The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,602 Dominant Level Humanoid Angel Manufacturing Technology

Sipnas doesn't know whether the endless light technology can transform, because he is not the main researcher.

But his humanoid combat weapon technology is about to undergo a transformation, this is something Sipnas can be sure of.

As a loyal supporter of wizard civilization, the artificial human technology mastered by the Norman Federation, in Sipnas' view, is almost a "robot"!

However, the Norman Federation's artificial human technology lacks pure robot manufacturing theory and has more biotechnology developed by them.

It is said that a few years ago, the Norman Federation even developed genetic modification technology before the Gallente Federation to improve the life level of the creatures of this civilization.

From the perspective of the Gallente Federation, this is somewhat unbelievable.

This also proves that even though they are both technological civilizations, the Gallente Federation, which is the top civilization, can surpass the Norman Federation in all aspects.

The Norman Federation has some technologies and scientific and technological achievements that the Gallente Federation is extremely jealous of.

It's a pity that the Norman Federation has always been tight on its core technologies.

Even though the Gallente Federation has infiltrated and instigated a large number of middle and lower-level people in the Norman Federation, even the top-level congressmen have also instigated several rebellions.

However, the Gallente Federation has always been unable to access the master-level artificial human manufacturing technology mastered by the Norman Federation.

The Norman Federation, a large technological civilization, has three technologies at hand, which are the foundation of their existence.

One is life engineering transformation technology.

The second is the master-level artificial human technology.

The third is the Dominator-level war fleet technology.

Regarding Articles 1 and 3, the Gallente Federation looks down upon them.

Because their life engineering transformation technology has already surpassed the Norman Federation.

The Norman Federation's Dominator-level war fleet technology was somewhat "ridiculous" when presented to the Gallente Federation.

The Juggernaut-class war fleet technology used by the Norman Federation is likely an outdated gadget used by the Gallente Federation hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In the previous confrontation on the civilized battlefield, the Norman Federation's fleet was also suppressed in all aspects by the Gallente Federation fleet.

Only the Dominator-level artificial human technology has never been involved in the Gallente Federation, and it is also the most coveted thing.

In Sipnus' eyes, the artificial human beings fit in many aspects with the humanoid combat weapons he was researching.

The Gallente Federation’s first Juggernaut-class robot? Sippnas was filled with excitement when he thought that he could achieve such an achievement!

And the angel-type ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ robot made by Sippnus will definitely surpass the artificial humans of the Norman Federation.

Because in addition to robotics and biotechnology, Sipnas is also a scientist who has studied angels deeply.

Back then, the Light Gods were able to create angels as combat weapons.

Today, Sipnas can create an angel-type robot, which can also be used as a combat weapon in war.

The Dominator-class artificial human corpses in the experimental base in front of them were only 36% of their complete form, which was enough to show how exaggerated the power of the Federation's Endless Light was.

As the dominant core of this artificial human's energy, it has already consumed all its energy in resisting the impact of the endless light.

Only half of the blank core remains, which still has extremely high research value.

Judging from the appearance, the Norman Federation's master-class android looks like a strong, middle-aged male warrior.

The appearance is very similar to that of humans in the wizarding world. I wonder if this is the Norman Federation trying to flatter the wizarding world.

The humans of the Wizarding World and the humans of the Gallente Federation are generally similar in appearance.

But Sipnus hates the appearance of artificial humans. He believes that angels are the most perfect, and only angel-type robots can exert the greatest power of combat weapons.

The Clan of Light that swept the surrounding world back then proved the correctness of this conclusion.

Perhaps the Light God Clan's ability to control the surrounding star fields was not entirely due to the Angel Legion, but Sipnas stubbornly believed so.

Magicians in the wizarding world are called "madmen" and "paranoid" by creatures from the alien space, and I think these Gallente Federation scientists are not much different.

In terms of paranoia and the principle of "angel supremacy", Sipnus is more pathological than anyone else.

"Go and apply for more funds from the headquarters!"

"And bring over the angels of Aaron, Hick, and Fumila that I created last time." Sipnas said to his assistant.

The assistant looked confused at this time: "Didn't the headquarters just transfer two trillion federal coins? If we want more..."

"Didn't the Icarus Foundation just get financial approval from Congress?"

"The robot legions we have put into battlefields in various star fields have also performed well. If we don't have enough funds, how can I design stronger combat weapons!" Sipnas said impatiently.

When it comes to the Juggernaut-level robot, if Sipnas can really build it, let alone two trillion federal coins, even if it is doubled dozens of times, the Gallente Federation can still defeat him.

Like the Dominator-class giant mecha, this is a milestone technological advancement for the federal military structure.

"Okay... okay." The assistant said with a layer of sweat on his forehead.

But after a while, the assistant came and told Sipunas something, "Fumila is not here."

"Where did she go?" Sipnus asked impatiently.

"I was sent to the Great World of Apocalypse. This was a direct order from the military. I was accompanied by a group of R-type angel robots with a scale of 100,000 or above and F-type angel robots with a number of more than one million."

"It seems that it is because the military found some ruins in the Apocalypse World." The assistant replied cautiously. Sipnas was not easy to serve when he was angry.

Angel robots of type R and above are robot warriors with first-level combat power and above.

The F-type robot's combat power is below level one, almost equivalent to the cannon fodder of the slave creatures of the wizard civilization.

However, the average performance and combat power of the angel-type robots produced by the Icarus Consortium, even if they are only F-type angels, exceed those of other robot manufacturers in the federal heavy arsenal.

This is also the reason why the Icarus Consortium is valued by the Gallente Federation military and continues to invest funds.

Only high-quality products can survive in the market and not be eliminated.

Especially during the war, if any military factory or chaebol dares to produce fake and shoddy products, the military will destroy them immediately.

After hearing the news, Sippnas was not as angry as his assistant expected.

Instead, with a look of deep thought and contemplation in his eyes, he said: "Fumila's combat power is comparable to that of a sixth-level creature in the star realm."

"A million more angel-type robots have been sent there. It seems that the ruins discovered in the Apocalypse World are of high energy level." Sipnas mused.

"I don't know what the specific situation is. Why don't you ask Admiral Gretel near the experimental base?" the assistant asked.

Admiral Gretel is the federal general who transported the body of this Dominator-class artificial human.

In the Gallente Federation, scientists and military generals are completely different things.

Even though Sipnas now holds the honorary title of lieutenant general, he has never cared about military matters.

Unlike the wizard civilization, magicians are not only responsible for their own experiments, but also shoulder the responsibility of commanders and leading the war of civilization.

When Sipnas heard this, he frowned slightly and shook his head, saying: "Don't worry about it, let's start with the experiment in front of you first."

"Send the skin, flesh and blood tissue of this artificial human to the biological sample laboratory group."

"We have to crack the mystery in the shortest possible time!" Sipnas said.

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