The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,641 Complicated composition

When Cuillis advanced the army towards the ruins of the Aiyoulandie Civilization Center, although it was stated that the Black Bat Civilization Legion could hold on to its original position, in the end there was still a Black Bat Civilization Legion following Cuilis's Wizards Alliance Legion.

This black bat civilization army is led by Bruce Wayne, a level five black bat warrior.

War is the most testing thing for people. In this war of the Black Bat Civilization, Bruce Wayne can be regarded as a rising star among the younger generation of Black Bat Civilization's strong men.

The older generation of sixth-level black bat experts were severely injured in the war with the ancient desert wasteland world. Even if the injuries are repaired in the future, it will be difficult for them to reach their peak again, let alone go further.

And Bruce Wayne has high hopes!

The power and authority of the Black Bat civilization in the future is likely to be handed over to him.

Including the world-class secret treasure of the Black Bat civilization, the bat wing helmet, there are now plans to let Bruce Wayne have early access to it and become familiar with its use.

Bruce Wayne also took the initiative to apply for following Cuillis to the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization this time.

As a fifth-level creature who had been in contact with Thane, and as a fifth-level strong man with ambitions and ideals, Bruce had already begun to prepare for the future in advance after seeing the powerful strength of the wizard civilization.

Bruce didn't know that Thain was in the ruins of that civilization. He just felt that since the wizarding civilization attached great importance to it, and a large number of combat legions were mobilized there, it was enough to prove that that battlefield was the next central place.

The merits of fighting a hundred wars in the Black Bat Civilization Star Domain are probably not as good as the merits achieved in the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

As for the danger of the central ruins, Bruce didn't care.

The legions under Bruce's command have been depleted for many years, and many of them are extremely exhausted. Logically speaking, resting and recuperating is the best decision.

Faced with Bruce's transfer, his Black Bat Legion did not show much complaint, but was extremely resilient.

This also demonstrates the influence and positive image established by Bruce Wayne during the war. Most Black Bat civilized creatures are willing to obey Bruce's command.

In addition to these black bat civilized creatures, the faster-moving White Star's legions are the most complex in composition!

Except for the sea tribe

In addition to the wizards, civilized knights, and magician legions that were originally stationed around the battlefield in the fantastic plane, there were also many other alliance biological legions.

Arthur, Gal Gadot, fifth-level Kryptonian Carl, and Barry, a creature from the electric world, all participated in the battle.

Gal Gadot's mother Hippolyta did not go with her, she had to stay and stay around the mysterious plane.

In previous wars, Hippolyta had shown good logistics and management skills.

Knights and magicians in the wizarding world, including Thane, have praised Hippolyta, and she has also created a good reputation among the gods of the alliance.

In addition to these existing alliance combat forces, there is also an interstellar mercenary army with considerable strength among White Star's legions.

This interstellar mercenary ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ group comes from the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce. Its total number is close to two million, of which there are fully twenty individuals who have reached the fourth level of life or above. Come on.

With the background of an interstellar chamber of commerce, it was actually able to pull out such a powerful mercenary army in a short period of time.

And the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce that appears around the battlefield of the wonderful plane is just one of their branches.

This interstellar organization, which has built an extremely large commercial territory, has branches in major star regions and around top civilizations.

The overall strength of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is probably unknown to many level six experts in the wizarding world.

This time, the most powerful among the interstellar mercenaries rushing to aid the central ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization was a level five peak razor mantis.

But the one that attracted the most attention, and had the most outstanding performance on the previous battlefields around the wonderful plane, was a giant of light with a fourth-level life level named Dexes.

This time it will also go to the battlefield near the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization Center.

Outside Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base.

The densely packed Gallente Federation combat legions surrounded this large-scale experimental base. Just a rough count showed that the combat power of these federal fleets was in the millions.

This is where most of the Gallente Federation’s main forces invested in this secret realm of top civilization.

The goal of the Gallente Federation was also obvious. After entering this secret realm, they also discovered that 97% of the surrounding area was blocked by energy barriers.

It is difficult to explore to extreme depths in the short term.

So the Gallente Federation set its sights on the wizarding civilization.

These professional research teams in the wizarding world arrived at least several years earlier than the Gallente Federation Assault Corps. (ps: The time flow rate inside and outside the subspace is taken into account here)

It is definitely much more convenient to get ready-made things directly from the wizard civilization than to explore and discover them by the Gallente Federation.

Of course, the Gallente Federation is so eager to engage in a decisive battle with the wizard civilization legion in the ruins, and it is also very likely that it has received the mobilization of legions from all parties outside the ruins.

Civilized war is a whole. No matter where Thain in the wizarding world or Bond, an agent of the Gallente Federation, are, they are an integral part of the civilized battlefield.

There is absolutely no such thing as a person who only cares about his own battle and does not care about the general development of the outside world.

The Gallente Federation's assault fleet is coming fiercely, but the garrison of the wizard civilization is not foolproof.

It can be seen that Master Howard and others who retreated to the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base gathered enough strength and got in touch with some of the elite garrison troops outside the ruins.

Therefore, when facing the siege of the Gallente Federation army, they still maintained a posture of active resistance and did not show any obvious decline in the short term.

Now, the question before Thain and others is: Should we break out of the encirclement and join forces with Master Howard and others?

"I don't think I can make a decision rashly for the time being." After learning about the situation around the Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base, Thain said.

The battlefield situation around this experimental base is obviously that the enemy is strong and we are weak.

The Gallente Federation came prepared, and the wizarding world was caught off guard.

Even if Thain and others break through and kill the generals, the final result will be the same as Master Howard and others, trapped in the base, waiting for reinforcements from outside.

Thane doesn't like this option of sitting still, preferring to take the initiative.

Or it may be that the experience and thinking inertia of the black magician back then have been affecting Thane.

——Now that they are safe for the time being, why do they still take the initiative to rush into the encirclement of the Gallente Federation?

Thain has the consciousness to sacrifice for the wizard civilization, but it does not mean that he will die blindly.

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