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, this cannon has not been overly corroded over a long period of time. When it was just excavated, its surface even exuded a special sense of care. Oil smell.

Of course, because it has been too long, this thing will definitely not be usable.

Moreover, the technology of Aiyoulandie's civilization is completely different from the technology mastered by the Gallente Federation, as well as the secrets of mechanics in the wizarding world.

Even if you obtain the other party's core secret, if you want to apply it to yourself, it will take at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years of training.

During this period, a huge amount of manpower and material resources were invested.

The reason why Bev, the true spirit mage of the Wizarding Civilization, is not too worried about the Gallente Federation acquiring the technology of the Orchid Butterfly Civilization is because even if the Federation wants to spend thousands of years absorbing the other party's achievements, it still depends on whether the Wizarding Civilization agrees.

Compared to what the future holds, wizard civilization values ​​the present more.

If you can't win on the civilized battlefield, all the talk will be in vain!

In the end, this newly discovered light yellow cannon was properly kept by Thain and others, and stored together with other items found in the ruins of civilization.

Now at first glance, these relic items that have lost their elemental wave aura do not have much value to Thain and others.

But their future expectations are high.

Just talk about the cannon barrel just now, if Thain can bring it back to the Wizarding World and show it in front of the mechanics in the City of Steel.

By then, there will be many requests for mechanics of level four or above to come to our door.

Purchase it from Thane at a huge cost.

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