The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1614: Giant of Light (Additional update)

The central ruins of the Aiyou Landie civilization are the same ones that the wizard civilization had discovered a few years ago.

According to the research and prediction by archaeological magicians and astrologers specializing in wizard civilization, the central ruins should be around the Blue Star and Black Bat civilizations. They are the most valuable, and they are also the ruins with the most things related to the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization.

After more than ten years of unremitting exploration, the wizard civilization finally determined its accurate coordinates.

That central ruins is probably located in the blank star field between the Blue Star and Black Bat civilizations.

The reason why no abnormality was discovered by surrounding civilizations for a long time is because the central ruins were buried in a special subspace.

The only thing that makes the higher-ups of the wizard civilization a little troublesome is that the coordinates of that subspace happen to be in the battlefield radiation area where the world dominates the ancient desert wasteland.

Now, although the Black Bat Civilization has stabilized its position after receiving the help of the Wizard Civilization, there are still large areas of star territory occupied by the ancient desert wasteland world.

In recent years, Apocalypse World and the Gallente Federation have frequently added troops to this star field, so much so that the wizarding civilization has to deal with it cautiously.

Instead of letting Cuillis and others go directly, they dispatched troops from the battlefield of the mysterious plane where Thane and others were, also to confuse the Gallente Federation.

The wizard civilization judged that the Gallente Federation should also have discovered the ruins of the top civilization that existed in this star field.

Only in this way can we explain why the Gallente Federation continues to send more troops to the surrounding star fields.

You must know that their previous focus was not on the Black Bat Civilization battlefield, but on the Golden Rock World Group, which has many heavy industrial bases.

The candidates to go to the ruins of the Aiyoulandie Civilization Center quickly identified level five creatures such as Thane, Ikaxi, and Karazo without too much discussion.

They were chosen because they have the most outstanding combat capabilities among the same level.

Originally, White Star was more suitable for this ruins exploration mission, but White Star needed to stay here to deal with the impact from the Sea Planet Legion.

So she can only be excluded temporarily.

After Thain and others determined the departure time, Jiaolong Moyan heard about the top civilization ruins from somewhere and clamored to go with them.

I don’t know how Mo Yan persuaded Bai Xing in the end, but in the end it actually set foot on the road to Ai You with Thane.

The route to the ruins of Landie Civilization.

Mo Yan did not go alone, his cousins ​​also went together.

As for the other kings of Warcraft, only the one-month white tiger Milena was allowed to accompany them.

Thain is also familiar with Milena, the White Tiger of the Moon. They had contacted each other several times in their early years, and they had also worked together in several plane wars.

Milena has developed really well in recent years. Mo Yan is still at the fourth level, but Milena has been promoted to the fifth level.

Milena after level five is larger, and the white tiger wings on her back are more powerful.

The crescent moon between the eyebrows shines brightly in the starry sky.

This White Tiger of the Moon holds the power of the Law of Light, which is just a branch variant of the Law of Light - the Law of the Moon.

Although ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ Milena has been promoted to level five, but it can be seen that in Mo Yan’s circle of monsters, the kings of monsters are still vaguely like Mo Yan. headed by.

Before Thane and others set off, Milena was having a pleasant conversation with a light giant.

This light giant only possesses level four strength, but the power of law in his body is extremely pure.

So much so that Thain looked at him sideways.

The original power possessed by this light giant is very similar to the internal energy of the Heart of Light that Thain had just obtained not long ago.

When Thain also came forward to talk, he learned that the light giant's name was "Dexes" and that he came from the civilization of the country of light. This time he was following the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce as an interstellar mercenary. Arrived here.

And through communication, Thain has also learned that this powerful fourth-level light giant has been hired by Bai Xing with light energy crystals equivalent to seven million magic coins.

Making money was secondary. Dexes traveled countless thousands of miles to come to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization. His main purpose was to travel and increase his knowledge.

Moreover, the employment contract signed by Dexes was the legal contract with the loosest rules and conditions. He could even evaluate the dangerous situation on the battlefield and choose to accept or reject the assignment from the wizarding civilization.

"The control territory of our wizard civilization is extremely vast. What you see, Dexes, is only the edge of the battlefield between us and the Gallente Federation."

"When you have the opportunity in the future, I invite you to go to the hinterland of our wizard civilization and explore our magnificent wizard civilization star domain." Thain said to the man who claimed to be from the top

The civilized fourth-level creature said.

"I also look forward to more surprises that wizard civilization can bring me." Dexes said politely.

Although he is called the "Light Titan", when Dexes appeared in front of Thane, he maintained his height to about the same level as Thain, and from the appearance, he was very similar to humans in the wizarding world. near.

In recent times, Thain has researched and found a lot of information about the civilization of the Kingdom of Light because of the Heart of Light on hand.

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce has the most information in this regard.

This interstellar chamber of commerce believes in the supremacy of money. As long as Thain can pay for it, they will try their best to meet any of Thain's requirements.

The creatures of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light are dominated by giants of light.

I heard that as a top civilization, the population of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is not large.

When top civilizations, including the Wizarding World, have populations in their mother planes that number in the trillions, the total number of giants of light in the civilization of the Light Dimension may be equivalent to the number of creatures in a medium-sized plane.

It is even more incomparable to the total population of a top-level civilization that engages in interstellar migration like the Gallente Federation.

But the most famous thing about the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is that its individual power is extremely powerful.

Don't look at it. When Dexes appeared in front of Thane, he was about the same height as a human in the wizarding world.

But if it enters a fighting state, this guy will instantly turn into a giant of light with a height of over a thousand meters.

This is also the reason why the civilized creatures of the Kingdom of Light are generally called "giants".

Moreover, Thain discovered through actual contact and research that the civilized creatures of the Kingdom of Light, such as Dexes, were not elemental creatures as they appeared on the surface, but were actually creatures of flesh and blood.

As for why Dexes' light affinity has reached a level comparable to that of light elemental creatures, this should be the secret of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

It is said that the giants of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light have a spectrum of power that is not limited to the power of light.

"Okay, we have to leave, see you next time." Milena, the White Tiger of the Moon, smiled at Dexes.

Because they are both light creatures, Milena and Dexes have not been in contact for a long time, but they have already left a good impression on each other.

"Okay, we'll see you next time." Dexes nodded.

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