The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1609: Trouble

The ratio of level 4 and above combat power of the wizard civilization in various battlefields in the frontline star field is probably 1:3:6: magician: knight: alliance alien god.

This data also happens to show the high-level combat power ratio of the wizard civilization.

Previously, Thain, his master Cuilis, and others led the combat legion that arrived around the Black Bat Civilization and Blue Star. Why was it called the "Elite Legion".

It is because at this ratio, the number of knights and magicians far exceeds those of alliance combat creatures.

And the existences sent to this star field battlefield on a limited basis can be regarded as the best among the entire Wizards Alliance at the same level.

In recent years, wizard civilization has frequently increased its troops to this star field.

The main ones sent were the alliance alien gods and the alliance combat legions.

As a result, the combat power ratio of Thain and others in the star field battlefield gradually became the same as that on the front lines of other civilized battlefields.

Of course, some knights and magicians of level four or above were also present.

In particular, the arrival of several level five beings has largely taken away Thain's command authority on the battlefields around the mysterious plane.

Thain himself didn't feel much about this happening.

My family knows their own affairs.

There is no problem in letting Thane command a war involving millions of creatures of level 4 or above. He already has extremely rich experience.

But having Thane command tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of civilizations in a war, especially when the number of creatures above level four on both sides of the war is gradually approaching three digits, is really beyond the limit of Thain's ability. .

In fact, when he was commanding a war involving dozens of level four and above creatures, Thane felt a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Bai Xing, who leads the Sea Clan, seems to be very good at this matter.

Moreover, the Kryptonian Legion and the Huyan Legion under Thane already have their own very mature command systems.

The Kryptonians mainly rely on the command of the fifth-level Kryptonian warrior Karazo, while the Huyans are attached to the King of the Huyans.

Thain was mainly responsible for, in addition to the few fourth-level creatures under his command, several alien gods from the alliance who came to this battlefield at that time, who would obey Thain's orders.

The arrival of several fifth-level knights and magicians from wizard civilization is actually a good thing in Thain's opinion.

Because their arrival shared a lot of command pressure from Thane, and when the profits from the civilized war were finally counted, Thain's share would definitely not be missing.

Rather than shouldering the burden of local battlefield direction, Thain is more inclined to

I tend to do research in my own laboratory and do some experiments that interest me.

On this day, after completing stimulating research on the body-building experiment in the laboratory, Thain was walking outside.

It was Yuri who was responsible for assisting Thain in conducting experiments.

Lying flat on the experimental table where the experiment had ended at this time was a level four sea monster covered in crystal blue, with many bulges and red warts on its skin, and many tentacles.

This sea monster was the prey captured by Lenna and Xia Ya.

Of course, during the battle, the two of them also received help from many alien gods from the alliance, such as Kram and other fourth-level Kryptonian warriors who helped a lot.

In order to catch this guy, Xia Ya and the two girls spent a lot of effort.

Now this guy appears on Thain's experimental table in the form of a specimen, because Thain discovered through research that the special neurotoxin in its body actually affects his own body. The Mysteries of Body Refining are of great help.

Using toxins to stimulate the body's state and develop the deeper potential of cells is a research that Thain has been conducting for a long time.

But the toxins he was exposed to in the first and second stages in the past were too low-level and had almost no impact on Thain's body now.

The nervous toxins of the level 4 sea monster in front of him were too much for even Thain, who had a level 5 life level.

I have to's so rare and so fascinating!

In recent times, Thain would do some research whenever he had some spare time.

"My master's green fire flames have certain poisonous secrets in themselves."

"It's a pity that my Ember Fire Mystery did not deliberately extend towards the field of 'poison law', but more on the path of 'fusion'." Thain said with a sigh after the experiment.

After leaving the laboratory, Thane flew directly towards the combat headquarters in the wonderful plane.

As the war in the surrounding star fields becomes more and more intense, and the scale of the war is getting higher and higher, when the wizard civilization makes some pre-war deployments and major war decisions, it will designate a special area for meetings instead of simply meeting in Thane. The discussion on the Ash Fortress has been completed.

The combat headquarters is located in the northwest direction of the sea in a strange plane. A huge white shell appears very abruptly above the sea level.

This shell is where Thain and others held a meeting. It is also a Neptune-like creature with a fourth-level life level.

This Neptune-like creature was a support that arrived at the battlefield in a strange plane not long ago. At the same time as it appeared here, there were also a large number of sea clan legions and Neptune-like creatures.

Bai Xing's appeal is quite strong among the Hai Clan.

On the battlefield where Bai Xing is present, whether it is the low-level sea clan legions or the sea kings who are generally low in intelligence, they will erupt with a far higher fighting spirit and a fighting spirit that is not afraid of death than usual.

In fact, Thane's good friend Tourmaline can also play a similar role.

Although Commander Tourmaline didn't touch those giant sea kings very much, Thane noticed that the bottom sea people seemed to have a stronger respect for Tourmaline.

But unfortunately, neither Bai Xing nor Thain felt comfortable sending Tourmaline to the front lines of the battlefield.

Especially in recent years, both sides have gathered more and more level four and above creatures. Even Thain has gradually felt that the situation is beyond his control. How can he send Tourmaline to the frontline battlefield?

Fortunately, Bixi has been more obedient in recent years. No matter how fierce the frontline fighting is, most of the time, she can sleep in the depths of the ocean in the wonderful plane. It must be quite fragrant.

It seems that it is not affected by the frontline battlefield at all.

Only occasionally, when certain high-level battles occur near the magical plane, Tourmaline's dream will be awakened.

At this time, she would wave her mountain-like dragon claws to look good to the guy who disturbed her dream.

But most of the time, Thain and others will not put the enemy close to the wonderful plane.

When Thain arrived at the combat headquarters, many people had already arrived early.

The man in black clothes who came towards him opened his arms to Thain in a very familiar manner.

Mo Yan, Bixi's brother, arrived in this star field battlefield four years ago.

Unlike Bixi, who is well-behaved and sensible, Mo Yan is a master who can't sit still.

Only a few years after arriving in the vicinity of the battlefield in the wonderful plane, Mo Yan had already participated in many battles, and even worked with other creatures above level 4 to actually defeat two level 4 hostile creatures!

Mo Yan did not come alone. In addition to a large group of warcraft kings as his "friends", Mo Yan actually brought two "relatives" this time.

It was precisely with the help of those two relatives, as well as having enough cards and equipment.

Only Mo Yan could unexpectedly capture two hostile level four creatures on the battlefield.

With this impressive record, Mo Yan, who has only been on the battlefield in the strange plane for four years, has almost become a celebrity.

He likes the feeling of being noticed by others.

Bai Xing felt that his younger brother loved to "trouble", perhaps because Mo Yan always wanted to prove himself through certain channels.

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