The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,633 Sacrificing one’s life for rescue

The battle in the underground passage broke out faster than expected.

Yuri was still controlling the Flame to relocate the bombs and place them in a special magic formation.

Thain has already fought against the eight-winged angel Fumila again.

After being severely damaged by the super magic missile, the strength of this eight-winged angel has indeed dropped significantly.

It's just that Thain's own injuries were not small. In this small and dark underground passage, the first round of confrontation between the two sides was actually half-matched.

Qixiu is indeed the oldest among the three Mo Yan brothers, and is also the earth dragon beast with the strongest body protection.

When Mo Yan went to take care of Han Li, thanks to Qixiu who activated the dragon beast's true body, in this small environment, he helped Thain block many attacks from Fumila, so Thain performed better. From ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏.

Qixiu was not in a good condition at this time. He was shot twice by Fumila, and his belly was stabbed twice by a lightsaber. This honest earth-type dragon beast really grimaced in pain.

Roaring dragon chants came from Qixiu's mouth. Unfortunately, Qixiu's attacks were too slow. Even in a dark and small environment, the eight-winged angel was not hit by Qixiu several times.

The world-class secret treasure diamond, which was originally used as a valuable means of attack, was later used as a piece of armor by Qixiu.

Brothers and sisters Bai Xing, Mo Yan, and Bi Xi all have two dragon horns, and these dragon horns look very similar.

As a cousin, Qixiu only has a single horn on his forehead.

Qixiu's current fighting method is also very strange. I don't know if fighting has forced out its potential, or if it had this fighting method in the past.

It actually fused the diamond with its own horn.

A bright golden light emerged from the Qixiu's dragon head. With the protection and blessing of this golden light, the Qixiu's ability to withstand attacks also increased.

Originally, Thain had hesitated before, whether he should take advantage of this special underground passage environment to gather all his strength and find a way to quickly kill this eight-winged angel.

But now it seems that it was a wise move for him to let Mo Yan and others go first.

With the combat power of this eight-winged angel, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

The difference of one level in strength level really represents a world of difference.

Thain believed that he would never be able to retain such combat power after an explosion of that level.

Besides this

In addition to the eight-winged angel, while Thain was fighting with him, there were also a steady stream of drones and angel-shaped robots, entering from both sides of the passage.

Although these angels only have combat power below level four, the fearless attitude of the robots in following instructions is also quite troublesome.

When several medium-sized warships also flew into this underground passage, Thane was able to judge the determination of these Gallente Federation legions to pursue them.

"Faster!" Thain shouted to Yuri.

The eight-winged angel Fumila was now completely covered in darkness, and she no longer had her previous handsome appearance.

The only remaining electronic eye continued to glow red in such a dark environment.

Coupled with its exposed metal skeleton and energy pipe lines, it really makes people look like an evil ghost at a glance.

While holding a lightsaber to fight against Thain and Qixiu, after Thain spoke, the robot actually glanced at Yuri's location.

I don't know what judgment its information processing center made, and then Fumila activated the only four wings left behind it and rushed straight towards Yuli, obviously to prevent her from setting up the magic circle.

Yuri had been seriously injured in the previous battle, and the Flame she was driving was still emitting thick smoke.

In a hurry, Thane hurried to support Yuli, but faster than him was Wall-E, who had been staying not far from Yuli.

Facing the aggressive offensive of the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila, I don't know what Wall-E was thinking. He directly stretched out his two tan mechanical arms and blocked the Flame.

The two robotic arms have been in disrepair for many years, and there are still many rust spots on the surface.

Even WALL-E's size did not have an advantage in front of Fumila. In the short contact time, Thane could not tell that the opponent looked like a combat robot at all.

However, in the face of Fumila's approaching attack, Wall-E actually blocked it.

The two seemingly slender mechanical arms were significantly deformed in the face of Fumila's huge impact.

But it's just deformation, not complete destruction.

Including that after WALL-E was hit, he just fell backwards and was knocked away. The prompts from the Maskless Mask and the Rubik's Cube told Thain that the square robot seemed to be fine.

It stood up again from the ruins, only shook its body, and quickly controlled its crawler legs, rushing towards the Flame.

At this time, Thain also arrived again. With several people working together to defend against the enemy, the eight-winged angel Fumila was unable to make any progress this time.

Even the dragon beast Qixiu, who had been passively beaten before, glanced at Wall-E curiously.

It was surprised that this iron lump could block the attack from Fumila.

It's just that Wall-E has been passively defending and has not taken the initiative to attack.

Thain really couldn't see any offensive weapons hidden in Wall-E's seemingly simple structure.

This may not be a combat robot in the first place!

"Ready, Master!" Yuli's voice appeared in Thain's ears again.

Immediately stopped Qixiu and Wall-E beside him, and after using the Phaseless Mask to release the last five-shot Aurora Eye magic, Thain quickly took it with him‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​ ‏‏‏We flew towards the end of the passage.

"Boom!" The explosion, together with more violent turmoil, then appeared in this narrow underground metal passage.

The metal pillars surrounding the metal passage finally tilted and collapsed under the influence of special blasting techniques and magic arrays.

The violent explosion also triggered a series of subsequent chain reactions.

The entire underground passage was destroyed and invaded. Standing on the surface and looking down, you will find that the originally flat or undulating yellow sand ground has quietly sunk a lot!

Because Thain and others were all level four or above, they ran fast enough. Haoxuan managed to rush out before the passage was completely overturned.

When rushing out of the underground passage, Thane only cared about Yuli and Qixi beside him, and didn't pay much attention to the robot WALL-E.

But WALL-E is not slow either. Although he only seems to have a pair of crawler legs, he can run faster and more steadily than Thain!

Even if there are no offensive weapons mounted on the body, just based on its speed, strength and anti-strike ability, Thane mentally evaluates WALL-E as a fourth-level or even fifth-level combat power.

After all, how can any ordinary robot catch a blow from the eight-winged angel?

Following the violent explosion, the metal channel behind him was completely engulfed, and Thain never found the Eight-Winged Angel and other federal fleets again.

On the contrary, there is a giant tornado sandstorm, which is gradually taking shape.

The emergence of this sandstorm will also completely wipe out the traces left by Thain and others here.

After glancing at the direction, Thain pointed to the southwest and said, "Let's head there."

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