The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1617: Changes in the Rubik's Cube

In the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

Thain took out his world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube and looked to the west thoughtfully.

Just now, Thain, who was mentally connected to the Rubik's Cube, suddenly felt a throbbing from the Rubik's Cube.

Although it is a world-class secret treasure, the role of the Rubik's Cube in Thane's hands is far inferior to that of the Formless Mask, which can provide direct blessing in battle.

More functions of the Rubik's Cube are reflected in the fields of giving robots intelligence and helping intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron repair wounds.

If we rate the power of Thain's blessing, then the Mask of the Formless can be regarded as a medium-grade world-class secret treasure, while the Rubik's Cube is at best a low-level world-class secret treasure.

It's just because it has the ability to give robots intelligence, and was developed by Thain some time ago to produce "Energy Purple‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Crystal".

So among the low-level world-class secret treasures, the Rubik's Cube can be regarded as one of the more outstanding ones.

But for Thain, it is still not enough, especially its blessing effect in battle!

Thain has always wanted to start upgrading his Rubik's Cube, or even fuse the ability of the Rubik's Cube with the Phaseless Mask to see if he could give the Phaseless Mask a weapon spirit or wisdom.

But this kind of experimental subject is really too high-end.

The knowledge system involved far exceeds Thain's reserves.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Thain had spent thousands or tens of thousands of years conducting research in this area during peaceful times.

Anyway, as an extremely young fifth-level magician, what Thane lacks most is time.

But unfortunately, it is currently during the war. What Thain usually studies the most is his body refining secret, the ash flame secret, and the super magic bomb that he often studies recently.

For the upgrade research of the Rubik's Cube and the fusion research plan of the Phaseless Mask, we can only push it forward again and again.

This is probably also the helplessness of a fifth-level magician during the war.

"Master Thain, what's wrong with you?" A fourth-level magician beside him asked strangely. He noticed something strange about Thain and looked curiously at the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand.

"Nothing. Are Master Gilbert and the others still down there?" Thain calmly took back the Rubik's Cube in his hand and asked.

"Yes, it's still down there. Maybe we will gain something new this time." The fourth-level magician nodded.

Gilbert is the mineral research expert who gave Thain the top-grade gray crystal before.

Magical bombs developed by Thane

, the inert crystal energy stimulation secret involved was originally traded from Master Gilbert.

Master Gilbert, a mineralogist specializing in the wizarding civilization, has now been transferred to the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization because the top brass of the wizarding civilization speculated that this central ruins located in the subspace also contains Large deposits of inert crystals.

Facts have proved that the speculations of the higher-ups of wizard civilization are indeed reasonable.

After entering the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, Master Gilbert and others discovered two small inert crystal mineral veins.

The scale of this central ruins in subspace is comparable to that of a large world.

The wizard civilization exploration team has recently discovered two small mineral veins before the content of the ruins has reached 3%.

If ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ waits until the entire ruins are explored, there may be even more exciting and gratifying results.

The veins of inert crystals discovered in the ruins, as well as various evidence obtained from previous explorations, all prove that the birth of special inert crystals such as gray crystal must be inseparable from the ancient top civilization Ai Youlandie Civilization.

Master Gilbert and others said that the gray crystal veins that have been discovered are likely to be the "standard energy" stored by the Ai Youlan butterfly civilization. After a long period of erosion and baptism of time, coupled with the change of address, , only to reappear in front of the wizard civilization in the form of mineral veins.

Even the inert crystal used by the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization countless thousands of years ago is not in the form of gray crystal, but another inert crystal that is close to the particle form of gray crystal.

The gray crystal that Thain and others see now is just a new product caused by the iteration of time.

The pit that Master Gilbert and others are currently in is the direction that was just surveyed and measured some time ago.

In addition to some inert spar ores, many antiquities from the Aiyoulandie civilization have been unearthed below.

The most common ones are some metal fragments.

Thain himself also collected a lot of them, and they were also engraved with a few characters once used by the Aiyoulandie civilization.

The research value of these metal fragments is almost zero, mainly because they have been tested for tens of millions of years. As antiques, they have a certain collection value.

Not only Thain, but also many knights and magicians who entered this central ruins took away some less important things as souvenirs.

If we say that the most valuable thing for research has been discovered recently, it is a ship carrying tens of thousands of people from under the yellow sand.

Meter depth, the square spacecraft was excavated.

The orchid butterfly civilization that existed tens of millions of years ago seems to have a special liking for "square shapes".

Many valuable things about this ancient civilization that the wizarding civilization has unearthed are all presented in a square shape.

The place where the spaceship was unearthed is in another area of ​​​​this land of yellow sand. This is also where Howard and other wizard civilization level five archaeological magicians have focused their efforts recently.

Thain learned that Gilbert and several other familiar magicians had also entered this subspace ruins, so he made a special trip to take a look.

The main factor that currently prevents wizards from exploring deeper areas within the ruins is the translucent invisible energy barriers that exist in this boundless world of yellow sand.

The ultra-ancient Ai Youlan Butterfly civilization creature seemed to divide this central secret realm into "square grids" one after another before leaving.

Unless there are special access signs, even fourth-level creatures will be blocked in their respective areas.

Therefore, despite the endless yellow sand in the distance, it is very likely that Thain would be forcibly intercepted by a transparent barrier halfway through his flight.

Currently, there are two main ways to break down and pass through these barriers.

One is the professional magicians of the wizarding civilization, who have developed a series of magic instruments that can slowly dissolve those energy barriers.

Another thing is that there are some gaps between these barriers.

These gaps may be the passage space specially left by the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilized creatures for themselves, or it may be the long-term erosion that makes these energy barriers themselves have some weak areas.

After research, the magicians of the wizarding civilization are more inclined to the second point of view.

Because according to the previous exploration and research of the ruins, the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization creatures themselves have special passage signs. There is no need to go to extra steps to create a passage space for themselves, leaving loopholes in these energy barriers.

After sending away the fourth-level magician in front of him, Thain planned to go deep into the pit to see the research findings of Master Gilbert and others.

Thain himself is also a magician, and he also has a say in related research, so Thain can go to most places in the ruins.

At this point, he has a much greater advantage than the fifth-level knight Aikaxi and Jiaolong Moyan.

But before entering this pit, Thain couldn't help but look to the west.

"What on earth is it?" Thain muttered to himself.

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