The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,606 Black Yin Civilization

While Lina and other black magicians were wreaking havoc in the Gallente Federation, the Federation, as a top technological civilization, was like a sophisticated machine, handling all aspects of affairs in an orderly manner.

Sending troops, suppressing, supporting, defending, transporting supplies, logistics and recruiting...

The Gallente Federation's operating efficiency in many aspects is more efficient than that of the Wizards' Union because of the help of the ultimate quantum computer.

At this time, the federal special commissioner, James Bond, was ordered to go to the star field where the Apocalypse World is located to perform a special mission.

James Bond did not go alone. He went with him at the same time as dozens of federal generals, a dozen federal war fleets, and an army of angel robots with a size of more than one million.

Their mission for this trip is to investigate the top civilization relics discovered in the Apocalypse World Star Region.

People are selfish, and so is civilization.

As a loyal supporter of the Gallente Federation, Apocalypse World has been working under the Gallente Federation for tens of thousands of years, but they don't seem to be as loyal as they imagined.

In other words, they are not loyal enough!

The top civilization relics discovered in the Apocalypse World Star Territory are called the Black Yin Civilization.

According to investigations, this is an ancient and top-level civilization that existed tens of millions of years ago.

The Great World of Apocalypse is also a cultivation civilization that has embarked on the path of self-evolution and development.

After investigation and evidence collection by the Gallente Federation, it seems that some high-level powerhouses in the Apocalypse World have discovered two ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

But they kept it secret until the war between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization broke out. As usual, the Federation stationed troops in the Great World of Apocalypse and sent many espionage personnel. Only by mistake did they learn about the underworld. Some information about Yin civilization.

The performance of these Apocalypse World creatures is really disappointing!

More than one senior federal official who knew about this couldn't help but curse.

In fact, not only the Gallente Federation, but also the Wizards Alliance must have a similar situation.

How can the wizarding civilization ensure that all alliance member planes are of the same mind as them?

Apocalypse World's approach is better. They just concealed it because it involved the interests of top civilization relics.

There was no overt rebellion against the Gallente Federation.

For this reason, it is difficult for the Gallente Federation to quarrel with the Apocalypse World.

Shameless, he just criticized him verbally, and then immediately sent the commissioner and war fleet to the Apocalypse World Star Territory to find out.

After Apocalypse World discovered that the news about the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization had been exposed, it felt guilty and consciously pushed out a few unlucky people to take the blame.

Among them are two level four Apocalypse World creatures.

They will not be executed. On the surface, the Federation is quite fair in doing things. The final destination of these two unlucky Apocalypse World level four creatures is to be forcibly sent to the front lines of civilized battlefields to serve as cannon fodder.

The Gallente Federation is not worried about these two Level 4 creatures from the Apocalypse World, because their heads and hearts have been implanted with micro-particle bombs developed by the Federation.

This is a powerful bomb that can kill creatures above level four on the spot. The Gallente Federation controls many plane civilizations under its command, relying on more than just economic control.

But everyone knows that the top-level civilization relics have been discovered in the Apocalypse Great World star field. Could it be that other fifth- and sixth-level creatures in this star field, and even the Apocalypse Lord, were unaware of this before?

This is the tacit answer.

Taking into account all aspects of the impact, the Gallente Federation was unable to question the seventh-level master.

We can only let it go.

The Lord of Apocalypse is still very strong, at least stronger than the Birdman Lord of the Siak Empire under the Federation.

In the previous battle with the wizard civilization, the performance of the Apocalypse Lord was also remarkable.

The Gallente Federation need not doubt the loyalty of the Apocalypse Master for the time being.

"Bond, it's really good that you were able to discover the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization."

"Do you want to consider joining my fleet?" On the way to the Apocalypse World, a federal admiral looked at the man in front of him with great admiration.

The federal commissioner named James Bond was, in another identity before that, an agent.

Experimental transformation from the military's special department allowed Bond to possess level four strength at a "young age".

And looking at Bond's past resume, his performance in the special department of the federal military was perfect.

No civilization lacks seeds of genius and potential, which can grow in the context of war.

The scientists who developed the new generation of war equipment in the Gallente Federation are considered "geniuses".

And the Bond in front of him is also a genius, or "talent" to be more accurate!

Many near-perfect mission results made Bang

De frequently accepts the Gallente Federation's most advanced transformation and genetic modulation projects.

Today, he is already at the peak of level four strength.

Bond's age seems to be less than 5,000 years old, and he is younger than most of the federal generals present.

This discovery in the world of Apocalypse is another highlight in Bond's life resume.

Once the specific situation of the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization is determined and the merits are confirmed, Bond can truly accept the genetic modulation to advance to the fifth level.

In the Gallente Federation, which specializes in the use of battleships, mechas and other technological creations, it is relatively rare for Bond to grow in this way.

It's a pity that Bond's current identity is still too secretive.

Otherwise, according to the piss-poor nature of the federal society and the pursuit of heroes by the people at the bottom of the federation, people like him are not allowed to be filmed as film and television subjects for publicity. .

It just so happens that it has been difficult for the federal army to recruit soldiers recently, and heroes like this are needed to guide them.

Faced with the wooing of the five-star general in front of him, Bond smiled politely and said, "If Ms. Jimma agrees, I wouldn't mind joining the general's service."

A five-star general is almost one of the top leaders of the federal military. Going higher up, he has the title of marshal who commands the Dominator-class fleet.

Among the federal fleets heading to Apocalypse World this time, there is a Conqueror-class war fleet, which is the legion under the command of this five-star general.

In terms of specific combat power, it is stronger than ordinary sixth-level peak creatures, and is even close to the power of a master.

Bond's answer made the five-star general shake his head. He said in a very humorous tone: "I don't dare to ask Gemma for her right-hand man, otherwise she will kick me with high heels in public."

The five-star general's words aroused kind smiles from the surrounding generals.

There is also warmth in federal society, especially in the military. Many generals have climbed up from the bottom and sometimes make jokes with others. They are not as cold as outsiders imagine.

Gemma is Bond's upper-level leader, responsible for the full authority of a special department of the federal military. Although her military rank is only a four-star general, due to her special position, she often interacts with these five-star generals and marshal-level entities.

Their personal relationship is great.

After making a joke, the five-star general straightened up and said to Bond: "You should know that the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization discovered this time cannot be related to the Apocalypse Civilization."

Bond saw this and nodded calmly.

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