The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1631 Explosion

Thain never thought that one day, the Gallente Federation Legion would also play a trick of "self-destruction" with him.

Self-destruction usually occurs when one party is in dire straits.

And self-destruction doesn’t just happen when you say it.

For gods above level four who have entered into a belief system, when they self-destruct, they mainly trigger the power of the godhead within their bodies.

There is also a set of procedures to follow to detonate the godhead.

It is common for some level four creatures to be unable to even self-destruct in order to defeat the enemy when faced with siege by powerful enemies.

Thain couldn't understand that these federal legions were not in dire straits, and it seemed that they had the advantage.

Thain and others were the ones forced to retreat. How could that level five mecha explode?

Because the energy source used by the Danger Wanderer is relatively special, the process of detonating it is faster than expected.

The violent explosion that suddenly occurred in the back caught a group of wizards and civilization experts, including Thain, from being hit again.

Thain himself, who had activated the true form of the Ash Demon, could not help but vomit blood due to the impact of this wave of power, not to mention the others.

Well‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Sain has been practicing body training for a long time, and his physique is not as fragile as a traditional magician.

The self-destruction of a level 5 mecha at close range did give Thain a great impact, but it was not to the point of losing his ability to fight.

The biggest impact of this self-destructing level five mecha on Thain and others is not to cause more impact on the surrounding wizard civilization legions.

It's because of the violent energy tide that occurred in this ruins space, so much so that it collided with the energy barrier that the eight-winged angel Fumila was trying to break through, internally and externally.

The energy barrier that was already on the verge of breaking shattered at this moment.

The eight-winged angel Fumila turned into a ray of silver light and flew straight towards the location of Thane and others.

The millions of angel robots and federal warships behind him also followed suit.

Among the battleships were angels flying by.

This combination of technology and light is a bit inconsistent, but more shocking.

Of course, those angels were not the former Angels of the Light Protoss, but extremely realistic man-made robots. Seeing these densely packed elite federal legions approaching, Thain couldn't help but feel a shadow cast over his heart.

"Retreat that way!" Sighing to endure the discomfort caused by the impact of the explosion, Thain pointed to the left and said.

The fourth-level dragon beast Han Liao's injuries were more serious, and Thane saw a trace of malaise in his red dragon eyes.

The beam, which had a power level enough to reach Level 6, fiercely swept towards Thane and the others.

With the blessing of the Formless Mask, Thain hid very quickly. Unfortunately, he was a fourth-level magician.

After letting out a scream, the magician fell diagonally to the ground.

This magician should not be dead yet, but in his state, he is not far away from death.

It was impossible for Thain and others to turn around and save him.

The source of the sixth-level beam is naturally the eight-winged angel.

The attack methods that Gallente Federation scientists gave this angel-shaped robot are of course not limited to the lightsaber in its hand.

Several black barrels protruded from Fumila's shoulders, arms and other parts.

The energy beam just now came from her chest.

In addition, Thain's glimpse and the information feedback from the Maskless Mask allowed Thain to learn about the eight silver metal wings behind Fumila.

, there is also another mystery.

In addition to being the main energy supply and charging device, Maskless Mask also reminded Thane that there are three main sources of danger to Fumila, namely: her chest, the lightsaber in her hand, and the eight wings on her back!

These Gallente Federation scientists really convinced Thane.

In the past, there was Michael Bay, who created six-level intelligent robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime. Now there is this eight-winged angel-type robot that is comparable to level six combat power. I don’t know which federal scientist created it!

Since Fumila appeared on this battlefield, the number of casualties among Thane and other wizard civilization legions has increased significantly.

In his heyday, Thain would have thought to rely on the equipment in his hands, or use the method of siege to fight against the sixth-level creatures.

But now is obviously not the time!

"We can only rely on the super magic bomb. Fortunately, Yuri has prepared it in advance." Thain sighed.

I couldn't help but glance back, and in the blink of an eye, many knights and magicians were lost.

The tacit understanding between Thane and Yuri was developed little by little through wars and experiments over the years.

Just turning his head to look at Yuli, Yuli, who was driving the Flame, understood everything instantly.

He informed Mo Yan and other magicians from the Wizarding World beside him to move closer to the direction of his flight.

In fact, their current flight route has deviated a little from the original planned retreat route.

But Thain had the highest level and the most prestige, and no one raised any objections for a while.

Thain's route deviation was actually an early evasion of the super magic bomb that was about to detonate.

