The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1608: Gathering Focus

Compared to the Wizarding Civilization and the Apocalypse World, the Gallente Federation's research insights in the field of science and technology are indeed far superior to other civilizations.

After obtaining the wreckage of this square battleship from the Aiyoulandie civilization, the Gallente Federation did not know what means and technology they used, and actually further identified another ancient civilization ruins.

However, the scale of this ancient civilization relic is extremely small. It should be a logistics supply station for the Ai Youlan Die Civilization Legion a few years ago.

However, relying on this logistics supply station, the Gallente Federation immediately discovered and determined that the area surrounding the Black Bat Civilization, currently in the warring star field, was most likely the last major area of ​​activity of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly Civilization.

Even the star map routes recorded in this logistics supply station are vaguely based on that star field.

It took about ten years for the Lunt Federation to discover that the surrounding Black Bat civilization might contain the secrets of ancient technological civilization.

Ten years is actually a very short period of time.

Especially for those who are level 4 or above in top civilizations and participants in civilized wars.

Although in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization, the Gallente Federation also discovered many good things and ancient cultivation methods.

However, after analysis and verification by federal scientists, the cultivation methods of the Black Yin Civilization are simply not suitable for the physique of humans in the Gallente Federation.

Their organs, blood, and body tissues are all different, so how can they copy the cultivation techniques of ancient times?

It was another special feature of the Black Yin civilization discovered in the ruins that aroused the interest of Gallente Federation scientists.

In addition to their extraordinary individual evolutionary abilities, the Black Yin Civilization in ancient times also seemed to have extraordinary achievements in the field of animal warfare.

Tens of millions of years ago, the outstanding powerful men of the Black Yin Civilization drove and rode the ancient war beasts to fight against the creatures of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization.

It was the collision of flesh and blood and technological battleships.

It was a confrontation between barbarism and civilization.

From the perspective of the Gallente Federation, the Black Yin civilization is undoubtedly an ignorant and barbaric party, while the Aylandie civilization, which seemed to have won in the end, represents a high degree of wisdom, civilization and success.

Just like the current war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation.

“The Black Yin Civilization’s beast-taming skills can help us cultivate star beasts and extract genes.

elements required for the experiment. "

"But compared to what can be unearthed in the remains of the Black Yin Civilization, I think the relics of the Aiyoulandie Civilization are more important to our federation."

"From various indications, tens of millions of years ago, the Heiyin civilization and the Aiyoulandie civilization fought a war. In the end, it was obvious that the Aiyoulandie civilization won the final victory."

Among the professional archaeological team of the Gallente Federation, Emery, the Federation's famous archaeologist, social analyst, genetic pharmacologist, and intelligent scientist, reported this to the Federation's senior officials.

The words of federal scientists still attract high-level attention.

Especially compared to cultivation civilization, the products of technological civilization are most easily absorbed by the Gallente Federation.

Back then, the Gallente Federation was able to quickly reach the top level of civilization in a relatively short period of time because it actually absorbed many of the ancient top technological civilizations, the Atdis civilization. Results.

Could it be that the rediscovered Aiyoulan butterfly civilization will stimulate the scientific and technological development of the Gallente Federation and usher in a second wave of transformation?

The top federal officials, who received theoretical support from many scientists in the civilization, quickly increased their troops to the direction of Apocalypse World.

Because the main relics unearthed area of ​​Ai Youlandie civilization is still within the approximate control star area of ​​​​the wizard civilization.

Therefore, the area around the ancient desert wasteland world group that was originally not taken seriously by the Gallente Federation has become increasingly lively in recent years.

In addition to the dozen or so federal war fleets that have been sent to explore the ruins, the Gallente Federation has subsequently sent many additional forces.

Perhaps in order to avoid the early vigilance of the wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation was very careful in its initial movements when dispatching to support these war fleets.

And on the surface, these war fleets seem to be bound for the Golden Rock World Group.

In the subjective consciousness of the Gallente Federation, they seem to believe that the wizarding civilization does not yet know anything about the remains of the Aiyoulandie civilization and the Black Yin civilization.

However, how could this little thing about the Gallente Federation be hidden from the wizarding civilization.

When it was discovered that the Gallente Federation continued to increase its troops to the surrounding star areas, and that the war around the Black Bat civilization might intensify, the wizard civilization also began to massively send additional support to the battlefield where Thane and others were.

Originally a fringe medium-sized star field battlefield that did not receive much attention, it has received more and more attention in recent years.

When the number of level four and above creatures gathered by both sides in just one corner of the wonderful plane almost exceeded one hundred, almost everyone realized that something was not right.

Wonderful plane.

Seventeen years have passed since the last time this low-level plane was ravaged by war.

For a low-level plane, seventeen years is just the beginning of recuperation.

Thanks to the strong assistance from the Wizards Alliance, the Wonderful Plane has developed and recovered well in the past ten years.

A large area of ​​green forest has reappeared in this low-level plane.

However, in many places in this world, one can still see the huge trauma caused by the burning wars in this low-level world.

"The wonderful plane can be restored so quickly. It is inseparable from the fact that the Gallente Federation and wizard civilization frequently increase their troops in the surrounding star fields." In ashes Thane from the fortress couldn't help but sigh.

In the past ten years or so, the wizarding civilization and the Gallente Federation have had several large-scale battles in the starry sky around the fantastic plane.

The duration of each war is two to three years.

Each time, after a fierce confrontation, the two sides retreated for half a year to a year, and then returned to fight again.

Most of the time, the enemy takes the initiative to retreat.

There are also rare occasions when wizard civilization chooses to avoid its edge.

Those fighting in this starry sky on behalf of the Gallente Federation are mainly creatures from the planet of the sea.

In the past ten years, Sea King Orm has transferred more than 80% of the power of the sea planet to this place.

There is also the Apocalypse World, which seems to be paying more and more attention to the Black Bat Civilization and the battlefield of the wonderful plane.

Several more large-scale armies of the Great World of Apocalypse arrived in nearby star fields.

There are also several Gallente Federation war fleets that have recently arrived in the vicinity of the wonderful plane.

The Gallente Federation continues to increase its troops, and the wizarding civilization will naturally not be idle.

It is just a corner of the wonderful plane. In recent years, it has received support from nearly thirty alliance gods and several knights and magicians above level four.

The gathering of tens of millions of legions has gradually developed the wonderful plane into an important resource transfer node.

That's why Thain said that the Wonderful Plane has just caught up with the advantages in recent years.

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