The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1599: The Hub of Time and Space

The fifth-level fanged sea lion still managed to escape from Thain.

But this guy was quite embarrassed, and he didn't get any relief in the end.

In addition to one fang that was completely broken by Thane's ash flames during the battle, its left forelimb was shot directly into a piece of cooked red meat by Thain with the Formless Mask.

The reason why the Fang Sea Lion was able to successfully escape from Thane mainly relied on the assistance of a level five creature from the Apocalypse World.

The fifth-level creatures born in large worlds are indeed better than ordinary mid- and low-level planes.

This Apocalypse World Level 5 creature is wearing a silver-gray armor, and on its razor-shaped head is a metal helmet with three sharp horns.

Including the rectangular metal knife weapon it uses, it is also a product of the combination of technological power.

Just as ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏When Thain was fighting the fanged sea lion, this Apocalypse World level five creature suddenly stepped in, and Thain couldn't help but suffer a little loss.

The action of the creatures in the great world of Apocalypse indicates that the war outside the wonderful plane has come to an end for the time being.

The number of legions that this big world has invested in the starry sky battlefield here is not large. They finally entered the battlefield not as a reserve team to make a final decision, but to try their best to facilitate the orderly evacuation of the remaining legions of the planet Luohai.

Apocalypse World, which has been watching the battle from behind, also noticed that it was a bit naive to want to take down the wizard civilization army led by Bai Xing and Thain with their small force.

Either urge Orm to mobilize more Sea Planet Legions, or mobilize the Apocalypse Great World Legion from the rear. These are the only two paths before them.

If the fight continues, the balance of victory will gradually shift towards the wizard civilization, just like Thain gained a greater advantage in a one-on-one battle against the fanged sea lion.

Those cunning Apocalypse World creatures have obviously seen through this.

Although most of the Level 4 and above creatures and elite legions on the Planet of the Sea were successfully evacuated in the end, the millions of cannon fodder who stayed behind became the targets of the Wizard Civilized Legion to vent their anger.

In just two and a half years, nearly 20 million corpses have fallen here permanently in this starry sky battlefield.

There were more creatures killed in battle on the Planet of the Sea, and the ratio of battle losses on the wizarding civilization's side was only about 30%.

And most of those who died were the Wizards Alliance legion, those led by Bai Xing

Although the Sea Clan legions he led were the first to attack, because most of them were elite warriors from the upper Sea Clan, the casualties in the subsequent tug-of-war were not too serious.

Of course, during this period, the wizard civilization had far more advanced war models and logistics, medical care, resources, and troop reinforcements than the sea planet, which also played a large role.

The advantages of top-level civilizations over other middle- and lower-level civilizations lie in all aspects, not just in the number of creatures above level four or level seven.

After the war, Thain, who had lifted the true form of the Law of Ashes, was about to return to the rear fortress when a demigod-level Huya appeared in front of him and pointed out that he wanted to take Thain to a place.

On the back of a giant meteorite full of mire and death elements, Thain retrieved his trophy - the fifth-level fanged sea lion - from under the mire. That broken tooth.

It can be seen that before this broken tooth was recovered by Thain, there was a fierce battle around it.

Under the introduction of this demigod-level Huya, Thain learned that several level 3 sea planet creatures and a demigod-level undead creature had a fierce battle around here, but they did not become the beneficiaries in the end. He left his body here forever.

Thain was in a good mood after taking back the broken tusk of the tusk sea lion. He asked casually: "What's your name?"

"Dear Master Thain, my name is Gadar!" This semi-god-level Huyan warrior said respectfully.

"You've done a good job, go to the Holy Tower of Ashes to receive your reward. Any alliance combat creature with meritorious service should receive a reward." Thain said with a smile.

After saying that, Thain turned around and flew back this time.

The war outside the wonderful plane has only come to an end.

According to Thain's experience in participating in civilized wars over the years, the Planet of the Sea and the Wizarding Civilization will continue to increase their troops here, and then the two sides will frequently fight against each other again.

It's just a matter of intensity.

Before one side has a decisive and overwhelming force, the war near this star field will not end in a short time.

Thain, who returned to the rear, immediately came face to face with Shirahoshi.

They are also one of the beings responsible for the war in the surrounding star field. The intensity of the battles White Star has experienced in the past two years far exceeds that of Thane.

Likewise, her injuries were a little more serious than Thain's.

There was a very shallow blood mark on Bai Xing's forehead.

She should have already dealt with the wounds. Bai Xing certainly has no shortage of top-notch recovery items on hand, but some injuries cannot be recovered instantly.

After greeting each other for a few words, Thane mentioned that he still had some advanced potions in his laboratory and would deliver them to Bai Xing later.

Bai Xing didn't have a good sense of Thain in the past, mainly because Thain had contact with black magicians and always took her sister Tourma around.

However, in recent years, Shirahoshi has changed some of Thane's senses.

Being promoted to level five at such a young age, performing many important tasks assigned by the Wizards Union, and performing well during the Civilization War are all plus points for Thane.

The bond between White‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ mainly begins with tourmaline.

Bixi stays with Thain all year round, so she should be able to learn a lot.

Unlike Bai Xing's other brother Mo Yan, who always hangs out with some unorthodox kings of monsters, which gives Bai Xing some headaches and difficulty in discipline.

However, I heard some news that after a while, Mo Yan and other kings of Warcraft will lead their legions to support the area near this star field.

The wizarding civilization still attaches great importance to the several medium and small star fields around Blue Star.

Anyway, ever since Thane returned here with his division members, the support from the wizard civilization has been uninterrupted.

At the same time as the wizard civilization's reinforcements occurred, during the war, the rear archaeological excavation team and the crystal mine exploration team discovered new results one after another.

The rediscovery of several gray crystal veins will not be mentioned.

One of the more eye-catching news is that in the two more ancient civilization ruins discovered, professional archaeological magicians from the wizard civilization discovered new content-the prehistoric top technological civilization Aiyoulandie civilization was not destroyed. In war or internal strife.

They weren't even destroyed! Instead, he left the star realm!

The archaeological experts of the Wizarding Civilization have obtained a fuzzy coordinate node in the starry sky, which seems to be a time and space hub where the creatures of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization in this star field once left the star realm. -------------------

PS: It seems that the fourth update will take a while to slow down QAQ. Currently, there are 562 monthly tickets, and 66 more chapters need to be updated~

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