The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1634: Changes in Fumila

What was originally an orderly experimental base for wizard civilization was completely reduced to ruins not long after.

Agent Bond arrived here relatively late.

Because after he entered this subspace, his location was also deviated.

Coupled with the Gallente Federation assault fleet, they conducted raids on various wizard civilization experimental bases in the ruins.

Agent Bond only learned that the experimental base they were attacking was a main base after entering here for a while.

Logically speaking, this is where the most wizard civilization information is left.

But the results were unsatisfactory.

The Gallente Federation received very little, and even after Bond arrived here, he received news that the eight-winged angel Fumila had been seriously injured.

In this top-level secret realm of civilization, the wizarding civilization also has combat power that can threaten level six creatures?

After learning about this situation, Bond's mood became somewhat depressed.

Before meeting the Octopus, Bond meets a Confederate general who was rescued from the ruins of the desert.

This was a Union major general named Charlie Robert.

General Charlie Robert and his brother drove a federal level five mecha "Danger Wanderer".

But unfortunately, in the previous battle, the Danger Wanderer ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ had been scrapped, and only half of the metal wreckage was salvaged from the yellow sand, including Charlie Robert’s brother , has also died.

Through other people's reports, Bond roughly knew the previous battle situation and the performance of the Robert brothers.

Bond had the highest respect for General Robert, who was lying on a stretcher, his body completely covered in bandages and genetic repair fluid.

According to the introduction of the field medical personnel, if General Robert had not ejected from the giant mecha of the Danger Wanderer in time, and his landing position had just avoided several explosions that followed.

Then his ending will inevitably follow in the footsteps of his brother.

General Robert's brother was very unlucky. He was also ejected from the mecha and rushed directly into the explosion vortex of the surrounding battlefield, leaving not even ashes behind...

At this time, Charlie Robert had not completely lost consciousness. He was worthy of being piloted by a level five mecha, and his physical strength had been enhanced dozens of times by genetic medicine.

General Robert seemed to be murmuring something. After Bond got closer, he comforted him a few words, then signaled to the medics to take him away for treatment.

Before the wizard civilization retreated from this experimental base, it destroyed a large amount of research materials.

But in the end, the retreat was too hasty. The Gallente Federation could still repair some of it by spending some time and energy.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation killed and wounded many magicians from the Wizarding World on this battlefield.

Not only living people, but also dead people, with the current science and technology of the Gallente Federation, some information can be gleaned from the opponent's corpse and brain.

When the power of science and technology reaches a certain level, it becomes indistinguishable from "gods"!

Therefore, like the wizarding world, the Gallente Federation has always looked down upon those level four and above creatures in the star realm who call themselves "gods".

In addition to the greater strength of the federal fleet, it is said that within the Gallente Federation, some family businesses with relatively strong personal strength will also form private soldiers or mercenaries to hunt "gods".

The rich and elite in the Gallente Federation can often use special potions to extend their lifespan.

In fact, many of the raw materials for the medicines they use come from the flesh and bone marrow of fourth-level creatures, also known as the "marrow of gods."

In the black market of the Gallente Federation, the flesh and blood materials of these level four and above creatures can easily be sold for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of federal coins.

In terms of value, if we convert it into federal currency, in fact, the prices of all aspects of the two top civilizations are similar.

It's just that in some areas, there are different focuses.

Bond, as a federal general with a background as an agent, enters this

The circle time is relatively short, and with his department, he usually plays a role in supervising other federal military generals.

Therefore, Bond's popularity is not good, and everyone is rejecting him intentionally or unintentionally.

Even before entering the secret realm of top civilization this time, Bond received the authorization from behind the scenes from the military's five-star generals and even marshals.

But those fleet commanders whose military ranks are not much different from his own may not necessarily give him this face.

Bond arrived at this experimental base last, and this was partly due to the poor transmission of information among the federal fleets participating in the battle.

Bond wanted to call over the federal fleet commanders responsible for the battle and give them a scolding, but he held back.

Judging from the battlefield memos, the federal fleet commanders did nothing wrong.

The sudden explosion, the many treasures possessed by the enemy, and the underground metal passage that finally appeared were the major factors that led to the defeat of the battle.

In other battlefields, the Gallente Federation Legion has done a remarkable job, and even made a lot of gains in two of the small experimental bases.

Generally speaking, the raid can be considered a success.

And Bond still has great respect for federal generals like the Robert brothers.

For example, before sending General Robert away just now, Bond notified the medical staff to go to his place to get a special genetic fluid for General Robert to use to speed up his recovery.

If the Gallente Federation wants to win in this civilized war, it needs beings like Brother Charlie Robert and James Bond one after another, who will succeed one after another and sacrifice themselves for victory!

Bond was excited to be in such an era, and at the same time he was ready to devote himself to the Federation.

After notifying the scientific researchers on the ship and sorting out all the findings, Bond found the eight-winged angel Fumila.

