The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,640: Magical Arms (Additional update)

Salem, the strongest person in the ancient desert world, is not a true sixth-level peak creature at all!

This can only be said to be a "pseudo-level six peak"!

The cultivating creatures that embark on the self-evolution system have their own seriousness of advancement.

After Salem underwent a series of transformations from the Gallente Federation, he now possesses level six peak strength, and there is something not quite right no matter how you look at it.

And during the battle, Triris had a vague feeling that Salem's body was not completely under his control now.

The Gallente Federation seemed to have imposed some kind of restriction in his body.

However, the blessing of two world-class secret treasures, as well as Salem's increased strength after being transformed by the federation, still make him the most difficult enemy on this battlefield!

The fact that Triris can face off against such a being and maintain a tie in most cases also indirectly proves her strength.

Especially after Cuilisi opened the true body of the law, she had a head-on confrontation with Salem wielding an electric ax in the starry sky.

Many ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Most half planes and broken planes have become innocent victims of the confrontation between two level six creatures.

This collision of naked power made many fourth- and fifth-level knights in the wizarding world feel ashamed.

Is this really a magician known for his frail physique?

Cuilis' body-tempering mysteries and the world-class secret treasure magic short staff she holds are her main reliance on being able to fight Salem on the frontal battlefield.

Of course, Master Trilis’s secret of Jade Fire Magic is also very domineering!

In addition, the Green Fire Fortress under Cuilis, as a special fortress with a construction cost of hundreds of millions of magic coins, also provided Cuilis with a lot of firepower in this battle.

In the wizarding world, this kind of space fortress with a cost of over 100 million is, to a certain extent, not much different from a world-class secret treasure.

It's just that the space fortress is functional, and its more important role lies in legion battles.

The power blessing provided to individuals is not as intuitive as the true world-class secret treasure.

But in the history of wizard civilization, there are indeed cases where the space fortress worth over 100 million produced by Sky City was used to exchange world-class secret treasures with other civilized creatures...

Not only the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion marched towards this central ruins, but also the Sea Planet Legion, which originally fought with Bai Xing and others on the battlefield of the marvelous plane, was also urged by the Apocalypse World and the Gallente Federation behind them. Don't march towards that ruins area.

Civilized war legions numbering in the tens of millions, or even with a total strength of over 100 million, were fighting fiercely while slowly moving towards the coordinates of the starry sky where the secret space was located.

Regarding this situation, the happiest people should be the black bat civilized creatures.

The Black Bat civilization, which has experienced the suffering of war, has been in bad luck in the past hundred years.

The ancient desert wasteland's attack at all costs reduced half of the planes of the Black Bat civilization to scorched earth, and the remaining planes were also destroyed.

He was so nervous.

Due to the losses they suffered during the war and the consumption of resources, the wizarding civilization would not give them much assistance.

The situation of Black Bat Civilization and the Wonderful Plane are not the same thing.

However, Cuilisi and other powerful wizards from the civilization promised that after they counterattack to the ancient desert wasteland world group in the future, they can prioritize dividing the rules-complete plane of the ancient desert wasteland world group and handing it over to the rule of the Black Bat civilization.

But when to counterattack? Triris didn't say anything.

Will the Black Bat civilization really be given such preferential treatment by then? Black bat civilized creatures also have a hesitant attitude.

In short, this pie was drawn first.

The main battlefield is gradually moving away from the homeland of Black Bat Civilization, which is really a good thing for the creatures of Black Bat Civilization.

Although the central ruins are also very close to the Black Bat Civilization star field, it can even be said to be in the radiation zone where the Black Bat Civilization originally controlled the star field.

But the Black Bat civilized creatures are also happy with it.

As for ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ As for why there is a top-level civilization relic in the blank star field that was not originally valued by the Black Bat civilization, this is not something that the Black Bat civilization can consider. Yes.

After so many years of development, it is indeed a failure of the Black Bat Civilization to even know that there are many civilization ruins nearby.

