The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,613 Top Civilized Treasures

Is Alibaba Chamber of Commerce really neutral?

Regarding this, Thain did not dare to comment.

However, Thain knew that the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce had a dominant presence, and that the other party seemed to have a close relationship with Bixi and others.

Last time, Thain also obtained devils and devil materials that were very important to him through the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce.

I have to say that the products that Alibaba Chamber of Commerce has are really rich.

Even Thain, a fifth-level magician, was dazzled by the sight.

There are many items and props that Thain has never touched before.

So much so that when the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce arrived at the battlefield around the wonderful plane, even Thain suffered a "heavy hemorrhage".

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce does not accept magic coins as transaction currency.

The hardest trading media they identify are: energy crystals‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏stones, biological cores, rare metals, souls, and high-quality slave creatures.

In addition to the above-mentioned trading media, Alibaba Chamber of Commerce also accepts other trading items, but the prerequisite is that they need to be certified by professional appraisers of Alibaba Chamber of Commerce and conduct commercial evaluation.

Magic coins are only circulated within the Wizarding Alliance and certain star civilizations close to the wizarding world.

Magic coins have no value at all. It was the wizarding civilization that designated them as official currency, which gave them value.

Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce is not a subordinate chamber of commerce in the wizarding world. Its business and trade seems to be spread in several top civilizations.

Being able to spread a stall so big is also a skill.

This time, Thain relied on the relationship between Tourmaline and Mo Yan and used internal channels to purchase two pieces of materials from different top civilizations from the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce.

One, called "Heart of Light", is said to be the fourth-level biological core from the top civilization - the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

When Mingming holds it in his hand, it is a seemingly ordinary spherical gray stone.

But Thane could indeed sense the extremely abundant and active power of light.

Thain himself has extensive research in the field of light magic. The maker of the Phaseless Mask he inherited, Master Jos, is a light master.

Thain also learned a lot of truths about light elements from the inheritance of Master Jos.

Therefore, when Thain was playing with this fourth-level biological core called "Heart of Light", he couldn't put it down.

Another rare material from the top civilization, called "Doronto Horn", is said to come from the top civilization, the Hades Empire, and is the horn of a level five monster named Doronto.

This is an extremely pure black

Made of dark materials, the surface of the sharp horns is filled with extremely rich dark power.

And according to the auctioneer from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, this horn also contains a trace of the blood essence of the monster Doronto, which has good blood power.

It seems that these members of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce are quite familiar with the wizarding civilization and know that many magicians in the wizarding world may be interested in the power of blood.

Not only magicians, this horn can also be sold for a lot of money if sold to knights.

Because many knight families would probably be interested in the power of the bloodline contained in this horn.

Thain's own research in the field of bloodline is not very deep, including not much application of dark elemental laws in recent years.

This Doronto horn was bought by Thane and was intended to be given to Lina.

Lena must be interested in this thing!

In fact, the rare materials that Thain obtained from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce are not only these two, but also an extremely precious plant treasure called "Qianshencao". Comes from the top civilization - Fairyland Civilization.

This was Tourmaline's gift to Thain. Thain didn't spend any money on this thing.

"With our relationship, why are you giving me money?!" Bixi asked with a wink.

Seeing this, Thain had no choice but to give up.

Indeed, after so many years of friendship between him and Bixi, talking about money is a bit vulgar.

The "Heart of Light" will be kept for research, the "Doronto Horn" will be given to Lina later, and the "Thousand Ginseng Grass" will be given back to her mentor Lu Lianman to make potions.

Although Thane only spent money on the Heart of Light and the Doronto Horn, the money was really not a small amount. He paid for it with energy crystals and other war proceeds in recent years.

The final price spent was close to 20 million magic coins.

This money is almost enough to buy two standard space fortresses, and in the eyes of the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, Thain still takes a big advantage.

Indeed, in the wizarding civilization, it is impossible to sell the core of a fourth-level creature for 10 million magic coins.

It would be understandable if there were parts from other level four creatures as additions.

But what is ignored is the travel cost and other prices paid by the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce to acquire this Heart of Light from the distant civilization of the light dimension.

Ten million magic coins is really not much to charge Thane.

This was obtained by Thain through internal channels and purchased in advance.

If it were a public sale, those magicians who were extremely crazy about experimental research would ask for 20 million or even 30 million magic coins. As long as they had it on hand, they would definitely not frown.

Magic coins are useful to many spellcasters

Words are just a bunch of numbers, what they care more about is the exploration of the truth.

If you missed this Heart of Light, when will you have to wait until next time to see the second one?

The wizarding civilization has not established a stable connection with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, and only the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce, which has vast magical powers and extensive trade routes, can obtain this rare treasure.

As for the pursuit of the Heart of Light, I believe those pure light elementalists in the wizarding world will be even more enthusiastic!

As for the Monster Horn of the Hades Empire, well, the difficulty of obtaining this thing is not much less than that of the Heart of Light.

The Hades Empire is an extremely cruel and powerful world that is extremely keen on invading and conquering foreign countries.

The monster army of the Hades Empire and the surrounding star fields of Xiangji are more famous than the soul slave biological army of the wizard civilization.

When doing business with the Minghe Empire, you have to be very careful, as the other party will swallow you with your belt and bones.

I don’t know what route Alibaba Chamber of Commerce took to obtain a lot of specialty resources from the Minghe Empire.

The "Doronto Horn" that Thain got was only the most precious material among them. In addition to these things, Thain also purchased a lot of medium and low-grade materials.

But even if it is a mid- to low-grade material, its price is comparable to the high-grade materials from the Wizarding Civilization.

Regarding this situation, Thain didn't know whether he should call Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce a "profiteer".

All in all, he was quite happy with the purchase.

Perhaps because he was worried that his mentor Lu Lianman, his master Bo Jiagaru and others would not have suitable purchasing channels, many of the rare materials that Thain spent a lot of money to buy were intended to be given to other sect members in the future.

The level of those materials is definitely not up to the level of "Heart of Light", but it is better than rare. It is definitely a treasure that rarely appears in the star field controlled by the wizard civilization.

Sometimes, the gift you give doesn’t have to be particularly precious, it just needs to be thoughtful.

Not long after Thain had wandered around the many far-flung alien civilizations' treasures brought by the Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, Thain received an emergency transfer order.

The instructions were issued directly by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, as if they were a handwriting from a certain master.

Being able to bypass Trilis and issue orders directly to Thane and others is enough to show how seriously the wizarding civilization takes this matter.

The order requires that the wizard civilization legion around the wonderful plane immediately dispatch a powerful combat force to the designated coordinate star field to cover the wizard civilization professional team there and complete the exploration of the central ruins of the top civilization Aiyoulandie.

Coincidentally, when Thain and others just received this order, the Gallente Federation Legion in this star field battlefield also made obvious movements.

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