At this time, Fumila was undergoing maintenance in an R08 maintenance satellite that had landed.

This maintenance satellite was originally used to assist in repairing mechas.

Robots, especially low-level robot cannon fodder, are disposable consumables in the Gallente Federation military.

The cost of repairing them may be higher than the cost of building a new robot on the assembly line...

Therefore, the Gallente Federation's attitude towards most of the war-damaged and scrapped robots is to treat them as garbage and transport them directly to garbage planets.

Finally, through various processing methods, they are resmelted into molten iron and used as metal raw materials for the production of new robots or battleships.

Only the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, under the leadership of Optimus Prime, will try their best to save every injured robot.

Because in the eyes of those intelligent robots, these injured robots are not cold machines, but a life and their compatriots.

Whether this satellite, which is specially used to repair mechas, can repair the eight-winged angel Fumila, Bond does not have high expectations.

He was mainly familiar with Fumila, and he also wanted to get information from Fumila about the powerful wizard civilization who injured her.

When he saw Fumila, Bond was stunned by the serious injuries his body had suffered at this time.

Four of the eight wings were directly scrapped, and there were countless other damages. The once beautiful female angel's face was also completely destroyed. One electronic eye flickered on and off, and the other electronic eye was still being repaired.

Inside the maintenance satellite, the sound of sparks and the sound of mechanical operation could be heard all the time.

In this noisy environment, Bond was still able to communicate normally with Fumila, and finally obtained the general information he needed.

From Fumila's head, Bond also extracted a piece of video information, which recorded the content of Fumila's battle with Thane and others.

When the image of the cube robot WALL-E appeared, the agent's intuition made Bond take a few more glances.

"You can continue repairing it. You won't be needed for the rest of the battle for the time being." After Bond left these words, he stepped up and left.

The eight-winged angel Fumila replied without any emotion: "Yes."

Fumila's answer stopped Bond from leaving.

He turned around and looked at Fumila several times curiously, but he didn't see any clues.

Having spent more than thirty years with Fumila in the ruins of the Black Yin civilization, Bond is very familiar with her.

And the agent's keen sense of smell also allows Bond to often discover details that others overlook.

What's wrong with Fumila?

Bond touched his chin and thought carefully for a long time, and finally remembered that when he usually gave some instructions to Fumila, Fumila would either answer "received", or answer "got it", or acquiesce with an indifferent attitude.

This should be a response from a federal scientist who entered the command into her control center.

She has never answered "Yeah."

At least in the past thirty years, Bond has not heard similar feedback from Fumila.

He stared at Fumila with interest for a long time, but found nothing in the end. Bond shook his head regretfully and left here.

Although Bond is an agent and has been exposed to some so-called secrets, his vision is still a bit narrow after all. According to inertia, his superiors cannot tell him some information that is irrelevant to his mission without any reason.

For example, Bond does not know about the rebellion of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

(PS: This situation has not been widely spread within the Gallente Federation.)

The civilized battlefield is so vast, and the wizarding civilized legion that Bond is now exposed to is only a drop in the ocean on the entire civilized battlefield.

Who knows where those intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron are now placed on the battlefield by the wizard civilization?

Thain hasn't seen them in a while either!

The trace of "strangeness" discovered in Fumila was quickly forgotten by Bond. He now has more and more important matters to deal with.

What Bond didn't know was that when he left, the remaining electronic eye of the eight-winged angel Fumila quietly and slowly moved with his figure until he watched Bond leave.

Maybe Fumila is a robot, and there is no such thing as "murderous intent".

Bond's life level is also at level five, but he didn't notice that there was an electronic eye behind him, looking at him.

After Bond left, Fumila's remaining red electronic eye slightly lowered its head and looked down.

No one knows what Fumila is thinking, including Fumila herself!

Fumila's mind is very confused now. If you touch her back or brain, you can feel it. Her current host is very hot!

If Sipnas, the top scientist in the Federation who created her, appeared here now, he would probably be able to discover the abnormal origin of Fumila.

But unfortunately, almost no one is paying attention to this severely damaged eight-winged angel robot.

A scene flashed through Fumila's mind.

It was the scene when she first rushed towards Thane on the previous battlefield.

Fumila, who was in good condition at that time and holding a lightsaber, was rushing straight towards Thane when a blue light seemed to suddenly hit Fumila.

Of course, that blue light had no impact on Fumila!

After that, Fumila also maintained its pursuit of Thane and others.

But, did it really not have any impact on Fumila?

The increasingly hot host deck caused a wisp of smoke to gradually ignite on the back of Fumila's head.

The maintenance satellite immediately carried out cooling treatment on Fumila.

After Fumila gradually "calmed down", the image of Thain using blue light to target her suddenly flashed through her mind.

In that very short frame, Fumila seemed to capture that Thain was holding a cube in his hand.

A special red light lit up from Fumila's electronic eyes again.

Her damaged eye seemed to be repaired.

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