The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,607 Square Battleship (Additional update)

The ruins of the Black Yin Civilization are located in the Apocalypse Great World star field near the ancient desert wasteland world group.

Originally, this direction was an area where the Gallente Federation's control was weak.

It is completely opposite to the coordinate star field that the Gallente Federation mainly focused on in previous years.

However, the competition with the wizarding civilization in the ancient desert wasteland world group, the black bat civilization, and the forces around the sea planet has made the Gallente Federation begin to focus slightly on this direction in recent years.

The reason why a federal agent named James Bond was able to discover some information about the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization was because he initially found signs of abnormal activities in the Apocalypse World near this star field.

Finally, the ruins of the Heiyin civilization were discovered by mistake!

It's so pitiful that the Gallente Federation didn't realize at first that there were any top-level civilization relics here.

On the contrary, it was some obscure actions and cover-ups of Apocalypse World that made the senior leaders of the Gallente Federation almost mistakenly believe that this large-scale cultivation civilization was going to rebel against the Federation!

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm in the end.

Not only the Gallente Federation breathed a sigh of relief, but also the Apocalypse World under investigation.

This time, the Gallente Federation only sent a dozen war fleets to the Apocalypse World, and the highest ranking among them was only a five-star general.

Not sending a Dominator-class war fleet here has proved the position of the federal leadership - that is, to let the past be forgotten for the small actions that Apocalypse Great World had hidden before.

The main role of these dozen war fleets is to protect and explore the two ruins of the Black Yin civilization, and strive to discover more ruins of the Black Yin civilization in the Apocalypse World star field.

Both the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation have explored and discovered many top-level civilization relics.

In the star realm, there seems to be no permanently prosperous civilized world.

Even a top-level civilization that has developed to its peak may eventually be covered up in the dust of history due to the erosion of a long period of time.

There are many factors that lead to the destruction of top-level civilizations. The most common ones are wars with civilizations of the same level, followed by civil strife and division.

The reasons for the destruction of some civilizations are unclear in the records, and they seem to collapse in a very short period of time, which makes people wonder.

Of course, there are still a very small number of civilizations that are not destroyed, but disappear in place.

For example, the Clan of Light recorded in the history of wizard civilization, and the recently discovered Ai Youlan Die civilization.

How exactly the Black Yin Civilization was destroyed? The Gallente Federation has yet to find out the exact results.

However, according to the proactive overtures of Apocalypse World and the secret research results conducted by Apocalypse World in recent years, it seems that the destruction of the Black Yin Civilization originated from the invasion of a more powerful world civilization.

But what exactly is the Black Yin Civilization that destroyed the world? The Apocalypse World has limited capabilities. After tens of thousands of years, no effective information has been found.

This is the next question that the Gallente Federation needs to explore.

The Gallente Federation's ability to explore ruins is not far behind that of the wizard civilization.

The years and information obtained by those professional archaeological analysis instruments are sometimes more accurate than the astrology of the wizarding civilization!

Each civilization has its own characteristics. The fact that the Gallente Federation can become an opponent of the wizard civilization shows that they have two skills.

After entering the star domain where Apocalypse World is located, these federal fleets were immediately welcomed by the creatures above level four in Apocalypse World.

These Apocalypse Great World creatures behaved extremely humbly and submissively when facing the federal generals.

Although many federal generals have undergone genetic modulation, raising their life level to the level of just reaching level four.

But the life intensity of these federal generals is completely different from those Apocalypse World creatures that have embarked on independent cultivation and evolution.

It is very possible that just a third-level cultivated and civilized creature can make these federal generals look good in battle.

Among the senior members of the federal military, the only person who truly possesses combat power comparable to his own life level is Agent Bond.

For this reason, Bond was indirectly responsible for protecting these federal generals during the subsequent talks and exchanges.

The high-ranking generals from the Gallente Federation did not go to the mainland of Apocalypse World. They did not even socialize with the creatures of Apocalypse World for too long before they hurried to the site where the ruins were discovered.

The accompanying millions of angel-type robots are a special sight among these federal fleets.

The Apocalypse World is one of the few civilizations in the surrounding star fields that still knows about the God of Light.

Especially this time, the sixth-level Apocalypse University, who is responsible for entertaining federal high-level officials,

All the creatures in the world couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the angel robot Fumila with eight shining silver-white metallic wings.

In terms of personal strength, Fumila is not much different from this sixth-level Apocalypse Great World creature.

But when he glanced at this place with his cold eyes without any expression, it actually gave people a chilling feeling.

Angels...the race that once caused great intimidation to many worlds in the surrounding star field, is now created again by the Gallente Federation?

The reason why the Gallente Federation will send the angel-type robot Fumila with level 6 combat power this time is because the Black Yin Civilization is a cultivation civilization, and its ruins contain dangers and some special circumstances that are not common to the Federation. The fleet and mecha can handle it.

A level 6 angel robot should be able to deal with most emergencies.

After entering the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization discovered in the Great World of Apocalypse, within two years, the Gallente Federation's professional archaeological team indeed made new discoveries.

They used a special positioning device to locate the third ancient civilization ruins in a special blank star field near the ancient desert wasteland world group in the Apocalypse World.

In this newly discovered ancient civilization ruins, in addition to discovering many things about the Black Yin Civilization, the Gallente Federation also unearthed the remains of a square battleship with a diameter of nearly four thousand meters!

Most of the Gallente Federation's large warships are between one and two thousand meters in length and are elongated in shape.

Ships larger than this are considered special ships.

In the Dominator-class war fleet, some of the capital ships are even larger than 10,000 meters in diameter.

The battleship wreckage found in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization is obviously a product of technological civilization, and its ship style is a type that the Gallente Federation has never encountered before.

The Gallente Federation is no stranger to top-level civilization relics.

Putting aside the recently discovered relics of the Black Yin civilization, there are no less than three top-level civilization relics that have been unearthed in the past history of the Federation.

The ships unearthed from the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization in front of us are obviously the remains of a new ancient top civilization.

During the subsequent exploration of the ruins, the archaeological experts of the Gallente Federation also found the origin of this square space battleship - the Aylan Butterfly civilization!

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