The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1604 Death Planet

The Gallente Federation has its own strategies to deal with the destructive actions of wizard civilization deep behind enemy lines and the widespread spread of death plague magic.

Block the connection between the virus planet and other planets, rate the danger level of each star field, vigorously develop targeted vaccines, and regularly check the life code information of each federal citizen...

Even in the process of "battle of wits and courage" with the black magicians of the wizarding civilization, the Gallente Federation has become more and more mature in these aspects.

All in all, Lina and other black magicians did create a storm for this top civilization in the early days of entering the Gallente Federation.

Many living planets were reduced to dead zones, which played a great role in promoting the victory of the war in the underworld star field.

But as time goes by, the role of black magicians behind enemy lines has not become an overwhelming support on the civilized battlefield.

The Gallente Federation's response performance was very good. At least Lina felt that they were "stable" and seemed to have expected this.

So much so that Lina didn't dare to act rashly immediately on this living planet.

The protests by the people at the bottom of the Gallente Federation were overwhelming.

This was something Lena had never seen before in the wizarding world.

As ordinary people at the bottom of society, they dare to resist the power of the upper class. This is something that Lina, who is in the dark environment, found unbelievable at first.

However, Lina is a magician who is good at learning.

During these years in the Federation, she gradually understood the general operating mechanism of the Gallente Federation.

How can I put it... It is really a special civilization. I wonder how many more magnificent and splendid civilizations are nurtured in the star realm.

Lina wanted to share her experiences in the Gallente Federation with Thane.

Unfortunately, it will be difficult for her to achieve this wish in the near future, unless the vanguard army of the wizard civilization can reach here.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the huge procession in front of her, Lina quietly spread some of her improved death plague viruses and left the city to head to her next target.

The people at the bottom of the Gallente Federation who are protesting do not know that what they are protesting is actually the high-level federal government doing something good for them.

Blocking access to surrounding planets is to prevent the black magicians of the wizarding civilization from running around and causing greater damage to the federal society.

Even if the black magicians don't move around, it would still be scary enough if the bodies carrying the deadly plague virus are running around.

So far, only a few deadly plague viruses have appeared in the center of the Federation star field, and after their appearance, they were quickly eradicated. This is the effort of the Gallente Federation.

Nowadays, the lurking range of most black magicians is limited to parts of the star field close to the front lines of civilized battlefields.

Some black magicians can wait until the army of wizard civilization arrives, and act as internal responders, cooperating with both internal and external forces to end the war faster.

However, the living space for most black magicians is getting smaller and smaller, until they are captured by the Gallente Federation.

The war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is not an equal push between one side, but more like a tug-of-war.

The same goes for those star regions where wizard civilization has a clear advantage. The Gallente Federation will not give up so easily.

The vast majority of black magicians, including Lina, are unaware of the "Endless Light" that occurred in the Sethus Star Territory some time ago, but these latent black magicians can clearly feel that their living environment is getting worse and worse. Worse.

As for another factor behind the protests by the people at the bottom of the Gallente Federation - the clone issue, it is actually the federal military's attempt to solve the short-term shortage of some soldiers.

Although the Gallente Federation has a swarm of low-level robots and drones, they serve as cheap cannon fodder.

But those battleships and airships always need someone to control them.

Even those special ships that can fly and fight autonomously still require a few people to manage them.

A major advantage of replicants is that they are more flexible and changeable than robots.

And another hidden benefit of clone warriors is that the federal military can save a large amount of military subsidies, compensation for death in battle, etc.

As for the concerns of ordinary people, such as the impact that replicants may have on federal society, the military and top federal officials are not too worried.

Genetically controlled clone warriors can reach maturity and master qualified combat skills in just three years.

Moreover, the life span of replicants is limited to 20, 30 and 50 years.

Compared with normal federal society citizens, who have not completed compulsory education at the age of 20, one can imagine what a great advantage they have.

And once the war ended, these clones were destroyed and died. In the eyes of many federal senior officials, the clones were not considered "human beings".

Therefore, the truth is only in the hands of a few people.

What these people at the bottom of the federation are opposed to are actually suitable for the current decision-making of the Gallente Federation.

Lina lurked on the planet of Steel Waves for two years.

She is not the only black magician who has sneaked into this living planet. In addition to her, there are about dozens of black magicians ranging from first to third level on this living planet.

Their role is more to help Lina.

Also, after the federal fleet discovers the anomaly here, as an "abandoned son", he will attract the attention of the federal fleet and cover Lina's evacuation from this place.

There is no warmth among the black magicians, mutual exploitation and frequent betrayal are the main themes of this group.

Lina's treatment of the black magicians under her were pretty good.

Although she will not hesitate to abandon or even use those low-level black magicians when danger comes.

But at least he never exploited the low-level black magicians.

Lina looked down on the scum of some of the wealth seized from the dead planets, and would acquiesce to the crazy plundering of low-level black magicians.

It's not like some extremely bad level 4 or above black magicians who have eaten their way through the Gallente Federation. When they turn around, they have to eat again among their own group of low-level black magicians.

His greed and abomination are disgusting.

The black magicians at the bottom are also human beings, and they also have their own judgments and views of right and wrong.

Therefore, many black magicians who have heard of Lina's reputation are willing to follow this relatively "kind" fourth-level powerhouse.

Two years later, a violent explosion and several billowing plumes of smoke appeared in a satellite city on the planet of Steel Waves.

The strange situation happening in this satellite city is just an introduction.

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions and a wave of deadly viruses swept across the planet of Steel Waves.

The plague virus, which has been continuously upgraded by wizard civilization and personally prepared by Lina, has the ability to transform and guide dead creatures.

Don't look at the beginning. There were only Lina and dozens of black magicians under her on the planet of Steel Waves.

But just one week later, there were more than two million mutant death creature legions on this living planet!

The number of these death legions is still rising.

After a long period of planning and preparation, Gai made it impossible for the Lunt Federation to solve the chain of changes that occurred on this living planet in the short term.

According to Lina's original prediction, in about two months, this living planet will be completely reduced to a dead zone.

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