The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,623 Support (Additional update)

The battle came faster than Thane expected.

At the beginning, all Thane saw were two reconnaissance mechas.

But then, when a large group of Gallente Federation warships and drones appeared in sight, Thane sensed that trouble was coming.

Immediately waking up Mo Yan who was in a drowsy state in the experimental base, Thain quickly flew towards the direction of Master Howard and others with some magicians and knights around him.

At this time, in the central secret territory, there are many fourth- and fifth-level magicians participating in the research of the wizard civilization, but there are not many low-level knights and magicians.

After all, it involves the ruins of a top civilization, and it will be of no use if a magician of too low a level comes in.

Most of the low-level magicians who enter this place usually play a role as helpers, while those knights are used as "coolies" to establish various experimental bases.

The wizarding civilization has a strong sense of confidentiality. Slave creatures and ordinary alliance plane creatures cannot enter here at all.

Because Yuli had been with Thain all year round and was in the storage space, she stepped aside and sneaked in.

This top-level civilization center ruins is definitely not exposed by the wizard civilization.

It should be that the Gallente Federation discovered some clues in other areas.

When so many Gallente Federation legions entered the ruins, most of the knights and magicians, including Thane, were caught off guard.

"Activate all experimental bases into automatic defense status, contact the garrison troops outside the secret realm of subspace, and be ready to provide support at any time!" Thain said to a fourth-level magician who flew forward.

This fourth-level magician is a research-oriented talent. Although his combat ability is average, he behaves quite calmly in the face of such unexpected situations.

As Thane flew to the experimental base where Master Howard and others were, his combat units gradually gathered into a considerable force.

It is only a fourth-level combat power. In addition to Yuli and Mo Yan who have been following him, there are also two more dragon beasts, two knights, and a magician.

Hundreds of magicians and knights below the demigod level also gathered.

Thain has long known that the dragon beasts of the Mo Yan and Bixi families have a special way of contacting each other.

There is also a special connection between Thain and Tourmaline.

Before, Qixiu and Hanliu were wandering around somewhere unknown.

But when the accident happened, they quickly arrived at Mo Yan's side with support.

As a water dragon, Mo Yan is very uncomfortable with the laws and environment of this subspace secret realm.

However, this yellow sand environment is very suitable for the earth type Qixiu and the fire type Han Liao to display their combat power.

In the years since they entered the secret realm, the wizard civilization archaeological team has worked tirelessly to excavate the remains of ancient civilizations. These two dragon beasts from the fairyland always travel together, as if they are trying to discover some treasure.

Of course, nothing was found, but the two dragon beasts still enjoyed it.

Perhaps for them, what matters is not the result, but the process.

As dragon beasts who left the fairyland for the first time, Qixiu and Hanliu were full of interest in everything.

When he was on the battlefield around the wonderful plane ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, Thain knew that Qixiu and Hanliu were not usually able to sit still.

But at that time, Bai Xing was suppressing them, so these three guys didn't dare to be too blatant. Now they have followed Thain to the secret realm of top civilization. As long as they don't cause trouble, Thain doesn't bother to care about them.

The first two reconnaissance mechas discovered were quickly destroyed by the knights and magicians stationed outside the experimental base.

Those two mechas were only level three in strength. There were more than one or two demigod-level creatures stationed inside and outside the experimental base on Thain's side.

During the journey to the experimental base where Howard and others were located, most of the federal warships and drones discovered on the way were handed over to Han Liao.

This dragon beast with extremely thick beards and mane seems to like to set fire.

The dragon flames he spewed out were impossible for ordinary Federation armors and mechas to resist.

There were many federal legions entering the secret realm, but they were mainly middle and low-level combatants. Thain did not waste time on them.

When a large number of federal mid- and low-level warships and drones burned and fell from the sky, Han Liao, who had turned on his true form, looked very happy.

The dragon scales all over its body are red, and its body is a little smaller than Mo Yan, but it seems to be stockier than Mo Yan in the form of a dragon.

"Is this the power of the Gallente Federation? It doesn't look much stronger than the creatures on the sea planet." Han Liao, who was surrounded by dragon flames, said excitedly.

Glancing at the big guy, Thain had no answer for its mood.

When Thane and others arrived at Master Howard's experimental base,

Sure enough, the intensity of the battle here far exceeded the battles that Thain and his party encountered on the way.

Those drone swarms and ordinary warships that were easily destroyed by Han Liao were just cannon fodder sent by the federal fleet to stop them.

Even though it didn't take long for the Gallente Federation Legion to enter here, they seem to have discovered where the wizard civilization experimental base is more important.

Master Gilbert and others are not here, they are in another experimental base.

It is really because Master Howard's side is more important, so Thain can only choose to support here first.

The Gallente Federation Legion that appeared in the sky above this experimental base was most eye-catching: two giant mechas with red and blue alloy shells, and a dozen special federal ships in the shape of an inverted triangle.

The two giant mechas, judging from their explosive power levels, clearly possess level five combat power.

As for those inverted triangle-shaped federal ships, Thain had never seen them on the battlefield before.

Based on his experience in fighting against the Gallente Federation over the years, these strange ships must not be underestimated.

Sure enough, when these federal ships connected with each other and stimulated layers of energy rays similar to light networks, Thane, who was wearing the Mask of No Phase, immediately reminded the knights and magicians around him to disperse.

"You think of a way to deal with those federal ships, and I'll help Master Howard and the others!" After leaving this order, Thain activated the true form of the Ash Demon and rushed straight to the center of the battlefield of the experimental base.

At this time, Master Howard and another fifth-level magician in the experimental base were struggling to resist the giant federal mecha in front of them.

Master Howard and others probably haven't experienced combat for a while, and they don't know if their old bones can hold on.

The giant mechas and special fleets in front of them were all deliberately selected by the Gallente Federation. The fronts were made of hard steel, and Master Howard and others did suffer a bit.

Fortunately, the various defense facilities in this experimental base were relatively well established. Dozens of layers of magic shields blocked the fire from the Gallente Federation warships, and the numerous magic towers frequently fired back at the Federation legions in the sky.

The appearance of a new force led by Thane made Master Howard and others feel relieved.

However, only Thain arrived, but no wizard civilization garrison appeared outside the ruins. It seems that there is also a battle outside the ruins.

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