The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1615: Central Ruins

When setting off from the Space Fortress, Thane took away the super magic bomb he had been researching in recent years.

The predecessor of this magic bomb was the clearest inert crystal that Thane obtained from the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

It's a pity that Thain's research is not deep, or it is too complicated to develop the energy contained in the inert crystal. So far, Thain has only stimulated 97% of the energy in this inert crystal.

In this regard, according to the theoretical data obtained in the laboratory, this super magic bomb has the ability to severely damage level six creatures.

If inert crystals of this level are not too rare, and the wizard civilization seems to have other uses for collecting inert crystals, otherwise Thain would make similar magic equipment in large quantities, even if he encounters a sixth-level creature, he can easily defeat the opponent. .

This super magical ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is almost one of Thain’s back-up tools for carrying out the ruins exploration mission during this trip.

This time, he did not borrow the power of world-class secret treasures such as the Phaseless Mask. He developed such treasures purely by relying on his own wisdom.

The emergence of this super magic bomb actually means that Thain has reached a very high level in the field of alchemy.

Maybe next time, he can try to research and produce world-class secret treasures.

A fourth-level god in the Titan world can make a world-class secret treasure such as the Thunder Sword.

There's no reason why Thane can't do it.

But unlike that Titan god, Thain usually needs to study too many things.

Alchemy is only one of the many truths that Thain explores, and it is not all of Thain.

When Thain and others left the battlefield in the strange plane, they did not attract too many people's attention.

Mainly on this side of the Wonderful Plane, the Wizarding Civilization has invested over a hundred creatures at level 4 and above, and the enemy's Gallente Federation has a similar level 4 combat strength.

In such a gathering of voices, only a few fourth- and fifth-level creatures were left, which indeed would not arouse suspicion in a short period of time.

Thain has not been in the limelight on the battlefield of the wonderful plane in recent times. He is usually very low-key. Even if he disappears for a period of time, he probably will not attract anyone's attention.

People would still think that Master Thain is tinkering with some experiments in the laboratory.

However, Mo Yan, who usually likes to be troubled, suddenly disappeared. Some of the kings of Warcraft and the alien gods of the alliance may be a little curious.

But Mo Yan

In the end, he left through the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce. With the help of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, Mo Yan's whereabouts were naturally not easily detected by others.

It took nearly half a year for Thain and others to arrive at the target star field after leaving the battlefield of the wonderful plane.

In fact, this central ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization is quite far away from the frontline battlefield where Thain and others usually work.

And it is said to be relatively close to the sphere of influence of the ancient desert wasteland world, but in fact the surrounding starry sky is lonely, and there are not even a few decent plane planets.

Because it has no strategic value, the ancient desert wasteland world has no troops stationed around it.

Judging from what Thain and others saw when they first arrived, it was relatively safe.

In a meteorite area with no surprises, Thain met some of the wizards stationed here‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Civilized powerhouses.

The wizarding world attaches great importance to this top-level civilization relic. Not only has it sent five-level powerhouses like Thain to escort it, but it has also specially mobilized many array masters, astrologers, wizards, etc. with special professional abilities to use it. Mask traces.

If there were no accurate coordinates to provide directions, even Thain, who was wearing the Maskless Mask, would not be able to discover the entrance to this top civilization ruins.

It can be seen that world-class secret treasures are not omnipotent.

Even though Thain has been promoted to level five, there are still some people and things in the star world that he cannot understand.

"I am Thain, and I have been ordered to station here and help develop this ruins." Thain took out a magic scroll with legal benefits and said to the fifth-level knight in front of him.

The male fifth-level knight in front of him had never been seen by Thane before, and he must have been transferred to this star field battlefield not long ago.

Elkaxi, who was traveling with Thain, knew each other. After confirming that Thain's magic scroll was correct, the knight became very familiar with Thain and Elkaxi.

Knights generally like to make friends, which is completely opposite to the quiet personality of magicians.

After Thain briefly chatted with the fifth-level knight named Hopskin for a while, he learned that the professional ruins exploration team of the wizard civilization had been conducting research on the central ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization for nearly a year and a half. explore.

A few areas in the ruins have been explored, but most of them are still like a fog, not open to wizard civilization.

"Master Howard said that the internal space of this top civilization ruins is comparable to the territory of a large world."

"It's incredible that such a large volume can be opened up in subspace."

"Such a large alien space. Before this, I had only seen the Knight Continent in our wizarding world." Hopkin sighed, this is a fifth-level knight who loves to think.

The Wizarding Civilization is located in the Knight Continent in the central and southern part of the Western Islands. It can indeed be regarded as an alien space.

Because Knight Continent is completely isolated from the outside world, even the speed of time is greatly different.

The top-level civilization ruins in front of us are similar to those in Knight Continent, and there must be differences in the flow of time inside.

But what surprised Sendu a little was that the internal space of this ruins was comparable to that of a large world?

What did the prehistoric Aiyo Orchid butterfly civilization create such a large subspace secret realm for?

And since the interior space is so large, does it contain any prehistoric treasures and ancient civilization technologies?

This is the issue that the higher-ups of wizard civilization are most concerned about, and it is also one of the main purposes of Thain and others coming here.

When Thain asked about the situation in the ruins, Knight Hopkin didn't talk much. On the one hand, it was due to confidentiality reasons, and on the other hand, the knight was not interested in the affairs in the ruins.

He just said: "Master Thain, you will know once you go in and take a look. In short, according to Master Howard and others, the process of exploring the ruins was not smooth."

After nodding to the Golden Knight of Hops, Thane and Aikaxi looked at each other and walked into the ruins.

The fifth-level Kryptonian warriors Karazo and Moon White Tiger Milena who arrived here together were not allowed to enter.

Their loyalty can be guaranteed, but the wizard civilization does not want them to be too involved in the relics of this top civilization.

Karazo and Milena will not be alone, because there are several fourth- and fifth-level creatures with similar identities to them outside the central ruins.

A jet-black level five creature that looked like an octopus caught Thain's attention.

Also from Hopskin's introduction, Thain learned that when they arrived near the coordinates of this starry sky, a large part of the reason why they could not detect and determine the entrance to the ruins with the naked eye and mental power was because this level five octopus was released. A law of fog and ink.

This kind of mist ink can even render the surrounding starry sky. Its uniqueness and strange ability make people marvel.

"Then you just wait outside." Thain said to Karazzo and Milena.

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