When Cuilis went to the central ruins of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization to rescue her disciples, Thain and others, she did not forcefully require the creatures of the Black Bat civilization to accompany them.

On the one hand, the Black Bat Civilization also needs to stick to their original front, and on the other hand, Cuillis does not think highly of the combat effectiveness of those Black Bat Civilization legions.

She has received news that the wizard civilization has sent a large number of legions to reinforce this star field battlefield, including many fifth and sixth level creatures.

Even judging from the scale of the battlefield, it is not an exaggeration to have a master-level creature come in person.

I just don’t know for the time being which master the wizard civilization will send over.

Starry sky.

Hundreds of space fortresses fired volleys of fire at the enemy legions on the battlefield in front of them.

The number of light prism fortresses reaches thousands, and the total number of war airships has already exceeded one hundred thousand.

In addition, the wizard civilization also relied on those space fortresses and light prism fortresses to mount a large number of magic cannons and special warfare devices.

There are many magic equipments newly developed by Sky City, Capecchi and Steel City in recent years.

The wizarding civilization also continued to grow during the war, especially the magical devices from the City of Steel. Because they were made by mechanics, they looked similar to the creations of technological civilization.

A large number of magic puppets have also been thrown to the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

Trillis, the master of Thane, is quite popular in the wizarding world.

Many of those magic puppets were just experimental products created by the City of Steel, and their performance was actually tested through war.

If you don’t have a special relationship with the City of Steel, you may not be able to apply.

Invite so many magic puppets to join the battle.

Different from the alchemy puppets that Thane had come into contact with in the past, the magic puppets that City of Steel brought out this time were larger, more powerful, and capable of self-control.

The power levels of these magic puppets are often at the second or third level.

And their controllers are first-level magicians who are in safe areas such as space fortresses.

Using mental power for remote control, I don’t know if the inspiration for making these magic puppets comes from the constructed golems of the Neisser civilization, or the mechas being used by the Rose Dynasty civilization and the Gallente Federation, or maybe all of them. Of.

Another purpose of the mechanics of the City of Steel in creating this giant war puppet is to help low-level magicians gain early access to battles with high-level creatures.

Lay the foundation for their future advancement and broaden their horizons.

Of course, this nurturing purpose is not mainstream now.

Cui‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Liz and other leaders of a star field war zone are more concerned about the blessing effect of those magic puppets on the underlying battlefield.

In addition to the above-mentioned magic puppets and new large-scale magical equipment, during this civilized war, the knights in the wizarding world also underwent several rotations of equipment.

Since Thane is an alchemist, he and the people around him build their own equipment.

And the level of life is high, and he is a magician again.

As a result, Thain paid little attention to the situation of the knights at the bottom.

If you carefully observe the underlying conditions of this civilized battlefield, you will find that the vast group of knights in the wizarding world have gradually evolved from the habit of using magical armor before the war to using magical weapons.

The concept of magical weaponry originally came from City of Steel, and was later deepened and supplemented by Sky City.

At first glance, these magical devices look a lot like the exoskeleton armor prepared by technological civilization for warriors.

But in fact, what they strengthen is the individual combat power of the knights at the bottom of the wizarding world.

A more industrialized and standardized manufacturing process allows this kind of magical weapon to have a lower cost and manufacturing time than ordinary magical armor.

The battle of civilized war is actually about the foundation.

Although this relatively standardized magical device somewhat buries the imagination and creativity of the alchemists in the wizarding world.

But I can’t stand it. It’s so useful.

Many low-level knights in the wizarding world like this type of magical weaponry. While fighting hard on the battlefield, they suddenly release two shoulder-resistant magical beams from their shoulders.

This combination of brutal violence and elemental power makes many knights feel like "half magicians."

In the wizarding world, most knights admire and respect magicians.

This change in the war model can also be regarded as the change caused by the Gallente Federation to the wizarding civilization.

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