The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,620 Genetic Mucus

Inside the wreckage of a black battleship with a special shape, Thain looked at a paleontological specimen that had just been unearthed in the center of the battleship with great interest.

This battleship is not the Ai Youlandie civilization battleship! When this battleship was first discovered, the fifth-level magician Howard said categorically.

Because the task Master Howard was assigned to get was mainly to explore the remains of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

So after determining the origin of the black battleship wreckage, Master Howard didn't stay here for long before he got up and left.

Currently, those collecting information and specimens in the battleship are mainly fourth-level magicians.

Thain was one of the only fifth-level magicians present.

Another fifth-level magician in this ruins is called Bobulu, another old man with gray hair and eyebrows.

He looks older than both Gilbert and Howard, but his authority in the process of exploring the ruins is not as high as Master Howard.

Master Howard is the person in charge of the exploration of this top civilization relic.

Thain is also a fifth-level magician, but his role here is more of a guard or an auxiliary in exploration work.

After dealing with these special field experts of wizard civilization for a period of time, Thane discovered a characteristic.

That is the life level of these "experts", which is generally not high.

Master Gilbert is the magician who has studied inert crystals for the longest time in the wizarding world and has the most thorough understanding, but he only has level four strength.

The same goes for Master Howard and Master Boblu in front of him. They both have great authority in the fields of ruins exploration and ancient civilization research.

Since the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization have designated Master Howard as the person in charge of this top-level civilization relic, it is expected that his abilities in the field of exploring the ruins of the wizarding civilization are at the forefront.

Due to this situation, Thain thought about it and came to the conclusion that knowledge has nothing to do with the level of life.

Master Gilbert's research on inert crystals has probably never been touched by powerful sixth-level magicians.

The main thing is that it is too partial, including the exploration of ruins and the study of ancient civilizations.

Which genius magician would sit idle and regard this as his main profession?

The life levels of Master Gilbert, Master Boblu and Master Howard are generally low. In Thain's opinion, this is also deeply related to the fact that they have taken the "wrong" path.

The inert crystal mysteries have no direct impact on improving the level of life.

The exploration of ruins and the study of ancient civilizations are even more incompatible with the transformation of life in this area.

Facing the situation of Master Gilbert and others, Thane couldn't help but think of his first mentor, Moses Do.

It was also because he wasted so much time and energy in the field of alchemy that Moses was still a first-level magician when he was more than 800 years old.

I think that when Thain was eight hundred years old, he was already a third-level great magician.

This is the result of taking different paths.

Alchemy will not directly improve the magician's life level, but the power of mainstream elements such as fire, light, sonic, and dark can be used.

Thain's external identity has always been that of a fire elementalist.

"Master Thain, look at this giant beast. It has not decayed after tens of millions of years. The skin on its surface is still tough. Its cell strength must have matched that of a fifth-level creature during its lifetime!"

"And it seems that it is not a natural growth to this point. It seems that there is a shadow that catalyzes and guides the mutation..." The fifth-level magician Boblu, like Like an old naughty boy, he walked up to Thain excitedly and said.

A specimen reagent was held in Master Boblu's hand. He didn't know what he had just discovered during his exploration, but he was so out of his mind at this moment.

Thain glanced at the specimen reagent in Master Boblu's hand, and then at the remains of ancient creatures in the wreckage of the ship. He couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Is it the same as the corpse-refining beast in our wizarding world?"

The corpse-refining synthetic beasts in the wizarding world are also mutated products that are refined and synthesized by humans and catalyzed and guided by magic arrays and potions.

In terms of combat power, corpse-refining synthetic beasts are not far behind creatures of the same level, and they are even more powerful and fearless of death.

The only major disadvantage is that the vast majority of corpse-refining synthetic beasts are not very intelligent. After all, they are artificially synthesized products. They cannot be expected to be as smart as real intelligent creatures.

And since the corpse-refining synthetic beast is a synthetic product, no matter how perfect it is made, it must have its physiological and genetic defects.

Many corpse-refining synthetic beasts that were bred as war beasts would often have their genes suddenly collapse during the battle and turn into a pool of flesh and blood particles.

At present, the wizard civilization that uses corpses to synthesize beasts the most is the black magician of the black realm, followed by the necromancers, dark elementalists, and a few summoners.

After hearing Thain's inquiry, Old Man Boblu was stunned, and then nodded in agreement: "It is indeed very similar to the corpse-refining beast in our wizarding world."

"If this special method of cultivating war beasts from the Black Yin Civilization were brought back to the Wizarding World, the group of corpse-refining synthetic beast makers would definitely be very interested."

"The same goes for the ancient biological genetic fluids we found in the ruins. Unfortunately, I am not an expert in this field and cannot decipher the secrets for the time being."

Old Man Boblu sighed.

This is a sigh from a purely academic perspective. Sure enough, in terms of improvement in the technical field, progress is still too slow if we rely solely on our own research and breakthroughs.

The most convenient way is to directly use other people's ready-made technology.

"Can you give me some of the blood and flesh specimens of the ancient creatures of the Black Yin Civilization found in the ruins, as well as the genetic mucus found in the ruins?" Thain asked.

Seeing this, the old man Boblu opened his eyes and replied: "Of course, Master Thain, you are one of our researchers. It is reasonable to use some specimens for development!"

Having said that, old man Boblu immediately ordered the two surrounding fourth-level magicians to bring Thain some specimens they had recently unearthed during archaeological excavations.

Thain has little interest in archaeology, and he doesn't do much research in the field of corpse-refining and beast synthesis.

The main reason why I asked for these flesh and blood samples and genetic mucus was to give them to Lina as a gift later.

When these genetic slimes were presented to Thain, these liquids that had been brewed for many years actually exuded a special fragrance.

The dragon Mo Yan, who was wandering around the ruins, followed the scent and came over at some point.

Mo Yan couldn't help but smacked his lips and asked, "What is this thing? It smells pretty good."

Mo Yan has eaten countless delicacies from the mountains and seas, and he has a special liking for this stuff. It should be a primitive desire coming from the genes of blood cells, and he thinks that drinking this stuff is good for him.

Of course, it was impossible for Thane to let Mo Yan drink this ancient genetic fluid from tens of millions of years ago.

Before studying and understanding its uses and effects, it would be troublesome if Mo Yan drank it rashly and had any abnormal reactions.

However, seeing Mo Yan staring at the genetic mucus with gleaming eyes at this time, Thain himself also had some thoughts.

Although he is not an expert in the field of corpse refining and beast synthesis, he can be regarded as a pharmacist, and he studied under the famous teacher Lu Lianman.

With Thain's current ability, he should be able to understand the general pharmacology of this genetic mucus to a certain level.

If someone voluntarily "tests the drug", the research progress will definitely be greatly improved.

Furthermore, how could a fourth-level creature, a dragon beast with a powerful bloodline, be "poisoned" so easily?

So, Thain asked seemingly casually: "Mo Yan, why don't you try the taste of these genetic mucus? By the way, help us test the properties of this ancient civilization potion?"

When Mo Yan heard this, he nodded directly without any hesitation or worry: "No problem!"

Seeing the way this guy rolled his tongue, he was a little impatient.

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