The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,632 Underground Passage

Wall-E, who had been secretly watching the battle, saw the black mushroom cloud rising into the sky in the center of the battlefield, and also saw Thain and others and the Gallente Federation Legion who were chasing and escaping.

According to the nature of its composition, the Flame is a metal creation and can be classified as a "robot", and the eight-winged angel chasing Thane and others is also a robot.

Wall-E did feel a similar robot sensation from the eight-winged angel Fumila.

But when it comes to who is WALL-E's "similar", it still prefers the Flame.

It's not just because the Flame Horn caused Wall-E's body to be slightly paralyzed, but also because of the mysterious and mysterious connection - the Flame Horn, who was opened up by the Rubik's Cube to use his own wisdom, is alive, and the eight-winged angel Fumila can only follow the instructions. No matter how strong she is, she is still a dead thing!

So Walli decided to help the Flame, Thain and others regardless of his own safety.

Wall-E has tasted the feeling of loneliness for tens of millions of years. It is not easy for him to meet a "similar person", and of course he is not willing to give up.

For Thane and others, the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, which is comparable to a large plane space, have been explored by Wall-E in the past tens of millions of years, and they are so familiar that they are no longer familiar.

Although Wall-E sticks to his duties and clears away garbage most of the time.

But just occasional exploration in leisure time is enough for it to become familiar with the entire secret space.

The wizarding civilization has only entered these ruins for a short period of time, and the previous main research directions were also in the excavated ancient civilization ruins.

In fact, as an extremely prosperous top-level scientific and technological civilization, the Ai You Lan Die civilization not only developed an extremely powerful and advanced fleet group to conquer the world, but also managed the world under its command very appropriately.

There used to be extremely complex and comprehensive underground passages distributed in various worlds of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

Although most of these passages have been buried by the erosion of time, there are still some that are relatively well preserved.

The metal passage that Thain and others entered is one of them.

What's even more commendable is that these extremely narrow metal passages seem to have directly crossed many energy barriers that blocked the previous exploration of Thain and other wizard civilization teams.

If I had known this, if I could

How much effort would it take to discover and obtain the accurate map routes of these underground metal passages in advance?

Not long after entering the underground metal passage, Thain discovered from many details that this was probably not the main activity area of ​​the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization back then.

There were metal scraps with a sense of age everywhere, and Thain also saw a lot of corroded scraps similar to railroad tracks.

It's a pity that no relatively complete set of ruins specimens have survived, otherwise it would be a good way to study the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization.

After leading Thane and others into the underground metal passage, the cube robot WALL-E said nothing and just led the way.

Thain was curious about where this thing came from, but the other party didn't say anything and there were soldiers chasing behind him, so he could only suppress his doubts for the time being.

In fact, Wali didn't say a word, mainly because he was shy.

He hasn't seen any other living creatures in more than 10 million years, let alone the Flame, which makes WALL-E extremely excited. It can maintain its tracks stably and lead the way at extremely fast speeds. It is already considered a good performance. .

After traveling a long distance, and vaguely feeling that their progress had reached the area covered by another energy barrier, Thain stopped and said: "You go first, I have to find a way to blow up this place, I can't Let the Gallente Federation Legion chase us."

The surrounding knights and magicians who fought with Thain naturally had no objections. Thain looked at the cube robot Wall-E and asked: "How far have we walked through the entire passage? If I blow up this place, will it trigger the entire The collapse of the underground passage and some unforeseen consequences?”

Thain spoke to Wall-E using the wizarding world's language and spiritual communication method.

This square robot with extremely protruding eyes must have understood Thain's words. Its two mechanical arms stretched out and then moved half the distance, marking the underground passage where Thain and others now walked. half length.

As for Thain's last question, Wall-E tilted his head, as if he didn't understand, or maybe he didn't know either.

A heat wave that made the hair tremble came from behind, and it was the eight-winged angel that looked seriously damaged, still chasing after him.

This underground metal passage is small and bottomless at first glance.

Those large federal warships will definitely not be able to get in, and the small and medium-sized ships will be crowded

It's quite difficult to get in. Only the drones and individual biopods can be delivered more easily.

In addition, the robot angel legions under the command of the eight-winged angel Fumila can pursue them.

The main purpose of Thane blowing up this underground passage was to isolate Fumila and others from pursuing them.

Before entering this underground passage, Thain had already tried to use the world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube to target Fumila.

But unfortunately, the manufacturing technology and original code adopted by this eight-winged angel do not seem to be the same as those intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Or maybe the Gallente Federation has upgraded all its robot legions in response to the robot rebellion on the planet Cybertron, and the combat power of level four and above robots like Fumila has been upgraded even more‎​​‎​ ‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏’s top priority.

So much so that Thain's Rubik's Cube didn't seem to have any impact on Fumila.

The speed of the opponent's pursuit of Thain did not slow down at all.

It's a pity. If Fumila could unlock wisdom and instigate the opponent, the situation of Thain and others would be very different.

The ones left behind to carry out the tunnel blasting and blasting work were Thain, Yuli and Qixiu.

Thain is the strongest, and Qixiu relies on its rough skin and thick flesh, and is now in the best-preserved condition.

Yuli was seriously injured, but she still insisted on staying.

Especially the bombs used as a means of blasting passages. In addition to some of the magic bombs that Thain still had on hand, Yuri removed two of the four thrusters carried on the back of her Flame.

Thain spent a huge amount of money to upgrade the Flame, which is effective.

Those thrusters are all propulsion devices suitable for space fortresses. Even if they are simply used for blasting, their power cannot be underestimated.

Do not know why.

After Yuri stayed, the cube robot that led the way also stayed.

After a simple electromagnetic exchange, Thane knew it was called WALL-E.

This is a relatively silent robot with few unnecessary words.

Without thinking too much, Thain agreed.

Thain was not fooled by the "rusty" appearance of WALL-E's surface

He really wanted to know how powerful this robot that suddenly appeared and was suspected to be a legacy of the Aiyoulandie civilization was?

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