The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,627 Forced

The exchanges between civilizations are like this, full of interests and calculations.

No matter how high-sounding the relationship between the Rose Dynasty survivors and wizard civilization may be, when everyone gets along, they mostly use it.

In the early years, the Rose Dynasty civilization had a good relationship with the previous generation of powerful people in the wizarding world. The seventh-level reader Moraya was even rumored to have dealt with Bev's father, the Supreme Knight Lord.

But what does it matter?

Unless it was Hela or Odin, beings with direct kinship would make Bev take the initiative to take care of her.

And if it's just an acquaintance from the older generation, it's not worth Bev's compromising the interests of wizard civilization.

The value of those remnants of the Rose Dynasty civilization in the eyes of the wizarding civilization is that on the one hand, they have good remaining strength. At least they still have a master-level reader and a ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Mecha.

On the other hand, it proves the "evil" of the Gallente Federation and the "justice" of the wizard civilization.

The Wizarding Civilization previously declared war on the Gallente Federation during the 25th Wizarding Alliance Conference. The most important one they relied on was that they claimed to help the Rose Dynasty Civilization crusade against injustice and regain what they had lost.

Helping the weak is something that most members of the Wizards Alliance are willing to see.

Because for the wizard civilization, they are the "weak" side.

Giving a helping hand to the Rose Dynasty civilization can also make those alliance planes who are originally outside the situation feel a little bit more sympathetic.

In addition, the wizarding civilization often does some projects to support the weak alliance planes, which has also made the ruling structure of the Wizarding Alliance relatively stable, and there has been no major crisis.

The Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion, which had lost its power, had performed fairly well in the early hundreds of years on this civilized battlefield. It was probably holding its breath against the Gallente Federation that had destroyed its own parent civilization.

But the fighting level later became worse and worse.

The shortcomings of lack of background and foundation suddenly appeared!

The simplest problem is to replenish the supply of biological soldiers above level one, and the survivors of the Rose Dynasty are stumbling.

Without their mother plane, without the vassal world and resource extraction plane under their command, and relying only on the charity of the Wizards Alliance, how long can the survivors of the Rose Dynasty civilization survive?

The Wizarding Civilization cannot satisfy the remnants of the Rose Dynasty Civilization without restrictions.

It’s just a close relationship in the Wizards Alliance. Why doesn’t the Wizarding Civilization put more

resources to the orc world or the elven world that are more loyal to themselves?

And this time, sending the remnants of the Rose Dynasty civilization to the ancient desert wasteland world battlefield can be regarded as a "waste utilization" of this large world remnant whose combat power has been reduced.

Bev's performance in handling these civilized war decision-making matters has become increasingly mature and appropriate.

Even Hela, who was listening in the corner, couldn't help but sigh inwardly. She still had a lot to learn from her aunt.

The biggest difference between Hela and Bev at present is that her heart is too soft.

She is still not able to analyze and think about problems calmly and rationally like Bev.

Although Hela was called the "goddess of death" in horror by alien creatures, in fact, in some areas, she was not able to completely calm down and deal with things, especially those that were slightly related to her.

Including this civilized war, the two restless younger brothers also gave Hela a headache.

This sister is really not easy to be like.

And what did Bev do as the eldest sister of Odin and the Zerg Blade Queen Lisa?

Hela really felt that she should learn from her aunt.

Bev’s conversation with the witch’s true spirit did not last long.

There are many things going on in the star war zone that the Northland Witches Organization is responsible for.

Alice, the true witch, has many veteran and powerful witches to help her share the pressure, but she still has to worry more about frontline affairs.

When Alice left, she smiled and nodded at Hela, who had been staying at the angle.

Hela's strength is probably stronger than that of a seventh-level witch like her, not to mention that there is also a giant earthly python Jörmungandr as a thug.

Alice was able to be promoted to a true spirit and take charge of the Northland Witches Organization with her extremely young qualifications, and she had a lot of credit from her mother Vivian.

And Hela is able to achieve today's status and strength mainly because she has a good grandfather.

Alice, the witch’s true spirit, also met the mighty knight Lord, that was a long time ago...

After Alice left, Bev smiled and waved to her niece.

When an aunt and nephew meet, there is no need to be so strict as when dealing with other dominant beings.

And because they are both women, and because they are still a generation apart from each other, Hela has some things that are difficult to say to her parents, but she can talk to her aunt without any pressure.

For example, when we talked about disciplining two younger brothers,

Bev gave her a lot of advice when she was a little girl.

I won’t go into details about some of the aunt and nephew’s private conversations in the boudoir. After talking about Hela’s current situation, Bev brought up the business: “I plan to transfer you to the world of beholders.”

"Oh? Isn't the war in that large world coming to an end soon? And the Ebalut Empire is still in charge." Hela said in surprise.

When the Beholder World War was about to end, Bev sent her niece Hela there, which was undoubtedly suspected of picking someone else's peaches.

Bev would never do this before, and Hela was very curious about her aunt's intention in assigning her this way.

"I have a very good relationship with Claire, he won't mind this."

"The real reason why I sent you there is to let you help me give the Evil Eye Tyrant a try."

"Relying solely on Claire's words, I don't think he can force out the evil eye tyrant's trump card." Bev shook her head and said.

"This seventh-level beholder who betrayed our wizarding civilization has even lost his own home plane. What other trump card can he have?" Hela asked strangely.

Bev glanced at her niece in front of her, and then said in a deep voice: "There is no warning about the rebellion in the beholder world."

"Before this, I am confident that the Wizards' Union is still properly managed. Even the Norman Federation, a large technological civilization that is most likely to be infiltrated by the enemy, has been governed by us."

"Judging from the results, the rebellion of the Beholder World has indeed not achieved any benefits."

"Not only was the beholder clan almost wiped out by us, but the soul of the Lord, including the evil-eyed tyrant himself, was also worn out a lot during the war."

"So, what's the point of betraying our wizarding civilization in the first place?" Bev asked her niece.

Bev's question made Hela stunned.

She also figured this out. Indeed, what is the significance of the Evil Eye Tyrant's betrayal of the wizarding civilization? In other words, is there something driving it to betray the wizarding civilization?

Bev thinks that the treatment she has received since Beholder World joined the Wizards Alliance is fairly fair. Anyway, she did not treat the Evil Eye Tyrant badly.

However, it was the Evil Eye Tyrant's backstab that made the Wizarding Civilization passive in the early stages of the war.

Hela was still lowering her head and thinking deeply, while Bev continued: "I suspect that the rebellion in the world of beholders has something to do with the Hades Empire."

"Your mission is to help me prove this."

"Perhaps only when lives are threatened will the Evil Eye Tyrant reveal his true trump card," Bev said.

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