The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,638 Acquaintance

From the first time he came into contact with Wall-E, Thain had no self-control and showed some arrogance and domineering side towards Wall-E.

Instead, he always maintained a gentle attitude and tried his best to talk to Wali in a tone of equal discussion.

If Thain and others wanted to find something in the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, he had a hunch that the ordinary-looking and somewhat rusty robot in front of them was the key.

After all, this robot should be the only "indigenous" person in this subspace ruins.

Relying on Wall-E, Thain and others can not only pass through various energy barriers calmly, but maybe they can also find the true core of this top civilization ruins?

Wall-E showed extremely high adaptability to the energy amethyst he had never seen before.

When the blue-violet crystal gradually melted from Wall-E's body surface and turned into a blank translucent crystal.

Wally's rusty metal surface became much smoother.

Traces of light golden metal replaced the original rusty iron sheet.

Although it still looks like a square robot, its appearance and first impression have improved dramatically.

"It seems that energy amethyst is also effective on robots produced by this ultra-ancient technological civilization. No wonder the Rubik's Cube had a special response to it before." Thain touched his chin and nodded.

Walli also touched his metal body curiously. After looking at himself and his surroundings blankly for a while, Walli said, "I'm so full."

Energy amethyst has the function of energy, and it also has some effects on improving the strength of robots.

However, this thing cannot be absorbed too much in a short period of time.

When the energy amethyst was first discovered in the early years, the Lieyan was "stuffed" in one breath.

The way WALL-E used to replenish energy was to turn on the solar photovoltaic panels behind him.

This has been the case for tens of millions of years.

Thain did not find any energy fluctuations in the inert crystal on Wall-E.

Thain did not immediately jump to conclusions about the situation.

"Okay, now that the injuries are being repaired and the energy has been replenished, let's go search for others." Thain said.

After receiving the help of Wall-E, the search and transfer speed of Thain and others were significantly faster.

Under the leadership of Wall-E, special passages or cracks were found to pass through the energy barriers that originally blocked Thain and others from going to other areas.

Some channels or cracks are only a few centimeters wide and are covered with yellow sand.

No Wall-E

Such a familiar guide, an ordinary living body, would never be able to find this kind of passage in a short time.

Due to the interference of those energy barriers, Thain's Formless Mask and other detection magic are greatly restricted in this subspace secret realm.

When passing through those narrow cracks, Thain and others can activate the true form of the elements to pass through, while WALL-E can transform into a thin layer of iron.

There are about a dozen knights with low strength, and there are no special secret techniques such as bone shrinkage. For them, Thain directly loaded them into space equipment and packed them away.

Although Thain does not have the special props to install large quantities of legions on hand, it is not a problem to install dozens of people. The space necklace Yuli used before can do the job.

The speed of moving forward in the subspace secret realm is much faster, but it does not mean that Thain and others will definitely gain something.

All in all, Thain and others have gone a long way.

After discovering two experimental bases that had been reduced to ruins, Thain and others finally found an acquaintance at the third experimental base.

At this time, fighting was still taking place inside and outside this smaller base.

Thain was ready to join the battle just by looking at each other with Ge Li, Mo Yan and others.

This experimental base is not the site of the ruins of the Aiyou Landie civilization, but the ruins of the Black Yin civilization.

Far away, Thain saw his old acquaintance Master Gilbert, and another old lady named Wei Li, a fourth-level magician.

Master Gilbert is not good at fighting, but at this time outside the experimental base, the old man was actually very lively.

A series of dense meteorite rain fell from the sky, and after falling to the ground, there were successive explosions.

In the sound of the explosion, Thane smelled a hint of inert crystal.

All in all, Master Gilbert and others played impressively.

There were not many Gallente Federation legions in front of them. There was only one fleet group that could match the fourth level of combat power. There were also two giant mechas that were more troublesome.

It seems that there are relatively few wizard civilization legions that have retreated to this small base, so the Gallente Federation has not invested much power here.

With the help of Wall-E, Thane and others unexpectedly broke out from another energy barrier and joined the battlefield.

The number of knights and magicians under Thane and others is very small, but there are quite a lot of them who cannot hold up the level 4 combat power.

Except for Han Liao, who was seriously injured and did not participate in the battle, other fourth-level combat forces, including Yuli driving the Flame, also attacked.

Thain, who has been paying attention to Wall-E, discovered that Wall-E seemed to have been helping the Flame during the battle.

Even though Thain was slow, he still found a clue.

Can robots fall in love? Thain suddenly felt like his head was as big as a bucket.

Robots, like elemental creatures, supposedly reproduce asexually and are constantly dividing.

And how can there be any gender distinction between robots?

Thain's impression is that most robots have neutral voices.

The Optimus Prime, Megatron, and others he had come into contact with did have male voices.

Because Lieyan has been with Yuli all year round, the voice used is a female voice.

Does this define gender among robots?

Thain, who pinched his brows and felt a little headache, no longer thought about these confusing questions.

This situation has indeed gone beyond the truth and mysteries that I usually study.

However, the occurrence of this situation made the value of Thain's next development of WALL-E even higher.

If WALL-E is really a desireless robot, Thane doesn't know how to proceed.

The battle outside this small experimental base ended quickly.

The sudden appearance of many wizard civilization level four and above creatures disrupted the Gallente Federation Legion's position.

After the flagship decided to retreat, these federal ships and giant mechas evacuated without looking back.

Thain and others did not pursue them one after another because they did not know the layout of the Gallente Federation or where the other federal fleets were.

What Thain wants to know now is where the main army of the wizard civilization is, especially the situation of the guard army originally stationed outside the ruins.

"I didn't expect that Master Thain would show up here to save us. I thought something happened to you all at the main base." Gilbert sighed after appearing in front of Thain.

"Where are Master Howard and the others?"

"We originally agreed to temporarily retreat in this direction, but on the way I only saw two experimental bases that had been reduced to ruins, and I did not see Master Howard and others." Thain asked with a frown.

"I haven't seen Master Howard and others either, but I received their message before."

"All the knights and magicians in the ruins are required to gather and garrison at Huangsha Base 2. Our guard regiment originally stationed outside the secret realm is also there."

"Besides me and Weili, there are two other level four magicians in this experimental base."

"Weili and I are old and frail and lack energy, so we volunteered to stay and take on the sniper mission."

"Those two people led more research magicians from the original base to Huangsha Base 2." Gilbert said.

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