The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,598 Withdrawal

In the sky, Thane shook his magic sleeves, and the dark rain pouring down around him spread out around him.

The environment of this broken plane is very harsh. In addition to the heavy rain raging here, there are also violent lightning flashes in the sky from time to time.

Thain didn't like the environment of this plane very much, but he had no choice. The level five sea lion just tried his best to lead him into this plane.

In terms of brute strength, a magician like Thane is still a little inferior to this fanged sea lion.

His body-refining experiment only enhanced his physique and resistance to blows. It did not mean that Thane could be like a fifth-level knight, wielding a giant ax and able to fight this sea lion head-on.

The most rational way to fight is to use magic to strike and fight in roundabout ways to constantly create new wounds on the body's surface.

The battle has progressed to‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Now, it is true that Thain has a great advantage.

Unless this guy finally runs away, if it continues to fight to the death, Thain has enough confidence to drain its blood.

The surrounding heavy rain, hurricanes, and lightning were passing by, and the black ocean below Thain was setting off huge waves.

Under the mask of formlessness, Thain's eyes were calm, staring at the dark and bottomless ocean in front of him.

This level five sea lion is still somewhat spiritual.

It knows that fighting in the starry sky, it is no match for Thane.

Despite his injuries, he was able to drag Thain to this broken plane, which indeed created an excellent fighting environment for himself.

Including Thane's Phaseless Mask, many of its detection functions were also weakened in such a harsh environment.

The main reason is that the rules and environment of this broken plane are too chaotic. The surrounding heavy rain and the bottomless ocean also increase the difficulty of detecting the Faceless Mask.

While Thain was quietly looking at the dark and choppy sea below, he couldn't help but think that the sea lion fang he had just broken had ended up somewhere.

The previous battle was still too intense, and the surrounding battlefield environment was also very chaotic.

After breaking the sea lion's fangs, Thain had no time to put away the loot before he was dragged here by the furious sea lion.

Those are the fangs of a fifth-level creature, and they must contain the sea lion's considerable power of law.

In the eyes of alchemists in the wizarding world, this is already a rare and top-quality raw material.

I think about the time when the fifth-level Thunder Knight spent all his money to ask someone to help him build a world-class secret treasure "Thunder Sword".

Top-notch materials, that's all.

In his mind, he only thought about the broken tooth for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, on the pitch-black sea level below, an extremely huge fang mouth opened quietly at some point and was pointed directly at Thain.

A large amount of sea water poured in from the huge mouth of this fang.

Due to the influence of heavy rain and thunder, when this giant mouth appeared, it did not leak any unnecessary power fluctuations.

"You guys are quite cunning!" Thain snorted coldly and pointed his magic wand directly downward.

The long-prepared "Red Flame Pillar" magic suddenly penetrated downwards.

The color of this fire magic is gray-white.

In this dark and oppressive ocean environment, it looks very eye-catching and special.

Thane's Ember Flame is a magical fire that combines many flames. It is difficult for even fifth-level creatures to resist.

When this pillar of flames spurted downwards, a huge roar caused by the extremely severe pain echoed in the surrounding space.

Seeing this, Thain was not satisfied with the current results.

After the wonderful plane war ended some time ago, Thain also took the time to make some more magic bombs.

Several magic bombs were thrown from Thain's hands, followed by a series of violent explosions in the ocean below Thain.

Having a group of Kryptonians under his command has this advantage, since Thane is not short of inert crystals anyway.

Including the starry sky battlefield around the wonderful plane, there are still many Blue Star fleets involved.

Under the coercion of the wizard civilization, the Blue Star creatures with excellent personalities were also forced to join this war.

When the storm of war comes, there is no harbor that is completely peaceful.

It is better to join the wizard civilization than to serve as cannon fodder in the ancient desert wasteland world.

The blue star creatures also have an understanding of the surrounding star field pattern, and they are more willing to stand with the wonderful plane and the black bat civilization.

As for the time they joined the Wizards Alliance, they were earlier than these two worlds.

Some time ago, after the tragedy occurred in the wonderful plane, the Blue Star creatures provided a large amount of free assistance to their former friends.

The same goes for the Black Bat Civilization. Blue Star Creatures have taken on a large part of the repair and supply work for the damaged ships of the Black Bat Civilization.

If we want to establish a mountaintop, the Black Bat Civilization, Wonderful Plane, and Blue Star, which have already joined the Wizards Alliance, can be regarded as a small group with close cooperation.

in wizard union

, they will also try their best to join forces to keep warm, and jointly fight for the rights and interests of their own plane groups.

The fierce explosion stirred up huge waves. In the process, although the bloody mouth of the fifth-level fanged sea lion did not bite Thain, a series of water vapor and rhombus crystals condensed by the power of ice law still hit. Thane.

The collision between the true form of the law of fire and the power of the two laws of ice and water caused an explosion that caused a gorgeous scene of colorful elements to appear in the sky of this broken plane.

For lower creatures, this is a special phenomenon that is difficult for them to understand.

Including this fifth-level biological battlefield, it is also a restricted area that is difficult for lower life forms to approach.

In this broken plane, there are actually many warring legions from both sides at this time.

Some creatures came here in a blink of an eye.

Of course, Thain and the fifth-level tusk sea lion are the highest-level existences on the battlefield in this broken plane.

Fortunately, they are the only life forms above level four in this broken plane.

Otherwise, with the broken rules and shallow foundations of this world, and a few fourth-level creatures participating in the melee, I am afraid that the entire plane will fall apart.

half year later.

Large areas of blood and some Law objects are scattered in every corner of this broken plane ocean battlefield.

Many of these blood, water and law objects come from fanged sea lions, and a small part comes from Thane.

His elemental form was severely damaged.

That sea lion was also fighting for his life. At this stage, Thain could not kill a creature of the same level without getting hurt.

Some extremely courageous creatures fighting on both sides will even risk their lives to go deep into this fifth-level battlefield, with the goal of finding one or two items of law or "divine blood".

Especially those third-level creatures and semi-god-level creatures are the most enthusiastic about this.

They are those who are expected to hit Level 4 and begin to try to contact the power of the law. They have the greatest demand for such high-quality materials.

The thunderous sound of "Muffled Rumble!" reappeared in the sky of this broken plane.

It's just that compared to more than half a year ago, the sound is much quieter, and the thickness of the dark clouds has also become a little thinner.

What was originally a heavy rain gradually turned into a light drizzle.

A shallow slanting light penetrated from the middle of the clouds, bringing a small amount of light to this world.

Many weak creatures looked there.

Among the wizarding civilization legions in this world, a rumor has been circulating recently - the enemy forces seem to have begun to retreat in an orderly manner.

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