The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1621: The Illusion of the Flame

Mo Yan's work on testing the medicine is not urgent, Thain still has to do some preliminary research and preparations.

Since Thain entered the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, another year and a half has passed outside, and nearly four years have passed inside the ruins.

After research, the time loss difference is roughly maintained at 1:7.

Four years have passed, and the wizard civilization has broken down many grid barriers and found many small ruins.

Even the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization have been discovered, indicating that the war between the Aiyoulandie Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization also took place in this subspace.

During these four years, Thane spent most of his time following the magicians of the archaeological exploration team, rarely leaving the subspace and returning to the outer stars.

Seth‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏En is not one of those rough knights after all. Compared to the boring external garrison tasks, assisting in exploration in the ruins, sometimes Thain can still find time to study his own things. .

For example, in the past few years in the subspace ruins, Thain took advantage of the frequent contact with Master Gilbert and asked him many times for advice on the secrets of energy release from inert crystals.

Thain always asks for advice every time. Magicians also need to spend money to conduct experiments.

It just so happened that Thane had been on the battlefield in the strange plane in the past few years and collected a lot of trophies of specimens from the planet of the sea.

Master Gilbert accepted these relatively new and rare specimens with a smile.

Thain once saw Master Weili holding a conch specimen that Thain gave to Master Gilbert.

On the road to truth exploration, a slight error can make a difference of a thousand miles.

Thain's development and application of the top-quality gray crystal is currently stuck at 97%.

Although 97% of the energy in this crystal is quite impressive, according to the magic lever controlled by Thain, if it increases by another two percentage points, its power will inevitably increase again.

And for magicians, developing 100% of the energy in energy crystals is just mediocre.

A truly talented magician was told as early as when he was a magic apprentice that he could only be considered qualified if he could pull 200% or even 300% of the magic lever!

The properties of inert crystals are completely opposite to traditional energy crystals, and naturally they cannot be equated with the utilization rate of traditional energy crystals.

But as a magician, Thain still hopes that his experiment can be perfect.

With the help of Master Gilbert, Thain's energy development of the super magic bomb increased to 17%.

Although it is only an increase of a few percent, the explosion power of the entire magic bomb after detonation is estimated to have increased by nearly 20%!

Such rigorous characteristics and the transformation property of alchemy magic power at a certain threshold are also the most comfortable, desirable and exciting part for magicians in the process of studying the truth.

That day, Thain, who was tinkering with magic potions in the laboratory, suddenly felt a slight vibration.

The medicine bottle on the experimental table also trembled slightly, and Mo Yan raised his head and looked around curiously.

At this time, Mo Yan was opening the true form of the dragon, lying on Thain's experimental table.

It is not a very pleasant thing to be studied as a test subject.

But Mo Yan, who had already obtained two pieces of improved ancient civilization gene mucus from Thain, was very enthusiastic about it.

According to Thain's research and Mo Yan's actual feedback, this genetic mucus from the Black Yin Civilization is indeed of great benefit to Mo Yan's physical enhancement and potential stimulation.

As expected, the most suitable one for the study and exploration of wizard civilization is the Black Yin Civilization, which is also a cultivation system.

This kind of genetic mucus from ancient civilizations has little effect on wizard world knights and magicians such as Thane, but it has unimaginable benefits for beasts like Mo Yan.

However, the two problems discovered so far are considered to be the biggest drawbacks of this type of ancient civilization genetic mucus.

One is that Thain was unable to copy the most critical special factors in the genetic mucus. One-third of the core ingredients in the potion he gave to Mo Yan came from the original solution of the Black Yin civilization tens of millions of years ago.

Maybe Thain's mentor, Lu Lianman, has a way to rearrange the ratio or develop a new product with similar effects, but it is not something that Thain can handle at this stage.

There is also a more serious drawback, which is that this genetic mucus does contain a trace of "toxin".

Taking a small amount of medicine is nothing at all, considering Mo Yan's anti-toxicity and strong physique.

However, if you take too much at one time, it will greatly increase Mo Yan's combat effectiveness in the short term and develop more bloodline abilities.

source potential.

But one of the serious consequences it may bring is the collapse of the recipient's genes, leading to a rampage or even a countdown to death.

Before giving Mo Yan the genetic mucus to take, Thain also explained his recent research results to him.

In the end, Mo Yan accepted Thain's genetic modulation, but he excluded his two cousins.

Mo Yan said that his brothers cannot be allowed to suffer such unpredictable consequences.

But in actual operation, Thain couldn't help but wonder whether this guy said this because he was greedy.

Because Thain has not focused all his energy on this aspect, the genetic mucus that has been improved and produced in recent times is limited.

Anyway, all the things that were made went into ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏. This guy was still a little unsatisfied after drinking.

In addition, after taking the genetic mucus, Mo Yan will appear very lethargic. This is also a perfect time for Thain to study Mo Yan's physical traits.

Patting one of Mo Yan's jet-black dragon scales, Thain said, "I'll go out and take a look."

Mo Yan nodded, and as soon as his eyelids closed, he started snoring.

In this regard, hey, Mo Yan and Bi Xi are quite similar, they are worthy of being brothers and sisters.

When Thain arrived outside the experimental base, Yuli, driving the Flame, was already hovering in mid-air on guard amid the rolling yellow sand.

She also clearly felt the abnormality just now. As the only close confidant that Thain brought into the ruins, Yuri has always insisted on guarding Thain over the years, and sometimes helped him conduct some body refining experiments.

However, in the past two years, Yuli told Thain a "strange thing".

This strange thing was originally told to her one day by Lieyan, who had already awakened his own wisdom.

Lieyan said that in recent years, it always felt like something was watching it in the dark.

The Flame also took the initiative to search for it, but found nothing.

As the owner of the Flame, Yuli had no idea about this.

As the owner of the Flame, Thane also used the Mask of No Form to explore the surroundings, but also found nothing.

Is it possible that other creatures exist in this central ruins of a top civilization?

As for the Blaze's statement, Thane could only think that it was wrong.

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