The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1600 Repair

Calculating the coordinate nodes of that fuzzy starry sky is not an easy task.

For magicians, such extremely precise data calculations are often missed by a hair or a thousand miles.

It will take some time to calculate the exact coordinates of the space-time hub when the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization leaves the star realm.

During this period, if a few more civilization ruins can be discovered, it will be more beneficial to the calculation work of the wizard civilization archaeological team.

Studying the secrets of top civilizations is too high-end for Thane. This should be a topic of interest to the dominant creatures in the wizarding world.

If Thain hadn't happened to be involved, he might not have been able to access the mysteries of this level.

Compared to exploring where the top civilization Aiyoulan Butterfly people have gone, what is the peak technological achievement they have reached?

What Thain is more interested in is whether he can get anything from the remains of the Aiyoulandie civilization that will be helpful to him, or an experimental specimen that is suitable for his current research.

The condensed crystal that Master Gilbert gave to Thane last time, until now, Thain has not been able to completely transform it into an elemental bomb.

The main reason is that it contains too much inert energy and the quality is too pure.

In addition, Thain has been in constant war over the years and has basically never rested, so only 27% of the transformation work on the top-quality crystal has been completed.

And the space-time hub where the Aiyoulandie civilization left the star realm must contain some of the essence of the ancient civilization.

Although technological civilization is not the development path of the wizarding world.

However, it is also within the scope of astral knowledge, and magicians in the wizarding world will definitely be able to find some reference benefits after obtaining it.

Even getting a world-class secret treasure such as the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand is not guaranteed.

"If I have the chance, I really want to see it." Thain sighed.

Speaking of which, Thane has never explored any top-level civilization ruins, including having no experience in exploring ruins before.

For this kind of thing that he has never experienced before and is extremely unknown and fresh, Thain has a strong desire to try it.

Rear base.

After reviewing the battle damage data of the Wizard Civilization Legion in the past two years and approving a large number of applications for resource supplies, Thane returned to his experimental area.

This is a place

Time Experiment Zone, because Thain's Ash Fortress is still on the front line of the battlefield and has not been withdrawn.

The underlying wizard civilization legion is pursuing the Sea Planet legion one after another. Taking into account the defense requirements and other factors, Thain may not stay in his space fortress often for some time to come.

At this time, in the laboratory, Lenna, who had already retreated with Thain, was lying on the experimental table.

Lenna was seriously injured in this battle. Her left arm is now in a twisted and fractured state. At its joints, there is a circle of ice-blue law factors that cannot be dispelled.

This is the trauma caused by a level four sea planet creature to Lenna.

In response, Lenna used her heavy hammer to hit the opponent's head numerous times.

I don’t know whether the fourth-level sea planet creature is dead or not. I only know that the guy fled the battlefield with blood dripping from his body in the end.

It was Xia Ya who went in pursuit instead of Lenna.

Lenna and Natalya used to work well together on the battlefield, and now it seems that she and Natalya's mother are getting along better.

Lenna's short-term burst is very strong, but the disadvantage is that she is slow and not suitable for chasing enemies.

Xia Ya is better at protracted combat, and the Bator demon has wings. After turning on the true form of the law, Xia Ya's pursuit ability will definitely be stronger than Lenna's.

He gently wiped Lenna's wound with an elemental wipe smeared with magic potion. The fat woman's face was very tight at this time, and her body was still shaking slightly, and she was obviously in pain.

Lenna is not actually fat now, but Thain has become accustomed to her position in his heart.

Perhaps only when the two of them meet honestly, or have close contact at a negative distance, will Thain lament that Lenna is really thin now.

While treating Lenna's wounds with a calm expression, Thain said: "It hasn't been long since you two have been promoted to level four. The most important thing now is not fighting, but learning and adapting to the power of level four creatures."

"On the battlefield, it's best not to charge too hard. I won't have too much energy to take care of you all the time." Thain said.

A trace of icy blue law crystal mist rose up from Lenna's left arm. Lenna took a breath due to the pain and grinned and replied: "Yes, I understand."

Lenna's ability to resist blows has always been very strong, including when she was subjected to body training experiments in the past, Lenna's endurance was also the strongest.

I saw Lenna acting like this today, plug

En was a little surprised.

"Is it really that painful?" Thain wondered, and stretched out his hand directly to touch the law crystal mist rising directly above Lenna's wound.

As soon as Thain's fingers touched the ice-blue law crystal mist, he retracted it like an unconditioned reflex.

It really hurts!

However, Thain was still very calm on his face. He asked: "What kind of opponent did you encounter? Why...the power of the law is so special?"

"It seems that in addition to the laws of the water and ice systems, there are also some shadows of the laws of the poison system and the nervous system?"

"I don't know what it is. There are a lot of bulges and red warts on its head, and there are some translucent blue tentacles on the inside of its arms."

"Anyway, that guy is not easy to fight. I only took the initiative to find it after I saw it knocking over a level four alliance creature." Lenna said.

Thain nodded without making too many comments.

But then, he properly collected the ice-blue crystal mist and used it as a specimen.

Central Gallente Federation.

In recent years, black magicians sent by the wizarding civilization have frequently caused chaos in the Gallente Federation.

The central region of the federation is slightly better, and is generally not so severely affected.

And those star fields close to the vast front line suffered catastrophe.

The emergence of hundreds of dead planets directly caused great impact and uproar in the middle and lower classes of society in the Federation.

You must know that these dead planets were transformed into living planets full of vitality more than a thousand years ago.

On every planet, there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people at the bottom of the Federation living as immigrants.

Nowadays, these planets have been turned into a dead zone, and there are even some extremely terrifying and ferocious undead monsters still remaining on the planets.

War is undoubtedly the most innocent thing for the lower class beings.

As of now, there are countless intelligent creatures that have fallen and died due to the war between the wizarding world and the top civilization of the Gallente Federation!

What puts even more pressure on the federation is that the hundreds of dead planets are only official data reported in official reports.

However, in fact, the losses suffered by the Gallente Federation in the frontline star field may be huge!

Just to avoid mass panic and increase the general public's confidence in the Gallente Federation's frontline legion, those data have been revised.

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