The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,622 Eye of the Storm

"Did you find anything?" Thain asked Yuli who flew up to him.

In the cockpit, Yuli shook her head, and there seemed to be nothing unusual around her.

The shock just now...may have come from somewhere else.

Thain can contact Master Howard later to ask if there is any situation on their side.

Looking at the sandstorm that was constantly sweeping in the distance, Thane had to sigh that the regular environment of this subspace ruins was extremely bad.

There is a huge difference from the secret realm of Knight Continent in the wizarding world!

Thain asked: "Does the Flame still have that special feeling of being observed by others recently?"

Regarding Thain's question, Yuli remained silent. Anyway, she didn't find anything unusual.

On the contrary, Lieyan hesitated for two or three seconds and then replied: "There are more, intermittently."

"It seems to be in that direction." Yuri pointed to the west‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏.

To the west of where Thain and others were, there was an empty area, and there seemed to be no big sandstorm.

It's just that that area is an area that the wizard civilization exploration team has not been able to study in depth. Master Howard and others judged that the core area of ​​​​this central ruins is also there.

When Thain first came to this top civilization ruins, a special throbbing suddenly came from the Rubik's Cube, which made Thain very curious about the center of this secret ruins.

In addition, the direction pointed by the Flame Horn was also the source of the initial throbbing of the Rubik's Cube.

So even though Thain didn't quite believe that there could still be life in a ruin that had been baptized for tens of millions of years, he still kept a cautious eye on it.

Just when Thain opened his mouth and was about to give some instructions, a sudden warning message came from Master Howard and others, causing Thain's expression to change.

"The Gallente Federation Legion has discovered and invaded this top civilization relic!"

"We need to get rid of them immediately and protect the achievements of civilization that have been discovered!" Master Howard's voice appeared in Thain's ears.

As the storm in the distant northeast gradually dissipated, Thane discovered two combat units similar to Gallente Federation mechas.

Outside the ruins of the Aiyou Landie Civilization Center.

Bond, wearing a metal ring, raised one hand forward, and a space vortex like black mist appeared directly in front of him.

The defeated Black Yin Civilization that year launched a desperate charge against the Ai Youlan Die Civilization, leaving behind some back-ups in this central ruins.

This is one of the reasons why Bond and others can quickly determine the coordinates here.

The vanguard units of the two mecha corps have already penetrated.

The vibration that Thain and others felt in the ruins just now was caused by the erosion of alien power and the power left by the ancient Black Yin civilization.

The ruins of this secret realm were turbulent.

The three Night God-class special fleets that arrived here are now at war with the legions of the wizard civilization outside the ruins.

The Gallente Federation's raid on the central ruins of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization was organized and planned.

As Bond takes action, the Gallente Federation Legion also advances aggressively on the front lines of the Black Bat civilization and on the battlefields of fantastical planes.

Not only these two local war zones, but also the Gallente Federation Legion in the Sea of ​​Chaos Star Region and the Golden Rock World Group moved together.

Facing the frontal impact of the Gallente Federation Legion, the wizard civilization naturally responded actively.

In fact, the pressure brought by the wizarding civilization to the Gallente Federation is quite great.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to send only a few special operations regiments including Bond to invade here.

This is still the nominal area where the forces of the ancient desert wasteland radiate‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏.

But if the Gallente Federation’s army wants to get here, can they get there easily?

Would wizarding civilization agree?

Including the five-star general's previous promise to Bond that Federal Marshal Rommel would lead the Orobas-class war fleet to provide follow-up support here.

Why follow-up support instead of arriving immediately?

Isn’t it because the wizard civilization has specialized power and keeps staring at each other!

There is no doubt that the overall strength of the wizarding civilization and the number of masters exceed that of the Gallente Federation.

One thing that is certain is that when Marshal Rommel leads the Dominator-level war fleet to this star field battlefield, the wizard civilization will inevitably have Dominator-level powerhouses coming along with him!

Thain and others have long felt that the war near this star field is intensifying. The number of level four and above creatures on both sides has already exceeded 100, and there is a tendency of gradually evolving into a core battlefield.

Looking at it now, it can be regarded as a prophecy.

Not only domination-level creatures, but also sixth-level creatures.

On a civilized battlefield, a level six creature like Trilis can almost control a local war zone.

There are also numerous sixth-level creatures and sixth-level combat power of both civilizations. As the pinnacle combat power under the domination, both sides must pay attention to it.

Why did the Wizarding Civilization send Thane over instead of Trilis directly? Was it because there were too many people staring at Trilis?

No matter how powerful the Gallente Federation is, it can only send forces at the level of Bond and the Night God-class war fleet.

Did they send a level 6 or level 6 peak fleet group to try?

The astrology of wizard civilization is not just for free!

The only variable now is that Bond has brought an angel-type robot with six-level combat power this time. This is something that the astrology of wizard civilization has not predicted in advance.

foreseeable sources of danger.

However, there is no need to worry too much. The wizard civilization was the first to enter the subspace ruins earlier. It has already established a large number of experimental bases, many of which also have defense functions.

And there are many fourth- and fifth-level magicians in the wizarding world currently in the ruins.

Master Gilbert, Master Howard and others may not perform well in the field of combat and are "academic magicians", but they can't stand up to the crowd!

With a dozen fourth- and fifth-level magicians together, even a sixth-level angel-type robot has to be weighed.

Not to mention, there are "battle magicians" like Thain who are specially sent for support.

This war surrounding the central ruins of Aiyoulandie civilization can be regarded as an "eye of the storm" on this civilized battlefield.

The fight in the eye of the storm may not be that fierce. The highest level is a battle between levels 5 and 6. The level 4 combat forces involved are only a dozen or so. , twenty.

But the storm outside the eye of the storm was blowing more and more violently.

Not only are there hundreds of millions of warring legions on both sides, but there are also over a hundred creatures of level four and above, and even dominator-level creatures are coming in person!

And according to the war trends of the Gallente Federation, their main fleet is constantly approaching this central ruins.

Due to the Federation's war tendency, Cuilis, Bai Xing and others from the nearby star field battlefield will inevitably send legions or the main body to move closer here.

The central ruins of Aiyou Landie Civilization are becoming more and more lively.

After watching all the agents under his command enter, Bond said to the millions of angel-shaped robots that poured out from the lower deck of the battleship: "It's your turn to enter next."

"After entering, immediately conduct a blanket search of the ruins to find any useful information."

"Although this is close to the influence radiation area of ​​the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion, according to the offensive and defensive situation of the surrounding star field, the first support to arrive here may be the Wizard Civilization Legion."

"We don't have much time left!" Bond said solemnly.

Although the sixth-level angel robot Fumila has a female appearance, her eyes and face are still cold and expressionless.

She glanced at Bond, then drew a lightsaber from her hand and replied, "Got it."

Then, Fumila pointed the lightsaber in her hand forward, and millions of angel-shaped robots waving metal wings crowded densely toward the black mist vortex inspired by Bond.

Bond and others are still not sure what is going on inside the ruins of the Aiyoulan Die Civilization Center.

But according to the feedback from inside, the mecha corps that first penetrated seemed to have already fought against the wizarding civilization.

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