The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,629 Love

The dispatch speed of the legions of the Rose Dynasty Civilization Relics is considered fast, but no matter how fast it is, it will not be able to quench the thirst in the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization in the short term.

Fortunately, the Gallente Federation Legion cannot swallow up Thain and other wizarding world garrison troops in one go.

In addition, the main army led by Cuilisi, Bai Xing and others are slowly approaching the battlefield where the ruins are located.

Just as the true spirit level magician Bev said, as time goes by, the central ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization have a tendency to gradually evolve towards dominating the battlefield.

Walli felt like he was in love.

The object of its love is the red figure that has always been flying through the sky in the past period of time.

Walli didn't know whether his feeling was "love" or not.

Although WALL-E‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ has lived longer than many real spiritual masters, but as a robot, it does not have other emotions until it truly awakens to its own wisdom. of.

This feeling is attributed to "love" because when Wall-E quietly looked at the red figure in the hidden passage under the yellow sand, he could feel the slight numbness of the electric current running through his chest.

This unprecedented feeling made WALL-E so intoxicated that it has not gone back to continue doing its day-to-day work for a long time.

During this time, Walli saw many new things.

Strange-looking humans, tall and mighty giants, and some special things that Wall-E can't name or describe.

Among these new things, the one that fascinates WALL-E the most is the metal robot with flaming exterior patterns.

The wizard civilization is arranged in multiple experimental bases in this top civilization ruins, and there are also many elemental golems used for daily excavation and mining work.

In terms of appearance, size, and performance, these elemental golems are not much different from the metal robot.

But Wall-E has no feelings for the puppets summoned by the wizards and civilization magicians. He can only remember the red figure that often appears patrolling in the sky.

Wall-E instinctively felt that the red robot was his own kind.

This is also the reason why it wanted to get close to the other party and followed the other party all the way.

After awakening to wisdom, Wall-E has been alone in the ruins of the secret realm for tens of millions of years. He really needs a friend or a similar person. He is too lonely.

Wall-E emerged from the ruins millions of years ago

Hal, the electronic cockroach excavated from the world, has been with it for a long time, and is still the existence that it values ​​​​most.

However, Hal, who is very different in size from Wall-E, is just his pet, and he cannot communicate with Wall-E normally. He can only communicate with Wall-E in low-level and simple ways.

Only the red figure in front of him made Walli feel like he wanted to talk to it as an equal.

And it seems that his crush is in trouble now.

Wall-E was debating whether to help them or not.

For a robot that has not had contact with a human being for tens of millions of years, this is really a difficult decision to make in a short period of time.

The person whom Wall-E regards as his crush is naturally the Raging Flame golem.

Please note that it is the Flame, not Yuri.

They are both metal structures, and have been opened by my own wisdom under the influence of the Rubik's Cube.

Regardless of their material composition or intelligence, the Flame and Wall-E can indeed be regarded as "the same kind".

Not only the Flame, but also the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are all considered "similar" to WALL-E.

In the body of an artificial robot, it possesses independent intelligence and thinking ability, and gradually develops and evolves into a living race.

It seems that the subject of "robot life science" is not just the patent of the fallen scientist Michael Bay of the Gallente Federation. As early as tens of millions of years ago, the top technological civilization Aiyoulan Butterfly civilization may also have made relevant achievements.

I just don’t know whether Wall-E’s situation was the norm or an exception in the Aiyoulandie civilization back then.

It should be an exception... Otherwise, the wizard civilization has discovered some clues about robot technology in the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization that it has discovered. However, what the wizard civilization has discovered the most at present is the square battleships and inert crystals.

In addition, WALL-E did not awaken to his own wisdom tens of millions of years ago, but accidentally awakened to his own will during the long period of time he spent in the yellow sand world. This is another evidence.

If the Aiyoulandie civilization had such outstanding intelligent robot technology back then, WALL-E would not have been alone in this secret realm of subspace for so many years.

At this time, the Raging Flame golem was under the control of its owner Yuli, helping the magicians in this experimental base to move quickly.

Masters Thain and Howard have already decided where to transfer.


There is another experimental base located to the south of this place. Although it is smaller in scale, the advantage is that there is a relic barrier between the two experimental bases.

Thanks to the Wizarding Civilization's decision not to resort to violent mining when exploring this secret realm of top civilization, those square energy barriers have been preserved relatively intact.

The method of passing these energy barriers is a narrow gap that has been determined by the magicians of the wizarding civilization.

The Gallente Federation had just arrived, and even the wizard civilization took a long time to determine the location of the gaps. It was not easy for the Federation Legion to find the correct location in a short time.

And looking at the angel robot army that was blocked from the outer barrier, it has not broken through until now, which is enough to show how powerful the energy barrier technology of the Ai Youlandie civilization was. ‏Exaggeration.

At least there is no guarantee that the magic shield in the wizarding world can still have such strong protective capabilities after tens of millions of years.

The retreat speed in critical moments is still very fast.

Howard's magician researchers packed all the research materials as quickly as possible.

The Knights of the Wizarding World who entered the ruins to perform escort work also resolutely completed their mission at this moment.

Currently, those knights are the ones who are brave enough to stand at the front to block the Gallente Federation Army.

Using flesh and blood to block the muzzle of a gun has happened more than once on the battlefield above this experimental base.

"That energy barrier won't last long, you go first!" Thain said to Howard.

Thane's identity in the ruins is more of a resident magician, so his more responsibility is to protect Howard and others.

The energy barrier blocking Fumila and other angel-type robots is now covered with dense cracks, and it is very likely that it will collapse in the next second.

Howard didn't care about being polite at this time. A period of fighting made this research magician who was not good at fighting exhausted physically and mentally.

He nodded and said, "Follow me as soon as possible."

Before leaving, Howard couldn't help but ask more: "What did you arrange for the constructed demon puppet you just ordered?"

Howard had obviously recognized for a long time that Yuri, who was driving the Flame, came from the Neisse civilization.

In response to Howard's inquiry, Thain simply replied: "Nothing, let her plant a bomb, just in case."

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