The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1616 Wall-E

Karazzo and Milena were blocked out, but Dragon Mo Yan and his two brothers were not affected.

The entrance to the central ruins is an oval and vortex-shaped elemental halo.

Thain looked left and right at the entrance to the ruins, and sure enough he found many traces of the alchemy circle of the wizard civilization.

It seems that the wizard civilization can open the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization not by the power of science and technology, but by the means of magical elements.

When entering the ruins, there is a strong sense of space being torn apart.

In other words, fourth- and fifth-level creatures like Thain are not affected.

If it were a weaker creature, it would probably be torn into countless tiny fragments by the force of space.

After a short and uncomfortable process, Thain and the others finally entered the ruins.

What you see is an endless expanse of yellow sand.

It is quite in contrast to the top-notch civilization relics that we had expected before.

No wonder the fifth-level knight Hopkin seems to be uninterested in this top civilization relic.

Looking up and looking around, Thain didn't see anything except the yellow sand.

A small black spot appeared faintly at the end of Thain's field of vision.

Saying hello to Mo Yan and others who were also curious around him, Thain said: "Master Howard and others from the ruins exploration team may be over there. Let's go directly."

Mo Yan nodded, and the group flew towards the end of the yellow sand.

Wall-E, the T3001 industrial robot produced by Aiyoulandie Civilization.

This is a robot that uses solar energy as its main power source. There is a laser cutting device between its eyes, which is enough to break the surface protection of level four creatures.

But its main duty is to clean up garbage and industrial waste.

Including its laser cutter that breaks the skin of level four organisms, most of the time, it is also "properly" used in the process of dividing and processing garbage.

Wall-E is very powerful, but he doesn't seem to know about it.

Because there is no control reference.

No matter how hard the metal scrap is, it can be cut into square-sized pieces after being cut by WALL-E's laser cutter.

Wall-E doesn't know why it does this or what the significance of it is.

But this seems to be WALL-E's innate instinct. Since the birth of wisdom, WALL-E has appeared in this yellow sand world.

Wall-E awakened from his own wisdom about 17 million years ago.

Time means nothing to WALL-E.

Since the flow of time in this Aoi Orchid Butterfly ruins may be different from the normal star realm, Wall-E may have lived here alone for longer!

On this day, Wall-E marched through the ruins as usual.

Its legs are like crawlers, its arms are a bit like buckets, and it has a pair of big probe-like metal eyes that scan the surroundings 360°.

After tens of millions of years of hard work, the metal color of Wali's body is a rusty dark yellow, and there are obvious wear and tear everywhere on the body.

Countless years are not so easy to pass.

During this period, Wall-E also suffered from physical breakdowns and other problems.

Whenever this happens, WALL-E will obtain replacement parts from other scrapped robots.

WALL-E's laser cutter and hydraulic control arm weren't that powerful to begin with.

But it may be that during the long period of update iterations, too many parts from other scrapped robots were used.

The power of some scrapped robots during their lifetimes was extremely exaggerated, which made WALL-E what it is today.

Although Wall-E awakened from his own wisdom, it was far later than the time when Ai Youlan Butterfly's civilized creatures left this starry sky.

But in WALL-E's information storage, that is, deep in its memory, there is a vague image and a vague voice, and that is its owner.

The owner said that he would pick him up after the matter was taken care of.

Wall-E has been waiting until now.

Day after day, it completes the deepest command of its control command, and waits firmly for its master.

In this endless wasteland of yellow sand, for countless years, there seemed to be only one robot, Wall-E, still active and working.

Although Wall-E also unearthed many robot corpses from under the ruins, some robots looked quite similar to it.

But without exception, these robots have all lost their response and turned into metal wrecks.

The only role they play is to replace WALL-E's body parts.

Why can Wall-E survive the test of tens of millions of years?

Why did Wall-E awaken to his own wisdom?

Where did the scene and the sound in WALL-E's deepest memory come from?

no one knows.

Just like Wall-E, who had been buried in this land of yellow sand for countless thousands of years, working alone and in obscurity.

There is no point in thinking about those issues before outsiders detect and discover them.

"Boom!" The appearance of a violent and familiar sandstorm caused WALL-E, who was at work among the ruins, to quickly end the garbage disposal work at hand.

, hiding under a gap in the ruins leeward.

A violent sandstorm swept over, and the metal ruins that hit it made a sharp and harsh sound of "Creak!" "Creak!"

At this time, Wall-E has retracted his head and limbs to his body. From the outside, it looks like a complete cube.

In fact, given WALL-E's surface strength, such a sandstorm would not have much impact on it.

But it should be noted that what Wall-E needs to deal with is not just this sandstorm, but the invasion of time that spans tens of millions of years.

A sandstorm is not terrible, but what if it continues like this for millions of years?

Wall-E's evasive move was actually the most sensible and scientific plan judged by its system center.

Perhaps, it is precisely because WALL-E actively and carefully avoided every storm and possible danger that it has spent so many thousands of years‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏ ‏The baptism of Yin.

The storm comes and goes quickly.

When Wall-E reappeared from under the rubble, his body had returned to normal size.

A compressed square piece of metal garbage appeared at Wall-E's feet again at some unknown time.

Performing the same job day after day, year after year, when I awaken to the power of my wisdom, I gradually feel a little lonely.

However, WALL-E is extremely optimistic by nature, and his loneliness does not affect his diligent garbage disposal work.

But in the deepest part of WALL-E's heart, in addition to insisting on waiting for the return of his master, he also has a faint urge to explore the outside world and find his kind.

This impulse was finally suppressed by Wall-E.

Because it is worried that after leaving, the owner will not be able to find it.

This suppression took another hundreds or tens of millions of years to pass.

Today, after the intermittent sandstorm ended, Walli did not immediately continue the garbage disposal work, but looked to the east with some confusion.

Its probe-like electronic eyes stretched very far, but unfortunately, it saw nothing in the end. There was still endless yellow sand in the distance.

A faint special connection and throbbing made Walli look to the east several times.

It wasn't that its owner was back, but...WALL-E felt something attracted him.

Are they the same kind?

When looking eastward for the last time, Wall-E, who had been silent for a long time, finally turned his tracks and headed towards the direction that attracted him.

This is the first time in millions of years that Wall-E has failed to complete his routine garbage disposal work.

The last time it behaved like this was when it discovered its electronic cockroach pet Hal millions of years ago.

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