After all, Thain doesn't know much about the actual explosive power of this thing. He only speculates on its theoretical value. You can't just blow it up every day. Let's give it a try...

The eight-winged angel Fumila is definitely not a weakling in the sixth level of combat power.

But after all, it is a man-made product, and it does not unlock wisdom like the Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

Whether it is the flight path or the fighting posture, there is a sense of "straight in a daze", and there is no awareness of the approaching danger.

This is the benefit of inert crystals as energy sources. Other ordinary energy crystals will definitely have overflow energy exposed in advance when excited.

Only the detonation of the inert crystal will not attract other people's attention.

When Fumila arrived at the explosion area, there was a loud "Boom!"

The huge gray-black mushroom cloud swallowed everything in an instant!

Yellow sand swept across the sky, and the surrounding space, which was originally relatively stable, was also experiencing turmoil.

Thain and others had obviously made evasive actions in advance, but they were still swept away by the majestic tide of inert energy and fell uncontrollably into the distance.

The angel-type robot legions and Gallente Federation ships that were closely pursuing them were scattering backwards like small bugs blown by the strong wind at this moment.

Even the most powerful federal warship can hardly move forward at this time.

The explosive power of the super magic bomb was a little more exaggerated than Thane expected.

Thane, who had already vomited a mouthful of elemental blood when the "Dangerous Wanderer" self-destructed, now spits out old blood.

Unexpectedly, the bomb he detonated would blow him up badly.

Of course, in this explosion, the one who suffered the most damage must be the eight-winged angel in the core area of ​​the explosion.

I don’t know if the angel is dead?

Because the impact wave behind him continued, and the majestic inert energy also interfered with Thain's visit to the Formless Mask, Thain was unable to determine the condition of the Eight-Winged Angel.

What is certain is that the angel did not chase him out, and the explosion just now must have taken effect.

The temporary obstruction of the enemy did not make Thain feel any better.

Because they were badly injured, and many low-level knights and magicians were swallowed up directly in the shock wave of the super magic bomb.

For these friendly personnel who were accidentally injured, Thain was not hard-hearted, but he really had no choice.

What made Thain even more depressed was that after the initial chaos, those federal ships quickly chose to outflank and pursue them.

Among these federal ships, there are many attack ships that threaten level five creatures.

Especially several of the special attack ships, Thain felt particularly troublesome in previous battles.

With the current breakout speed of Thain and others, they may not be able to escape safely.

Including Yuli, who was driving the Flame, because she was mainly responsible for detonating the super magic bomb just now and was relatively close to the center of the explosion, she was also severely injured now.

A ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏A thick blue-black smoke continued to spurt from the waist down of the Flame. There might be something wrong with the power system, and the flight speed also dropped a bit.

Of course, Thain could not abandon Yuli. After he arrived at Yuli's side, he was considering taking the Flame back to his own space equipment.

A special roar came from behind.

That eight-winged angel is not dead!

The violent explosion turned the originally good appearance of the eight-winged angel Fumila into darkness.

When the anthropomorphic skin and appearance are destroyed, what emerges is its robotic core.

One of the electronic eyes was directly blown up, and the other eye kept flashing red.

The inner metal arms and pipes were nakedly displayed in front of Thane and others. Her right arm was gone, and the only remaining left arm was still holding the energy lightsaber.

Four of the eight wings on his back were also destroyed.

With such a miserable appearance, this angel-shaped robot has not given up chasing Thain and others, and is still abiding by its mission instructions!

Thane didn't know how much power the robot had left, and he had no interest in stopping and fighting.

The pursuit speed of those federal ships was getting faster and faster, because there were enough numbers, and the front row fleet helped withstand the impact of many magic bombs, so that more ships gradually reacted.

The danger is not far away from Thain and others.

Just as he was thinking about how to break the situation, a yellow light appeared in Thane's field of vision.

Under the dunes in the southwest, they saw a strange-looking square robot waving at them.

This robot has no ill intentions towards Thane and others.

The reason for judging from this is not Thain's keen insight, but the faint throbbing and reminder from the Rubik's Cube.

It turns out that the strange movement of the Rubik's Cube that Thain felt when he first entered this secret realm of subspace was caused by this little thing.

After attracting the attention of Thain and others, the cube robot WALL-E turned around and jumped behind the sand dune.

It wasn't until he flew closer that Thain noticed that there was a deeply hidden underground metal passage under the dune.

Where did this metal channel appear? Why haven't you noticed it before?

Without hesitating and thinking for too long, Thain, feeling the danger approaching, took the lead and flew into it.

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