The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,626 The Witch’s True Spirit

When Hela arrived, Bev was talking with people and discussing matters.

Her special identity and three-quarters of the wizarding world's bloodline make Hela different from other alliance masters.

Bev usually doesn't avoid her niece when discussing matters.

Bev must have sensed Hela's appearance in this hall, but she did not show anything strange and continued to talk to others.

Hela did not disturb her aunt. She quietly waited for her aunt to discuss matters with others, and also took the opportunity to listen to the recent high-level decisions of wizard civilization.

This is the benefit of having someone above you.

The ordinary alliance plane gods, even those alliance masters, may not be able to figure out the true thoughts of the higher-ups of the wizard civilization.

We can only make judgments based on the limited information we have observed and take a stand early.

Unlike Hela, who can directly contact Bev and others, the leader of civilization, Bev will also use this method when faced with some inside information that is not convenient to reveal directly. Let Hela and the God King Odin of the Titan Protoss know about a similar method.

It is not difficult to understand that the Titans have such a status and level of development in the Wizards Alliance.

The person who was meeting Bev at this time was a true spirit-level witch from the Northland Witch Organization.

Hela knew her. In fact, Hela knew almost all the powerful masters in the wizarding world.

The Northland Witch Organization has deep roots in the wizarding civilization tree.

After all, the word "wizard" is included in the name of civilization, which is enough to prove the tradition of the Northland Witch Organization.

In addition to having two true spirit-level witches in charge, the Winter Guardian, currently one of the four guardians of the wizarding world, also originally came from the Northland Witch Organization.

The Guardian of Winter is also recognized as the strongest guardian.

In other words, the Northland Witch Organization has at least three master-level combat powers in the wizarding civilization.

This is not to mention the alliance masters who have good relations with the Northland witches and what hidden methods there may be.

As the oldest profession in the wizarding world, wizards and witches feel mysterious.

Hela didn't have much dealings with the Northland Witches organization in the past.

Among the four guardians, Hela had more contact with the Guardian of Spring in the past.

Today's guardian of the Titan world, the goddess of dawn, has always been very close to the guardian of spring in the wizarding world.

The conversation between Bev and the true spirit of the witch was mainly about the situation in the war zone that the Northland Witch Organization has been responsible for in recent years.

The star field war zone that the Northland Witches are responsible for is far away from the war zone that the Titans are responsible for.

There was basically no interest relationship with Hela, so she didn't listen particularly seriously.

In fact, the current war zone settings of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation have basically delineated the distribution of interests among the various forces after the war.

Those Gallente Federation-controlled star areas that were captured will definitely need someone to guard them in the future and search for corresponding resources.

Members of the Wizards' Union can only drink soup at best.

Those who eat meat are still the local forces in the wizarding world.

The Titan Clan where Hela belongs is one of the few beings in the Wizards Alliance who can "eat meat".

At present, the Titan Protoss has a total of three masters, the god king Odin, Hela, and the earthly python Jörmungandr. Odin is an eighth-level master who is well-known both inside and outside the alliance.

On the surface, it is even more powerful than the Witches of Northland.

Although there are currently eight-level masters in the Great Elf World and the Purple Diamond World, they both have one and only one master.

I don’t know when the second master will be born.

Or perhaps, the wizarding civilization will never allow them to give birth to a second local master.

Only the Titan world is not affected by this.

Hela is not very interested in the war situation that the Northland Witches Organization has encountered in recent years.

However, it was the second half of the conversation between Bev and the witch Zhenling that gradually aroused Hela's interest.

"If we didn't need to deploy a large number of legions in the direction of the Minghe Empire, just in case, the pace and process of this war should be faster." The witch Zhenqi sighed.

"How is Master Vivian lately? I haven't seen her for a while since the Alliance Conference ended," Bev said.

"Mother is doing very well and has been paying attention to the battle situation on our side."

"When she left the wizarding world and went to station in the star fields around the world, my mother also said that Ms. Bev would definitely lead our wizarding civilization to achieve the final victory in this civilized war." The witch Zhenling replied.

"The development of wizard civilization to such a prosperous stage today is entirely due to the foundation created by the ancestors of the previous generations. I am only trying to maintain the vigorous development of our wizard civilization on this basis."

"Master Vivian and the others deserve the greatest credit."

"This time, in order to guard against the threat from the Minghe Empire, I had to ask Master Vivian and others to help. It really makes me feel ashamed." Bev sighed.

"The development and prosperity of wizarding civilization is closely related to us as individuals."

“Whether it’s mothers, you or me, no matter where we are, we are here for

Contribute to wizard civilization. "The witch's true spirit replied.

Bev nodded to this. In terms of dedication and dedication to wizard civilization, both the older generation of strong people and the newly grown younger group of strong people are quite aware of this aspect.

Hela also heard that the wizard civilization deployed heavy troops on the Hades Empire to guard against the prying eyes of this top civilization.

The strength of the Hades Empire is far stronger than that of the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Nowadays, at least one-third of the elite legions of the wizard civilization are being held back by the Minghe Empire as a precaution.

After all, the true spirit-level astrologer of the wizard civilization, Shennou Nordin, has predicted that the greatest crisis of the wizard civilization in the future will come from that direction.

Later, Douglas, the most knowledgeable eighth-level true spirit mage in the wizarding world, also confirmed the accuracy of this prediction.

In fact, ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ In fact, Master Douglas also serves as an astrologer, but he rarely shows himself to others, and has not appeared at the recent wizarding union conferences, and is in a state of semi-retirement. .

In addition, Master Sinnoh Nordin is a relatively younger generation of true spirit-level magicians, and his reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, it is said to be "the only true astrological spirit in the wizarding world".

But one thing that is certain is that Master Douglas once said that Sinnoh Nordin's future achievements in the field of astrology will exceed him.

After talking about top civilizations such as the Minghe Empire, the two female true spirit magicians chatted and talked about the ruins of top civilizations recently discovered through exploration.

"That civilization ruins seems to be very important to the Gallente Federation. Even the opponent's Dominator-class war fleet has a tendency to tilt there."

"Will Master Victor, the mechanical spirit of our wizarding world, go to that battlefield? He should be very interested in the ruins of the top technological civilization there." asked the witch true spirit.

Bev shook her head and said, "I asked before, Victor will not go to that civilization ruins for the time being."

"The Gallente Federation master-class fleet approaching the battlefield of the Ancient Desert Wasteland has been identified as the one led by the 'Desert Fox' Rommel."

"I decided to let Moraya, the seventh-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization, go over. Didn't Rommel kill her niece back then?" Bev said.

The witch's true spirit heard this, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Very good, although Moraya's soul of domination was seriously injured, she was still a late-level seventh-level reader, and she almost reached the peak level of seventh-level. "

"If she goes to that battlefield, she will definitely be able to fight with her maximum strength. The same applies to the remnants of the Rose Dynasty's civilization."

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