The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,642: Drive straight in

Thain's statement was approved by the fourth-level female magician Ge Li, while several others did not express their opinions for the time being.

His family knows their own business, and in terms of combat ability, Thain is considered the best among fifth-level creatures, and the three brothers, Jiaolong Moyan, are not bad either.

But the remaining four, Geli, Lot, Gilbert, and Weili, are out-and-out research magicians.

They also suffered heavy losses in previous battles.

If they decide to attack the Gallente Federation army and join up with Master Howard and others in the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base, there will definitely be casualties.

Thain and others have fought against the Gallente Federation Legion several times in the ruins before. Especially after rescuing Master Gilbert and others, the Federation Legion must know that there is a group of powerful forces wandering outside the ruins.

I guess they are just waiting for Thain and others to take the bait!

Under such premise, it is not necessarily a wise move to break into the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base and wait for rescue.

"I wonder if that level six angel robot is also in this war zone?" Thain muttered while looking at the battlefield of the experimental base where energy fluctuations roared in the distance.

That sixth-level angel is indeed one of the biggest threats to Thain and others.

If the opponent is also on this battlefield, even if he was seriously injured in the previous battle, he is still a big threat.

Thain did not capture the battle fluctuations of the eight-winged angel for the time being, but he saw many angel-shaped robots with metal wings flying and hovering over the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

Violent energy beams shoot out from their chests or arms.

After seeing this situation, Thain couldn't help but feel a little heavier.

"Can you find a way to get in touch with Howard and the others in Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base?" Thain turned around and asked.

Faced with Thain's inquiry, Geli and Lot looked at each other, naturally there was nothing they could do.

However, Master Gilbert pondered for a long time and then said slowly: "I may have a way."

It is true that having an elder in a family is like having a treasure!

Master Gilbert is older than Geri, Lot and others, and his mastery of the truth is also more profound.

Facing the delighted looks of Sean, Geli and others, Master Gilbert said: "I need to find a nearby inert crystal first.

Ore veins, even if they are relatively small. "

"There are inert crystals we discovered in Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base. If we use the light frequency resonance effect of the inert crystal veins, we should be able to contact Master Howard and the others." Gilbert pondered.

Thain took a look at the surroundings, especially Wall-E, and immediately decided: "Let's go find the inert crystal veins now!"

With the help of the local robot Wall-E, it didn't take long for Thain and others to find a small inert crystal vein.

The process of contacting Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base was also relatively smooth. After Master Gilbert arranged the special magic circle, the Huangsha No. 2 Experiment gradually emerged in a huge mirror condensed by inert crystals. Situation inside the base.

Not long after, the fifth-level magician Howard appeared in the sight of Thain and others.

"I heard that the inert crystal here showed abnormal images, so I knew you were trying to contact us."

"How are you doing now?" Master Howard, who looks like a middle-aged man, can't hide the fatigue on his face at this time.

Even though Thain introduced their current situation to Master Howard, he also mentioned that some of the fourth-level and above magicians who had been behind the scenes had disappeared or died.

The situation of Thain and others is generally pretty good.

With combat power above level 4, including Constructor Yuri, Thain has eight people under his command!

Such a wave of power, if it really cooperates with Howard and others, should be able to cause a big impact on the Gallente Federation army surrounding the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

However, after hearing Thain introduce the origin and origin of WALL-E, Master Howard suppressed what he originally wanted to say.

Thane is a combat magician, and he may not know the value that WALL-E represents.

Master Howard is one of the most famous magicians in the field of archaeological research in the wizarding world. How could he not know the possible significance of WALL-E!

After taking a long breath, Master Howard said: "We accepted the assignment from the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization to enter the ruins of this top civilization. The purpose is to explore the mysteries of the Aiyoulandie civilization and find everything that has research value."

"Now the Gallente Federation Combat Corps is blocking us here, but we must not forget

Remember the original intention of entering this secret place of civilization. "

Howard then said seriously: "Master Thain, I suggest you not to get involved in the war vortex around the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base."

"You should go into the deepest part of this top civilization with the robot Wall-E who has awakened from his own wisdom, and find the highest secret of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization."

"As long as you can complete this mission, even if all of us sacrifice, it will be worth it!" Howard said.

"No matter what happens, in order to prevent the Gallente Federation from obtaining the relevant secrets, Thane, you must destroy any information that may aid the enemy."

"All aspects of the relics and data of this Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base are relatively well preserved, including the research results from other bases that we brought together after we gathered here."

"But ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏If the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base is finally lost and destroyed, I will definitely ensure that all the ruins and mysteries discovered by our wizard civilization are destroyed before I fall!" Howard was determined. said.

Although Master Howard is a research magician, when he said these words, he had a rather iron-blooded tone.

At this moment, Thain couldn't help but be in awe of Master Howard and others.

In fact, if Thain and others forcefully break through, it is Thain and the others who will be most at risk. On the contrary, Master Howard and others may have more new forces and have the opportunity and foundation to persevere.

But Master Howard finally gave up on Thain's idea of ​​entering the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base, and instead made a more rational decision from the perspective of wizard civilization and the overall situation.

Indeed, the small group of Thain and others now has quite a complete set of talents in all aspects.

Geli and Lott themselves have made outstanding achievements in the field of ancient civilization research. The two masters Gilbert and Weili have extremely high authority in the field of inert crystals. The three brothers Jiaolong Moyan are both powerful and I am very interested in the ruins of the Black and Yin civilization.

If the robot WALL-E is willing to lead the way, and Thain and others march straight to the deepest part of the secret realm of the Aiyoulandie civilization, they may really discover some supreme secret.

Thinking of this, Master Howard couldn't help but sigh: "How did you discover that robot WALL-E?"

"It's a pity that it was discovered too late. If we could have found it earlier, our previous exploration of the ruins would have been much faster." Howard regretted.

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