The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,637 Making Friends

"Take us around the surrounding area and help us search for other knights and magicians who are still alive."

"Whatever you want, we will satisfy you. We in the wizarding world have always followed the principle of equal transactions." Thain said sincerely to Walli.

A fifth-level magician was actually communicating with a robot. When Thain was talking to Wall-E, both Geli and Lott looked at them curiously.

However, Geri and Lot should also have discovered that WALL-E has a certain degree of self-intelligence and is not a metal puppet completely controlled by others.

The magicians had never seen anything strange and strange. The two fourth-level magicians were surprised that WALL-E had wisdom, but they accepted it quickly.

Faced with Thain's sincere request, Walli lowered his head and thought silently for a long time. Thain noticed its probe-like eyes and glanced at it very evasively and cryptically. Looking at Yuri not far away.

As a robot, Wall-E certainly had no feelings for Yuri. When Thane looked over, he realized that Wall-E was looking at the Flame.

Yes, through contact with the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, Thane knew that this type of man-made technological life form was particularly concerned with "the same kind".

I saw Thain beckoning, calling Yuli over, pointing to the Lieyan she was driving and saying: "This is also our 'partner', named Lieyan. Like you, she also awakens from self-wisdom." The robots are just products of magic technology."

"Our wizarding civilization has always advocated the equality of life and believes that robots that awaken from their own intelligence also belong to life. There are even many intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron that have joined our wizarding alliance."

"Contrary to the advocacy of our wizarding world, the evil legions we fought before came from the Gallente Federation. They are keen on unlimited exploitation of the power of the robot family, and curb the growth of their intelligence, treating all robots as slaves."

"I hope you can help us. Again, if you have any requirements, just ask us and we will try our best to satisfy you." Thain said sincerely.

Finally, Thain added: "This is also for the future of your robot family."

Wall-E hadn't spoken to anyone else in tens of millions of years, and suddenly being talked to by Thain made him feel a little confused and confused.

However, putting the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation together,

Let Wall-E tell you who he likes more.

Wall-E naturally has a more favorable impression of wizard civilization.

The reason for this is not only because of the Flame, but also because when we came into contact with the two warring legions before, the eight-winged angel Fumila obviously belonged to the robot family, but Wall-E was on her body, and she did not feel the aura of "the same kind" at all. .

Suddenly coming into contact with a group of strangers, WALL-E is naturally more inclined to his own kind, not to mention that he has a crush on the Flame.

Just when Thane motioned to Lieyan, a fellow member of Wall-E, to say a few words, Wall-E took the initiative and said, "I can help you. As for giving back..."

"Then please treat her injuries first." Walli said, pointing to the Flame.

There is no need for Vali to say more, Thain is also willing to heal the Flame.

It's just that the focus of attention during the journey just now has been the three Mo Yan brothers, so Thain has not yet freed up his hands to repair the damage to the Flame.

Having owned the Flame for so many years, Thane himself even personally participated in the design of the golem driven by Yuri.

At this time, Thain can call himself half a mechanic without exaggeration.

Thain can complete some minor repairs himself.

For relatively large damage, either it must be sent to Sky City or Capecchi for repair, or it must be repaired using a world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube.

In this current situation, Thain certainly uses the latter.

When the cube-shaped blue-purple Rubik's Cube appeared in Thain's hand, not only WALL-E was attracted to it, but also Ge ​​Li and the others and the three Mo Yan brothers stared directly at it.

"Master Thain has so many good things in his hands. You are a weapon refiner, right? Did you make all of these yourself?"

"Including the magic bomb that severely damaged the Eight-Winged Angel before..." Geli curled her lips and muttered.

Thain had no intention of answering Geri's words. In addition to setting the Rubik's Cube in the special groove in the chest of the Flame, he also took out a lot of energy amethysts.

This groove was specially processed and opened up later, and Thain also discovered that with the blessing of the Rubik's Cube, the strength of the Flame will be further improved.

Those energy amethysts were placed in the Flame's energy absorption cabin by Thane.

Watching this Rubik's Cube gradually come into play, Lieyan

A dim and blurry blue light also rose from the surface of the drone, and Thain couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

He didn't give the Rubik's Cube to Yuli immediately before, but held it in his own hand, just to see if he could inspire the power of the Rubik's Cube to rebel against the angel-shaped robot when fighting the eight-winged angel.

But the final result was obviously disappointing.

Not only did the Rubik's Cube not have any effect on the eight-winged angel, but Thain and others were also hunted down.

Fortunately, they had a magic bomb as a trump card and the robot WALL-E suddenly appeared to lead them.

Otherwise, even if Thain can break through with difficulty, others around him will be at risk.

"If the Rubik's Cube can really instigate rebellion and control all the robots produced by the Gallente Federation without distinction, when I first brought it back to the wizarding world, those true spirit level magicians, It has long been taken away as a strategic prop.”

"In the end, he returned the Rubik's Cube to me, and even used some method that I couldn't understand to upgrade the Rubik's Cube to the level of a world-class secret treasure. It is enough to show that this Rubik's Cube has not yet reached the level of strategic significance. It is just a special function. It’s just a world-class secret treasure.”

"When I later helped the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron activate the ordinary robots they produced, the chance of the robots awakening was only about one in ten."

"And the higher the strength and the more complex the performance of the robot, the greater the Rubik's Cube energy it needs to consume when awakening its wisdom."

"What is the success rate of robots awakening to wisdom? What is its working principle? I am still in a state of half-understanding. I hope I can find some clues in the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization this time."

"Now it seems that the Aiyoulandie civilization has also made great achievements in the field of robotics." Thain looked at Wally and thought deeply.

Wall-E was also very curious about the Rubik's Cube that Thain took out, especially the process of the Rubik's Cube slowly repairing the Flame, which had nothing to do with the "maintenance knowledge" that Wall-E had been exposed to in the past.

Those energy amethysts also attracted WALL-E's attention.

Just as dragon beasts such as Mo Yan are instinctively keen on the gene mucus of the Black Yin civilization, smart robots such as Wall-E have little resistance to the energy amethyst, which is of great benefit to them.

"Do you want to try it?" Thane asked, holding a large piece of energy amethyst in his hand and handing it to Wall-E.

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