The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1597 Wanquan World

"Rather than waiting for the return of the Zerg, I think that in order to increase combat power in the short term, we can try to win over the Wanquan World Group again," Ms. Bev said.

The true mechanical spirit Victor paused as he prepared to leave. He looked at Bev and said in surprise: "Wanquan World Group?"

The World of Wanquan was once also a plane of the Wizards Alliance, and it was also an extremely important alliance member plane.

However, due to differences in ideas and a conflict a hundred thousand years ago, Wanquan World broke away from the Wizards Alliance.

Wanquan World is also the only other world so far that has not been retaliated by the wizard civilization after leaving the Wizards Alliance.

In the eyes of the uninformed, the Wanquan World is powerful, has more than one master, and is extremely far away from the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization. This is the main reason why the wizard world has not launched a retaliatory war against it.

However, only a few strong people and a handful of people at the top of the wizarding civilization know that the reason why the wizarding world does not retaliate against the Wanquan World is because Once upon a time, Wanquan World was kind to the wizarding civilization.

It's almost as if the wizarding world is facing a life-or-death situation, and even the mother plane is in danger.

The Quanzu of Wanquan World once came personally to help the wizarding civilization survive the crisis.

It was this experience that caused Quanzu to have a conflict with the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization and even left the meeting in anger, but the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization did nothing about it.

The conflict between the Wizarding World and the Wanquan World... probably originated from the Quanzu of the Wanquan World, who disliked the wizarding civilization and endlessly plundered the surrounding weak plane worlds, and in a seemingly noble manner, in fact Enslaving many alliance planes.

Quanzu is a water element master with ideals and an extremely gentle personality.

It helped the wizarding world back then, almost for free.

The purpose is to help old friends, and also believes that the wizarding civilization at that time respected peace, friendship and freedom.

But unfortunately, dragon slayers eventually become evil dragons, and the law of the jungle is the mainstream law of the star world.

The prosperity of wizard civilization is based on the trillions of white bones and countless flesh and blood corpses of many enslaved planes.

After seeing clearly the nature of wizard civilization, Quanzu initially chose to actively avoid contact with the wizard world.

He even refused several invitations to the Wizards Alliance Conference.

But later, Quanzu discovered that several of his descendants had secretly contacted the wizarding civilization, made friends with many powerful wizards, and were even vaguely "involved" by the wizarding civilization.

After the trend of "bringing bad things".

Quanzu was so angry that he broke with the wizarding civilization and directly issued a statement to withdraw from the Wizarding Alliance!

Quanzu's departure will greatly weaken the overall strength of the wizard civilization.

Quanzu himself is an ancient being who has been famous for hundreds of thousands of years. He and the oldest beings in the wizarding world, such as Douglas and others, are strong men of the same period.

Maybe Quanzu himself is not good at fighting, but he lived long enough!

Being able to live for such a long time is also a proof of your heritage!

Moreover, one of Quanzu's most awesome abilities is not how strong it is, but how well it can split to produce offspring. It's really an exaggeration!

Water is indeed the source of life.

As an elemental master, Quanzu reproduces offspring through division.

Quanzu has a large number of direct blood descendants, including many powerful individuals who have reached the master level.

And these sub-springs split again to produce offspring.

This continuous and progressive reproduction and development model has brought unprecedented prosperity to the Wanquan World Group.

This is a powerful world community whose overall strength is comparable to that of the Titan world.

Although the wizarding civilization has officially severed contact with the world of Wanquan in recent years, in fact, there is still some communication behind the scenes, especially with several descendants of Quanzu...

Bev said: "The Lord of the Fountain of Destruction in the World of Ten Thousand Springs once conquered the World of Despair with my father, and even obtained the seeds of the Lotus of Destruction."

"I heard that its current Lotus of Destruction has grown to level ten or above."

"There is no faster way to absorb the power of destruction than war. Maybe we can directly recruit it to find it."

"In addition to the Fountain of Destruction, we can also discuss contacting other sub-springs such as the Fountain of Illusion."

"Huanzhiquan was once adopted as an adopted daughter by my father. I can call her 'sister'."

"If it shows the pressure of civilized war that our wizarding civilization is facing, I believe they will also come from the Fountain of Fantasy," Bev said.

"If we can get help from sub-springs such as the Fountain of Destruction and the Fountain of Illusion, it will naturally be of great benefit to us."

"However, I suggest that we send people over quietly and be sure not to alert Quan Zu."

"Otherwise, a good thing may turn into a bad thing." Victor said, he really didn't understand the thoughts of living beings like Quanzu.

Bev nodded.

Seeing that there was no more business to discuss, Victor finally said goodbye and left this time.

After watching Victor leave, Bev looked at the star realm and couldn't help but recall many people and things.

Mainly about her family, such as: parents, younger brothers and sisters, etc.

After exploring the secrets of truth for too long, including taking on the burden of developing the entire wizarding civilization, Bev's experience of family love remained mostly in her memories.

This also makes Bev attach great importance to the existences that are related to her. For example, the two nephews from the Titan World who secretly came to the front line of the Underworld Star Territory this time. Bev took great care of them, and never acted like Hela. Same, reprimanded them.

This also makes those two guys want to run to Bev whenever they have nothing to do.

In their opinion, this aunt is more gentle and kind than their mother.

In addition to her younger siblings who are directly related to each other, as well as the aforementioned adopted sister Huan Zhi‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Izumi, Bev actually has an adopted brother.

"Alas." Bev couldn't help but sigh, and her eyes cast their gaze further into the distant starry sky.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Thain's battle with the fanged sea lion in front of him reached a broken plane.

At this time, two of the sea lion's long fangs had been forcibly broken off by an external force.

The white stubble was exposed there, very eye-catching, and there was faint blood overflowing.

In addition to broken teeth, this sea lion also has a large number of scars and scars on its body.

Even with its thick mane and tough skin, it couldn't fully protect it from Thain's constant elemental attacks.

In terms of personal strength, this fanged sea lion from the planet of the sea is obviously not as good as the sand crocodile from the ancient desert world that has been killed.

But Thain didn't get much help from other people around him at this time, including Yuri, who was also sent out by Thain to fight other fourth-level creatures.

When fighting alone, Thain can maintain the suppression of this level five fanged sea lion, but it is not easy to completely kill it.

A pitch-black world, pitch-black rain pouring in the roaring wind and thunder.

Because the water element concentration in the starry sky battlefield around the wonderful plane is abnormally high, it is raining in many planes in the surrounding star field, including this broken plane.

Even those starry sky meteorites have a large amount of water element accumulated at this time.

Thain himself was not used to fighting in this extremely dense battlefield.

But the Sea Legion and Sea Planet Legion in the Wizarding World are very adaptable to such a battlefield environment.

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