The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,618 The Federation Arrives (Additional update)

Master Gilbert and others in the pit were pointing at the outline of a square metal frame.

Hanging around are a row of magic crystal lamps emitting a faint blue light. Directly in front of them are several demon puppets measuring tens of meters in size, working hard to dig out.

These golem puppets belong to Master Gilbert and others.

Master Gilbert, who looks like a skinny old man, is not only a fourth-level earth element master and mineral crystal researcher, he is also an excellent puppet maker.

The alchemy puppet created by Master Gilbert is the strongest and can possess the strength of a semi-god.

If it weren't for Master Gilbert's ambition, and most of the alchemy puppets he developed would be "coolies" specially used for mining.

Otherwise, with the old man’s knowledge base‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, it is not impossible to create a puppet with a combat power comparable to level four.

"Any new discoveries?" After entering the pit, Thain walked up to Master Gilbert and others and asked.

The one closest to the old man is the fourth-level female magician Weili, an old lady with a kind face.

Master Gilbert seems to have a good relationship with Master Wei Li. Every time Thain meets, he can find that they are very close.

Faced with Thain's question, Master Gilbert, who was in a deep thinking state, did not answer. However, Master Weili beside him laughed and said: "Gilbert believes that the predecessor of this mine is a part of the Aiyoulandie civilization. A small energy crystal reserve."

"We have completed a large part of the character deciphering work of Aiyou Landie civilization. The old guy is considering whether we can use some information in this reserve to determine the location of other larger resource points." Weili said with a smile.

Because she and Thain have known each other for a while, Mrs. Weili knew that she could exchange some information with Thain.

Not to mention, the private transactions between Gilbert and others at Blue Star back then and Thain also brought considerable profits to both parties.

"Did you find anything?" Thain continued to ask.

This time, Mrs. Weili shook her head.

"It's been too long, and many of the fragments we found have been eroded beyond recognition."

"Only those areas with sound energy barriers may leave more ancient civilization props and detailed information."

"Didn't Master Howard also say that the real value of this ruins should lie deeper in it?

. "Weili sighed.

Regarding Master Wei Li's sigh, Thain couldn't help but sigh.

The wizard civilization's current exploration speed of this top civilization center ruins is still too slow!

It took nearly two years to explore less than 3% of the total area of ​​the ruins. It would probably take nearly a hundred years to explore the entire ruins.

And this kind of ruins exploration is often easy in the early stage but difficult in the later stage.

One hundred years may not necessarily reveal all the secrets of this top civilization relic.

Master Howard and others who are good at archaeological research have been blocked from an energy barrier for three months.

Thain now knows that Master Howard and others are currently considering whether to use violent means to forcibly break down the square barriers in this central ruins.

If ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is forcibly broken through with brutal violence, the speed at which wizard civilization can explore this ruins will naturally increase significantly.

But at the same time, this approach will also bring about irreparable damage to certain architectural remains in the ruins and even the remaining power of rules.

By then, if the situation is serious, it may even lead to the complete collapse of this subspace ruins.

Some people are in favor of using violent means to explore the ruins, while others are naturally opposed to it.

Thane is more in favor of it because he knows that the current war situation around the Black Bat civilization and the battlefield of the wonderful plane is becoming increasingly tense.

No one knows when the Gallente Federation will come.

I don't know if it was because he had carried out many dangerous missions after being promoted to level four, but Thain found that his intuitive premonitions were sometimes very accurate.

Generally speaking, this kind of performance shows that Thain must have considerable talent in the field of astrology.

It's just that Thain rarely dabbles in related astrology. There are too many things he needs to study on a daily basis.

"Master Howard and the others have deeper considerations. They have more experience than us in the fields of ruin exploration and ancient civilization research."

"It's up to Master Howard and the others to make the decision. We just need to do our job well," Thain said.

Old Mrs. Weili nodded, and then she devoted herself to the study of the mine veins in this pit.

Thain stayed in this pit for a while, and finally left with a small number of excavated inert crystal mineral specimens.

At the border of the ancient desert world, the Gallente Federation blocks out the sky and the sun.

Fleet groups are constantly jumping from alien star fields to arrive.

In recent years, Thane has found that the situation on the frontline battlefield where he is located has become increasingly tense and fierce, and the wizard civilization continues to send war legions to this star field.

However, the Gallente Federation also did not stop.

Even the Gallente Federation has invested more troops in the ancient desert world!

The reason why the Wizarding Civilization has been adding troops to the Wonderful Plane and the Black Bat Civilization is mainly due to the influence of the Gallente Federation.

If the Gallente Federation had not discovered the strategic significance and hidden value of the ancient desert world, the wizarding civilization would have been too lazy to send more troops to this remote star field.

This is nothing more than revealing to the Gallente Federation that there are some deep secrets hidden here.

But unfortunately, there are many things in the star world that are out of control, and even the dominant creatures are difficult to control.

I am afraid that the Wizarding Civilization could not have imagined that after they excavated many relics of the Aylan Butterfly Civilization, several relics of the Black Yin Civilization would be discovered in the Gallente Federation!

As a cultivating civilization, the attraction of the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization to the Gallente Federation is naturally far less than that of the Ai Youlan Die Civilization.

And according to the information obtained by Gallente Federation archaeological scientists from the ruins, tens of millions of years ago, the Black Yin Civilization, which was also a top civilization, was on the losing side when it faced the Aiyoulandie Civilization!

How can losers have the fragrance of the victors’ civilizational relics? Not to mention that the Aiyoulandie civilization, which is also a technological civilization, is of greatest value to the Gallente Federation at this stage.

It is because of this that a large number of Gallente Federation fleets increased their troops to this star field.

In addition to the conventional warships and mecha corps, the Gallente Federation also sent the most professional archaeological team, multiple special fleets, and federal special talents this time.

For example, James Bond, who was wearing a black secret agent uniform and made great achievements in the exploration of the ruins of the Black Yin civilization not long ago, led his team to this star field again this time.

Just over ten years have passed, and James Bond, who was only at the peak of level four before, has now been promoted to level five.

And unlike other newly promoted fifth-level creatures, James Bond's aura is more reserved and deep. He has another chance in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

In addition, Bond, who already holds the title of lieutenant general, also wears a unique metal ring on his wrist.

Observed from various angles, this metal ring is a world-class secret treasure.

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