The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1603: Secret Battle Behind Enemy Lines (Additional Update)

The Gallente Federation is a small star field near the front line of the civilized battlefield-Sabiye 2 star field.

The name of this star field is to commemorate a relatively famous president in the history of the Federation.

During the president's reign, the Gallente Federation did not have a single war or conflict with its surrounding areas.

The people's happiness index is generally 20% higher than that of other eras.

And the overall economy of federal society is extremely prosperous.

As a result, the president ranked among the top ten in the overall evaluation of previous federal presidents.

Unlike the good reputation left by President Sabiye, the contemporary federal president has been criticized as a pig's head in the past thousand years.

At the beginning, the war between the Gallente Federation and the wizarding civilization had little to do with the ordinary people of the Federation.

Everyone should still eat, drink, and live their normal lives.

At best, those Federation humans who joined the army were more affected.

However, starting hundreds of years ago, frequent increases in resident tax rates, rigid adjustments to conscription conditions, and small price increases for many federal daily necessities have gradually made people's complaints impact the federal government.

Especially in those star fields near the front lines of civilized battlefields, many Federation humans were directly affected by the war. The citizens of every living planet almost cursed at the congressmen and the Federation President.

Fortunately, there is a "Wartime Presidential Responsibility System" in the federal constitution.

Unless a contemporary president is unable to perform his duties due to unexpected and force majeure factors, for the normal conduct of the war of civilization, his term of office will be renewed indefinitely until the end of the war.

In fact, many knowledgeable citizens of the Federation, especially those of the middle class and above, know that the current situation in the Gallente Federation has nothing to do with the president.

But there is no way, everyone must have a pressure outlet.

The president occupies such a prominent position and is the nominal leader of the government. If you don't catch him and scold him, who will you scold?

The names of those powerful figures who truly control the economic lifeline of various areas of the Federation, and even have great power in the military, may not appear in the eyes of the general public.

Even if there are a few individuals who appear, they may be elected puppets.

Since the beginning of the Civilization War, the wizarding world has been guarding against its opponents' surprise attacks on the mother plane, and the top leaders of the Gallente Federation have also been wary of the "decapitation plan" of the wizarding civilization.

Even compared to the wizard civilization, the top leaders of the Gallente Federation are more afraid of the long-range attack by the wizard civilization.

Because the life levels of high-level people in the federation are generally below level six. Only some high-ranking generals in the military will

Consider transforming yourself into a level six cyborg.

But level six transformers are nothing compared to wizard civilization.

When a master comes to the battlefield in person, they can still be easily wiped out.

The Gallente Federation's dominant combat power only consists of fleet groups, giant mechas, and some extremely high-standard fortresses.

It is fundamentally different from the wizard civilization where the master himself serves as the top executive.

The black magicians of the wizarding civilization who have sneaked into the territory of the Gallente Federation and dispersed to carry out sabotage and strikes behind enemy lines have their main mission besides destroying the middle and lower classes of society in the Federation.

There is also a layer of hidden tasks, which is to detect the names and whereabouts of high-level federal officials and carry out beheading operations as appropriate.

The Gallente Federation instigated rebellion against a large star field and many creatures in the wizarding civilization. Similarly, the wizarding civilization also laid out many hidden lines on the side of the Gallente Federation.

In short, in addition to the frontline battle star field on the surface, there is also a war behind the civilizations of both sides, as well as in some areas that are not accessible to the general public. A "secret war" is going on.

Lina, who has been promoted to level four, is one of the main black magicians in charge of the Sabie 2 star field in front of her.

Sabie 2 star field has a total of 17 life planets, 32 resource planets and 7 industrial planets.

As for other smaller artificial satellites and space stations, there are countless others.

The prosperity of the middle and lower classes of federal society is beyond the imagination of many creatures in the wizarding world.

However, for the black magicians who sneak into the rear of the Federation to carry out sabotage missions, the vast star field of the Gallente Federation is indeed an inexhaustible treasure land for them to search and collect souls and flesh and blood materials.

A living planet has tens to hundreds of millions of high-quality souls, waiting for black magicians to harvest them.

To be honest, the black magicians who are used to living a hard life in the wizarding world have never experienced such a wealthy situation.

Many black magicians have made their fortune on the battlefields behind enemy lines in the Gallente Federation.

In the past few hundred years, there have been many existences that have broken through the realm of black magicians above level four.

And in such a battlefield behind enemy lines, it is impossible for the wizard civilization to control the number of black magicians above level four.

Whether everyone can break through depends entirely on their own abilities!

This is the best era for black magicians!

When those low-level black magicians of the second and third levels frequently trade millions of souls.

You can imagine what a crazy era this was.

Of course, high income comes with high risk.

In recent years, the Gallente Federation has

Not just one or two black magicians of level four or above were killed.

Even a sixth-level black magician will inevitably die if he is captured and located by the Gallente Federation!

In the past hundred years, there have been reports of two sixth-level black magicians who died on such a battlefield behind enemy lines.

There are more cases of other fourth- and fifth-level black magicians dying.

Lina is a fourth-level magician who is extremely lucky in this battlefield behind enemy lines and acts extremely low-key and calm.

So far, she has not been caught by the Gallente Federation Legion.

His calm and forbearing mentality really doesn't look like a newly promoted fourth-level black magician.

On the contrary, if those extremely crazy black magicians of level four or above still maintain their "crazy energy" after arriving in the federal territory, they will not be far from death.

After sneaking into the Sabie 2 star field, a living planet named "Steel ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Haihara", Lina did not immediately start to destroy and spread the death plague magic During the operation, he lurked on the planet first.

If you have a life to search for soul attribute resources, you have to have a life flower.

Over the years, Lina has grabbed a lot of the original capital needed to advance to the fourth level. This not only did not make her anxious and eager for quick success, but also made her calmer during the execution of tasks.

The exact opposite of Lina is that her mentor, Level 5 Cang Skeleton Black Tower Master Mei Kelly, seemed to be eager for a federal military resource planet some time ago and suffered a big loss.

Now the Gallente Federation has launched a wanted search for Meikaly, and more than a dozen war fleets are patrolling near the star field where Meikaly appears.

As long as she dares to show her head, she will be greeted by a thunderous strike!

Even Lina has been unable to contact Mei Kelly in recent years. I wonder if this "old woman" is dead?

Meikali is not actually old, she looks as young as Lina, and Lina has seen her true form twice.

On this day, Lina, who went by the pseudonym "Jim", disguised herself as a male second-class citizen of the Federation and came to a city on the edge of the life planet of the Steel Wave.

This city, which is surrounded by an energy shield, has a population of approximately two million.

When Lena came to the city center, a protest march was breaking out.

The content of the protest is probably - to oppose the blockade of daily communication between the planet of Steel Wave and other nearby planets.

There is also a serious protest against the "replicant" problem that has been frequently exposed in recent times. -------------------

PS: Currently there are 643 monthly tickets, and 66 more chapters need to be added ~

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