The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,639 Assistance from all parties

Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base is located further south of here.

Thanks to the extremely vast space in this secret subspace, Thain and other wizards and civilization magicians were able to establish so many experimental bases after entering.

Compared with the entire subspace secret realm, the areas that Thain and others explored and touched are not worth mentioning.

The arrival of the Gallente Federation Legion will definitely accelerate the exploration of this secret realm of subspace by both civilizations.

"Many federal ships escaped just now. We must leave here as soon as possible." Thain said.

"Where has Master Thain decided to go? Huangsha No. 2 Experimental Base?" asked the fourth-level magician Ge Li.

Thain nodded and said: "Go and take a look first, but you can't take the roads that have been explored."

"It's better to follow WALL-E, bypass the unbroken energy barriers, and observe the battle situation over there closely before making a decision." Thain said in a deep voice. .

Thain is currently the strongest, and of course these research-based fourth-level magicians are willing to listen to him.

The three Mo Yan brothers had no objection, but they made another supplementary suggestion: "Before we leave, let us collect and organize the research results of this experimental base."

"I seem to smell a lot of the original liquid of the genes of the Black Yin civilization. It's a pity to throw them away like this." Mo Yan sniffed his nose and said.

Thain glanced at Gilbert and others, then nodded in agreement.

While Mo Yan and others were busy, Thain walked up to Gilbert and asked curiously: "Master, aren't you good at mineralogy and inert crystal research? How come you are here at the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization?"

"This is a cross-cutting ruins, with many inert crystals and remnants of the Black Yin civilization, and the inert crystals were the first to be discovered," Gilbert said.

"My mission to enter this top civilization ruins is mainly to explore and investigate inert crystals."

"Many research indications indicate that the inert crystals we discovered now should be a compressed energy of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization tens of millions of years ago."

"It seems that the Black Yin civilization also has special uses for this type of crystal."

"Sure enough, the secrets of research in various fields are interlinked. The secrets of top-level civilizations tens of millions of years ago are not so easy to obtain."

“We still follow the league’s instructions and complete our

Just do your assigned tasks. "Gilbert sighed.

Thain agrees.

Before leaving the experimental base, Mo Yan and others dug out another giant fang from nowhere.

This giant fang has been determined to come from a level five giant beast from the Black Yin Civilization tens of millions of years ago.

The reason why it has not been corrupted until now is that the black liquid soaked on the surface of the fangs plays a big role.

The fang was finally properly put away by Thane.

Originally, this kind of thing was obtained as a public archaeological study of wizard civilization, but in the current situation, leaving it here can only be a waste or cheap for the Gallente Federation.

Why don't you take it away first and keep it safe?

Regarding Thain's actions, Mo Yan, who took away a large amount of black ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, and Gill, who took away many inert crystals unearthed from the ruins, Master Bert expressed strong support.

If time were not so tight, Thain and others could actually take away more things.

In the end, the experimental equipment and relics that could not be taken away could only be destroyed in the same way as the previous experimental base.

Fierce flames of ash rose over the small experimental base in front of them. Looking at this special fire of laws that belonged exclusively to Master Thain, many magicians expressed great surprise and strong curiosity.

Some low-level magicians even want to collect some elemental specimens of Ember Fire, but unfortunately, due to the strength of the instruments in their hands, most of them don't even have props that can contain Ember Fire.

In the end, I could only collect a few embers of the Ash Fire, hoping to get a glimpse of the truth of this fifth-level great magician.

Thain did not stand in the way of these situations.

I still remember that when he was only a second or third-level magician in his early years, he collected the elemental embers of the fifth-level magician Master Dark Fire on the plane battlefield.

This behavior of low-level magicians just proves their sense of vitality about the future and their growth in the elements.

On the other hand, Gilbert, Gerry and other fourth-level magicians have already determined the path they are taking, and they are all incompatible with the laws of fire elements and the mystery of ashes.

They did not take the liberty to ask Thain for any information about the mystery of Ashes.

When leaving this small experimental base, Thane and his team had Master Gilbert and Master Weili.

, in addition to the two fourth-level research magicians, there are hundreds more low-level magicians.

In terms of numbers, there are more people than before.

When something happened to the central ruins of Ai Youlan Die's civilization, the wizard civilization legion in the surrounding battlefields actually received the news as early as the first time.

The wizarding civilization is not blind, and all parties pay more attention to this secret realm of civilization.

Originally, they wanted to quietly develop this civilization ruins, but never expected that the Gallente Federation would discover this place so quickly and lock the coordinates of the secret ruins.

The first person to send troops to reinforce the secret realm at the center of Aiyou Landie's civilization was Thain's master Cuilis.

Since the Gallente Federation has clearly shown a tendency to move closer to the Central Secret Realm, Triris went there in person this time!

But the fastest one to reach the area near the central secret realm was not the army led by Cuilis, but the sea army led by Bai Xing.

In comparison, the marvelous plane battlefield seems to be closer here.

The fundamental reason why Bai Xing arrived the fastest was actually because he was worried about his three younger brothers.

The special induction from the dragon clan of their lineage allowed Bai Xing to vaguely feel that Mo Yan and others were seriously injured, especially Han Liao's condition, which seemed to be the worst.

This special connection between dragons is clearest among direct bloodlines.

As cousins, Bai Xing and Han Liao actually felt that they were weakened.

But because the star field was relatively close, Bai Xing was also clearly aware of it.

If something goes wrong with Han Liao and others, Bai Xing is afraid that he will be unable to face the uncles and uncles in the Immortal Realm in the future.

Bai Xing hurriedly moved closer to the central secret realm for support. Bai Xing scolded Mo Yanjing in his mind for causing trouble to her, while at the same time he was worried about the safety of his younger brother.

The legion movements in the Black Bat Civilized Battlefield and the Wonderful Plane Battlefield are ongoing on both sides.

Not only the wizarding civilization, but also the Gallente Federation has also made great moves.

Seren, the strongest man in the ancient desert world with peak strength of level 6, holds two world-class secret treasures and leads tens of millions of ancient desert world troops to approach here.

Trilis has fought against this level six peak creature several times in the past.

How should I put it, everyone has his own victory or defeat.

Cuilisi, who is at a lower level, will suffer a little loss.

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