The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,630 Danger Wanderer

Howard and others retreated quickly.

On the battlefield, the battle between level four creatures is like this.

One side is determined to escape, and the other side can only use its combat power several times that of the enemy, or directly crush the other side with its personal strength.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to catch up with a "god" who only cares about running away.

What made Thain's eyes brighter in this battle was that when Howard and others left, he took out another thin pot.

The low-level research magicians in this experimental base, as well as the severely injured knights and magicians who were rescued, were all packed into thin pots by Howard.

Thain has also made manned space equipment before, and the necklace that Yuli has been waiting for is one of them.

But when it comes to large-scale manned props, they are not so easy to make.

In addition, Howard even pretended to take away two seriously injured fourth-level magicians before leaving.

The life level of fourth-level creatures makes it more difficult to make manned props of this level.

The necklace that Thain made for Yuli took a lot of thought and top-quality magic materials.

Thain had to sigh, this old guy Howard has so many good things in his hands.

If there is a chance in the future, I will have to find a way to study it.

Most of the treasures in the hands of magicians who are engaged in research on ancient civilizations come from unearthed products from other worlds.

I don’t know what worlds the world-class secret blue lamp that Howard showed and the man-carrying thin pot come from.

With Thain leading some personnel to the rear, Howard and others' retreat went smoothly.

Although there were also some federal warships that bypassed the interception of Thain and others and went to pursue Howard and others.

But the number and strength of those federal warships are not high, and Howard and others should be able to deal with them.

Currently, the main force remaining around Thain is mainly the knights stationed around the experimental base, and some magicians who have good combat abilities and have not suffered any serious injuries.

The three Mo Yan brothers also stayed behind.

Although these three dragon beasts have their own shortcomings, they are still good players on the battlefield.

Among the three brothers, Han Liao, who used to be the most outstanding and the one who could "set fire" the most, seems to be the most seriously injured now.

Several federal attack ships, their main gun beams penetrated the thin dragon scales, and a large amount of dragon blood gushes out from their wounds.

In addition to those attack ships that can threaten level four creatures, this sky battlefield

The densely packed small and medium-sized federal ships and individual drones circling above are also very annoying.

Under normal circumstances, a single attack using the small-caliber energy cannons of these ships and the tracking missiles mounted on the drones would not be able to break through the defenses of level four creatures.

But in the star realm, there is a saying that quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

Thane and other knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizarding world can gain strength bonuses in plane wars by relying on the tens of thousands of magicians and knights under their command.

The same goes for these Gallente Federation ships with considerable attack capabilities.

When millions or even tens of millions of federal ships gather together, even if there are no advanced weapons that threaten level four or five creatures, most gods will definitely turn around and avoid them if they encounter them. There is absolutely no chance of a head-on fight. reason.

The many injuries on Han Yan's body were all caused by smaller ships with lower energy levels after the main attack ships broke through its dragon scales. blow.

After a period of fighting, Han Liao lost his initial vitality.

Fortunately, both Mo Yan and Qixiu tried their best to help their brother during the battle. Although Han Liao's injuries were increasing, they were not particularly serious.

This fourth-level dragon beast with an extremely luxuriant mane is also tough and does not show much weakness due to its injuries.

Just now, when Master Howard and others evacuated first, Thane thought that Han Leo could also leave with them.

But it still gritted its teeth and persisted.

Not long after, Master Howard had completely disappeared from sight, and Thain felt that he and others could almost leave.

So Thain called on the surrounding knights and magicians to retreat in stages.

Thain, Mo Yan, Qixiu, and Han Liao all have world-class secret treasures at hand. Yuli, who is driving the Flame to construct a demon doll, also has sufficient energy amethyst produced by the Rubik's Cube to supplement her strength.

Thain felt that there was not much danger if he and others came to the rear.

The danger mainly comes from the legions of angel robots that are about to break the energy barrier, and other federal ships that are in good condition and have not yet participated in the battle.

Facts have proved that after a period of fighting, the federal army directly above the experimental base did not have much power to prevent Thain and others from leaving, even though they had already caused great losses to these wizard civilization armies.

Charlie Robert was a federal two-star major general.

From 1,300 years ago, when he received special training from the federal military and began to pilot giant mechas into battle, he and his brother rose through the ranks quickly.

, just like launching a rocket.

Charlie's brother's name is Yancy Robert, and his comrades prefer to call them "Brother Robert."

From the very beginning, I piloted a training model mecha, then I drove a Blade I mecha that was comparable to level three creatures, then I drove a Red Dragon sonic mecha that was comparable to a demigod-level creature, and then I started test-driving a mecha that was comparable to level four creatures. First……

Although the Robert brothers are not the two who have the most contact with mecha pilots among all the mecha pilots in the Gallente Federation, they are definitely the best among the younger generation of mecha pilots.

The Federation mecha currently being driven by the Robert brothers is called the "Dangerous Wanderer". It is a level five mecha that uses neutron nuclear energy as an energy source, which is somewhat different from the energy used by ordinary Federation mechas.

The excellent brain connection efficiency has shaped the brilliance of the Robert brothers. According to their promotion speed, the future prospects are very bright.

But today, these wizards and civilized creatures on the battlefield in front of them are obviously going to add a stain to the resumes of the two brothers.

In the surrounding battleships, the four-star Lieutenant General Qiaoman gave them the task of blocking the escape of the powerful wizard civilization at all costs.

Not only the two of them, but all the ships and participating mechas on the surrounding battlefield received this order.

But unfortunately, the opponent's strength level and exaggerated defense made it difficult for these severely damaged federal legions to complete the general's orders.

"Brother!" While in the mecha control state, Charlie suddenly heard his brother's voice.

With almost perfect brain connection efficiency, Charlie understood what his brother meant almost instantly.

Military orders cannot be violated. My brother is more rigid than Charlie, and he pays more attention to the responsibilities and honors of soldiers! This is one of the few differences between the two brothers.

Speaking of which, they are both recognized as fifth-level combat powers in the star world.

General Qiaoman, who commanded the fleet group operations, was a lieutenant general, while the two Charlie brothers who drove the "Dangerous Wanderer" were only major generals.

This also shows some of the attitude of the Gallente Federation military’s inherent traditional power towards the newly developed power system.

Charlie, who felt the decisiveness in his brother's words, suddenly pulled the joystick, almost in line with his brother's actions in the cockpit.

"Danger Wanderer, attack!"

With Charlie's shout, this level five mecha, which had activated all its energy and whose alloy armor was covered with scars, dived desperately towards the front of the battlefield!

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