The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,628 The Rose Survivors (Additional update)

Naturally, Hela would not refuse the instructions from her aunt.

And considering the problem from the perspective of the Titans, there is no harm in moving to the world of beholders!

Nowadays, the battle between wizard civilization and the beholder world has penetrated deeply into their homeland.

Billions of beholders turned into corpses.

The wizarding civilization has never been soft on traitors.

Not only the beholder creatures, but also those other weak, medium and low-level planes that were betrayed by the beholder world, have not escaped the end of being purged by the wizard civilization.

This is the tragedy of the weak.

According to optimistic estimates, the next battle in the Beholder World is expected to end within two hundred years.

All the creatures in the beholder world will be slaughtered by then.

The seventh-level evil-eyed tyrant himself has now expressed his intention to flee.

It was the Ebalut Empire that tried its best to block it and sealed the surrounding space with extremely powerful magical power, making it impossible for the Evil Eye Tyrant to advance or retreat.

If Hela wants to move to the world of beholders, she must act quickly.

After talking about the situation in the Hades Empire, Bev smiled and said: "The next really troublesome part of the Beholder World War is the domination battlefield that you are personally responsible for."

"There is no danger in fighting at the bottom."

"You can also call Thor and Loki back. I think they have grown very fast recently."

"Thor seems to be about to be promoted to level six, right? Loki has also shown a tendency to be promoted to level five." Bev said with a smile.

"Those two brats, just don't cause any trouble for me." Hela rolled her eyes.

After chatting for a while, Hela stood up and left. Before leaving, Hela thought of something, stopped for a moment, turned around and asked her aunt: "Our next civilized war will be slightly closer to that ancient civilization ruins. Offset?"

Facing Hela's question, Bev was silent for two seconds and then replied: "That top civilization ruins will, at best, eventually evolve into a dominant battlefield."

"But it is impossible to put the focus of civilized war there. We will maintain the strategy established before the war."

Maybe she wanted her niece to hear it more intuitively, Bev said: "Our wizard civilization is mostly maintaining a steady state of advancement on various battlefields on the front lines, and the war momentum is also good."

"If we continue to maintain our established strategy, we will be able to securely win the civilized war. Why bother to change our pace because of the actions of the Gallente Federation or the accidental discovery of a civilizational ruins?"

"Even if that top civilization relic contains any special technology, it may not be immediately converted into combat effectiveness after the Gallente Federation absorbs it."

"Perhaps until civilized war

Once the war is over, they won't have the chance to bring out any new weapons. Bev said, shaking her head.

Seeing that Hela still looked confused and ignorant, Bev sighed and said: "The Gallente Federation has no choice. It can't defeat us on the frontline battlefield, so it will place its hope on the ruins of a top civilization. Discover the secret of what can turn the tide of war."

"But we in the wizarding world have many ways to win this civilized war. Even before we have used all our strength, the Gallente Federation has already taken the lead and exposed its 'Endless Light' trump card."

"Furthermore, I have also sent Dominator-level combat forces to the ruins of the Aiyou Orchid butterfly civilization. There are also a large number of wizard civilization legions from the surrounding battlefields gathering there, and the Gallente Federation may not be able to get what they want. Something." Bev said.

This time, Hela somewhat understood.

She asked in a tentative tone: "The Gallente Federation is leaning more power toward that civilization relic, and even sending the Dominator-class war fleet toward that civilization relic. The star field has shifted. Our wizard civilization hardly needs to make too many changes to achieve greater advantages and results on the frontal battlefield?"

"Indeed." Bev nodded.

"This is the royal way. What the Gallente Federation pursues are just trails and shortcuts."

"This is the 'royal hegemony' that one of your uncles once told me. I think it makes sense." Bev said.

Seeing the curiosity on Hela's face again, Bev added: "His name is Gongsun Wuji."

"It's that one, I've heard of him." Hela smiled.

"Will the martial arts civilization participate in our war this time?" Hela asked.

"I haven't informed him yet that the Tianming Dynasty founded by Wuji has not joined the Wizards Alliance. Coupled with our close relationship with the Immortal Realm, there is no need to bring martial arts civilization together in this war." Bev said.

It didn’t take long for the instructions from the top of the wizard civilization to reach the hands of the survivors of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Currently, the remnants of the Rose Dynasty civilization are mainly located on the border of the underworld star field.

In the early days of the Civilization War, when they first fought against the Gallente Federation, the Wizarding Civilization pretended to be defeated all the way. At that time, the Rose Dynasty Civilization Legion was under great pressure and exerted all its strength.

That was also the period when the Rose Dynasty Civilization Corps performed best.

But unfortunately, due to the lack of foundation and lack of troops, the Rose Dynasty Civilization Army failed to catch up with the wave of wizard civilization's counterattack.

These remnants of the Rose Dynasty have been resting at the border of the underworld star field for a long time in recent years.

Although the wizard civilization is near the Thanoras star field, it has assigned some planes to the survivors of the Rose Dynasty civilization to recuperate.

But in someone else's place

I feel uncomfortable no matter how hard I try to survive and develop on the board.

What the survivors of the Rose Dynasty desire more is to return to their home star domain.

The Wizarding World has also discovered that only when troops are mobilized against the former site of the Rose Dynasty Civilization can these "old, weak, sick and disabled" who fled to the Wizarding Civilization unleash their strongest power.

The second is... let them face opponents like Rommel.

"I'll go there in person this time. It's time to settle the grudges from back then." Moraya, a seventh-level reader who was recuperating in a medium-sized plane, pinched her wrist and said.

The civilization of the Rose Dynasty is a large world dominated by women, and the nominal supreme leader is the Queen.

The contemporary queen is a young Nian who only possesses the fifth initial level of life.

Because the strength of a reader has a lot to do with blood, and the most powerful reader bloodline in the Rose Dynasty civilization is the royal bloodline.

Therefore, this queen is also related by blood to Moraya, the seventh-level reader.

At least the ancestors are direct blood relatives.

When the Rose Dynasty's civilized mother plane was destroyed, only two royal bloodline members who were eligible to inherit escaped, and the other one was the young sister of the current Queen.

Other members of the royal family, including the previous queen, were all killed in battle and buried with the civilization of the Rose Dynasty.

With such low power, all that is left to the current queen is a mess.

But she still has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the remnants of civilization to glory again.

Dominant-level combat power is the most scarce existence in Rose Dynasty civilization, and it is also the only power that the Queen can rely on.

If something happened to this ancestor, the situation of the Rose Dynasty civilization would probably be even more difficult.

The Queen, who was a little thin and had sickly white skin, advised the seventh-level reader Moraya who was about to go on an expedition: "General Artest drove the Dominator-class mecha to another battlefield on the front line designated by the wizard civilization. .”

"Currently, the Legion of Minders around us is the last remaining elite. Grandma, if you go on this trip, please take the two Royal Mecha Corps that protect the royal family with you."

"I took the Royal Mecha Corps away, what about your safety?" Moraya frowned.

"I am in a safer area such as the rear border of the underworld star field. What danger can I face?"

"Rather than adhering to tradition, I hope that the losses of our Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion can be smaller." The Queen shook her head and said.

The readers of the Rose Dynasty civilization are a bit like the magicians in the wizarding world.

They all have high attack and low defense, and generally require the protection of mecha corps.

Moraya also knows that now is not the time to impose the royal standards of the past.

He didn't think about the Queen's proposal for too long before he nodded in agreement.

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