The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1601 Technological Progress

In the war between the two top civilizations, the wizard civilization continued to stimulate its potential during the war. More and more new generations of young powerful people emerged, and the cohesion of the wizard alliance was stronger than before.

This is a process of eliminating the unnecessary and retaining the essential.

In the same way, the Gallente Federation is also constantly exploring deeper levels of technological and civilizational strength because of this extremely stressful civilized war.

In terms of pressure, the Gallente Federation is actually the biggest party.

Unlike the wizarding world, the pressure is shared on the shoulders of the members of the Wizarding Alliance and all knights and magicians above level one.

The Gallente Federation can bottom out its pressure again and distribute it among every federal citizen.

Gallente Federation humans, billions and trillions in number.

Due to the exaggerated life‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏planet transformation technology and very mature interstellar immigration capabilities, in terms of total population, the Gallente Federation occupies a star territory that is not as large as the wizarding civilization. The total population may be several times greater than that of wizard civilization!

The total population here also includes those creatures from the alliance plane.

Population is also a type of resource. Since the Gallente Federation dares to take the initiative to start a war with the wizard civilization, it must have some reliance on it.

And to be honest, the massive population base and some so-called "geniuses" born out of it did allow the Gallente Federation during the war to achieve breakthroughs in several technical fields that had been squeezed and blocked for a long time.

If this explosion of science and technology and the continuous exploration of war potential continue, it is not certain that there will be any changes.

For example, at this time, in the private experimental base of the Icarus Consortium, a famous military company in the central and rear areas of the Federation, the company's chief scientist, Sippnas, was admiring the partial remains of a master that had just been returned from the frontline battlefield.

During his lifetime, Michael, the federal scientist who created the Rubik's Cube and a family of intelligent robots on the Cybertron planet, recognized three other top federal scientists besides himself, namely: Samirato, Ilo, And Sipnas in front of him.

The four of them are also well-known scholars who have participated in "Pavlov's God Realm Research" and are considered classmates.

Samirato's main research direction is the field of fleets. Many of the Federation's Dominator-class war fleets were designed and improved by him personally.

Iroh's research direction is in the field of giant mechas. It was he who proposed the "brain field connection theory" that made it possible for the Gallente Federation to absorb the master-level mecha technology of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Sippnas' current main research direction is biotechnology, or the field of robot manufacturing.

His kind of robot research is different from Michael Bay's.

Michael Bay is creating a new life, while Sippnas is completely immersed in creating a combat weapon.

The information recorded by the Gallente Federation about the angels of the God of Light made Sipnas fascinated.

It is precisely because of Sipnas' request that many of the combat robots produced by his Icarus Zaibatsu in recent years in cooperation with the military appear in the form of "angels".

And the Icarus Zaibatsu has also achieved unprecedented development and progress in recent years of war.

It has to be said that in the Gallente Federation, the direct benefits brought by the war are that military industrial enterprises and various arms dealers have made a lot of money.

Even the so-called scientific and technological progress basically revolves around the military industry.

There is no way, the resources of the entire civilization are tilted towards giving money to people, and it is difficult for those military industrial enterprises and the military manufacturing technology they have mastered not to improve.

In the past, the highest level robots produced by the Icarus Zaibatsu were only comparable to level six combat power.

This is also the ceiling of the robotic technology mastered by the Gallente Federation in the past. The Decepticons and Optimus Prime of Cybertron are only at level six.

However, in recent years, due to continuous breakthroughs in technical barriers, the theoretical combat values ​​​​of the federal combat robots designed and manufactured by Sipnas personally have been raised to the peak of level six.

Although there are still various defects and problems during the testing process.

But overall, the flaws outweigh the flaws!

The highest-level robots installed by the Gallente Federation in the future will most likely reach the peak of level six.

But now, as the sixth-level peak technology has been broken through, Sipnas gradually sets his sights on the higher realm of domination.

Among the four federal scientists mentioned above, Samirato has the highest status, followed by Ilo, and Sipnas and the deceased Michael Bay are the worst.

the two of them

The reason why it is not as good as the first two is mainly because the first two have already involved in the field of domination and have achieved great success, while their research stage is still at the sixth level.

Sippnas is the youngest of the four. Like the late Michael Bay, he believes that he is no weaker than others and has the ambition to lead the federal scientific community in the future.

The master wreckage that was sent this time came from the Sethus star field and was a master-level artificial human of the Norman Federation, a large technological world under the wizard civilization.

Sipnas is also paying attention to the shocking energy tide that is happening in the Sethus star field. Sipnas himself is even slightly involved in the "Endless Light" technology of the Gallente Federation.

But he was not the main researcher; it was Samirato who really called the shots.

Sippnas' own‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ focuses more on the fields of "humanoid combat weapons", "angel prototype cloning" and "nano-organism reproduction technology" .

The middle and lower levels of the military and the general public of the Gallente Federation are very satisfied with the results achieved by Endless Light.

This is an exciting victory in the war.

But for top military officials and top federal scientists like Sippnas who knew some inside information, they were not very satisfied.

Endless Light still needs to be upgraded and strengthened in many aspects.

Sippnas was not sure how many "Endless Crystals" the military had in reserve.

But with that level of power, even an entire medium-sized star field and a hostile seventh-level master can be killed instantly. The final price paid is the release carrier of endless light. It seems that after use In a state of semi-dead paralysis.

It even caused the surrounding starry sky to collapse and collapse.

Fortunately, the release carrier of the endless light was placed in a subspace.

Not to mention that the wizarding civilization cannot be found, there are only a handful of people in the Gallente Federation who know where it is.

The heavy side effects make "Endless Light" something that you can't just release if you want to.

As the "treasure of civilization" of the Gallente Federation, its biggest shortcomings are the long interval and the staggering amount of energy consumed each time it is released.

I don’t know if the advancement of technology and the rapid transformation of the military industry in recent years can make Endless Light more perfect and more controllable.

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