The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,619 The Marshal arrives in person (more updates)

"Agent Bond, your mission is to sneak into the location of the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization center that we have targeted."

"According to the information we obtained about the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization, this was the last stopping point for the creatures of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization when they left the star realm."

"There may also be Aiyoulandie civilization technology left there. Those technologies are particularly important to us!" The five-star admiral, who is the commander-in-chief of dozens of surrounding fleets, said sternly to Bond.

"Yes!" Bond replied standing at attention.

Bond has proven his ability through his previous performance in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

"The main force of our fleet will cooperate with your actions to launch a full-scale attack on the Black Bat Civilization and the Wizard Civilization Legion on the battlefield of the wonderful plane."

"And in the subsequent war plan, we will also consciously dispatch legion forces to move closer to the central ruins there."

"The data obtained by the Federation's ultimate quantum computer is that there is a 46% chance that the Wizarding Civilization has discovered the central ruins of the Ai Youlan Butterfly Civilization in advance and has begun exploring it."

"But it certainly didn't take long for them to discover it. The current exploration of the ruins is probably still in its early stages."

"You need to find the core database of the central ruins of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization earlier than the creatures of the wizard civilization."

"During this period, you may encounter some disturbances and threats from wizard civilization."

"Do you need any help from our military?"

"From the presidential palace to the military department and your special operations department, we have all been instructed to provide you with as much help as possible." asked the five-star general.

Bond replied: "I need the angel robot Fumila to go out with me."

"In addition, my special agent team also needs the most comprehensive equipment replenishment."

The angelic robot Fumila has level six combat power and was also Bond's most effective helper when he explored the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

Although the time in the material star realm has only passed for more than ten years.

But in fact, Bond and Fumila have been fighting side by side in the ruins of the Black Yin civilization for nearly thirty years, and the flow of time there is also different from the outside world.

The Black Yin civilization, which has adopted a training system and possesses extremely powerful beast-taming abilities, left a very deep impression on Bond.

The black agent uniform he was wearing at this time came from the skin left after the death of a black Yin civilization level six beast found in the ruins.

It is hard to imagine that after tens of millions of years of time, the corpse of the beast in the ruins has not completely decayed and died.

Except for some that were used as rewards for Bond and others, most of the other things found in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization were transported back to the Gallente Federation.

In particular, a special mucus found in the ruins was used by the Black Yin civilization to feed slave animals. Preliminary research shows that this mucus is also of great benefit to the physical transformation of humans in the Gallente Federation.

If Gallente Federation scientists can decipher the secrets, it will be another significant improvement for the federation's biotechnology.

In addition, the world-class secret treasure Bond is wearing on his wrist at this time is also the product of a combination of federal technology and treasures discovered in the ruins of the Black Yin civilization.

In fact, the Gallente Federation is far less generous. Many ancient civilization treasures discovered need to be handed over. The Federation calls them "antiques".

Bond was exploring the ruins, and by chance, his blood genes completed the "blood sacrifice" process for this ring, which is equivalent to recognizing its owner.

So later, with the help of the top management of the Gallente Federation, especially Bond’s boss, Ms. Gemma, the Federation helped him transform and upgrade it with the power of science and technology, so that this metal ring finally became world-class. In the form of a secret treasure, it was worn on his hand.

The five-star generals in front of Bond were stunned for a moment at Bond's request.

In fact, Bond's request was too few and too simple, which did not match the Gallente Federation's imperative attitude toward this top-notch technological civilization center ruins.

This was not the first time that the five-star general in front of him had dealt with Bond. He knew the character of the outstanding federal agent in front of him.

After pondering for a moment, the five-star general said: "I will send two more special mecha corps to assist you."

"The same goes for those war fleets. The three most elite Night God-class special fleets have also been sent to cooperate with you."

"We in the Gallente Federation attach great importance to this top civilization relic. It won't be long before Marshal Rommel will personally lead his Orobas-class war fleet to arrive in this war zone." The five-star general reminded.

In the Gallente Federation, the authority of a marshal-level being is equivalent to that of a master-level creature of the wizard civilization.

The Orobas-class war fleet is also the Gallente Federation's most standard master-class combat force.

There are hundreds of thousands of generals in the Gallente Federation, but there are only about twenty marshal-level ones.


They are all beings who stand at the pinnacle of power in the Gallente Federation.

Marshal Rommel is one of the more famous among the many marshals of the Gallente Federation.

He has always been known as a "wise general" and is also known as the "Desert Fox" in the federal military.

Probably because Marshal Rommel's famous battle was in a sand plane where he killed a dominator-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization at that time, and nearly wiped out the legion of readers in that plane at that time.

Among all the federal marshals, Marshal Rommel is an extremely young one. His portrait is hung in the federal military headquarters. He is also an extremely handsome young man. He looks out of place with the other old marshals in the same frame around him.

Bond had obviously heard of Marshal Rommel's name. When he heard that a marshal was about to lead the Dominator-class battle fleet to this star field battlefield, Bond, who had always been calm and unfazed, had a slightly moved expression on his face.

The imminent arrival of the Overlord-class war fleet shows that the Gallente Federation is determined to win.

In order to encourage Bond to complete the mission with all his strength, the five-star general made a timely promise: "If you can successfully complete this mission, I will recommend you to the military department for promotion to three-star lieutenant general."

Bond's current military rank is one-star lieutenant general, which is the lowest rank in the lieutenant general class.

But this is already amazing, how old is he?

And Bond has no fleet command experience, so he was promoted to lieutenant general solely based on his agent abilities.

It is also the only one in the history of the Gallente Federation.

The promise of a five-star general was superfluous. In fact, Bond was not impressed too much. He was not that enthusiastic about military ranks.

However, Bond will still try his best to complete the tasks assigned to him by the Federation.

As an orphan, Bond had already regarded federal security and development as his own responsibility after being adopted by the federal special department.

Bond said: "According to the information I got from the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization, before the Ai Youlan Die civilization won the war and left very abruptly, the defeated remnants of the Black Yin Civilization were unhappy and turned to Ai Youlan Die again. Civilization launches a desperate attack."

"There should be many remains of the Black Yin Civilization in that central civilization ruins."

"This time I sneaked into the ruins, maybe I can use the power of the Black Yin civilization to survive." Bond said, pinching the metal ring on his wrist.

The five-star general in front of him nodded approvingly, expressing his approval.

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