The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1596 The Strongest

In terms of the principle of maximizing benefits, the Endless Light of the Gallente Federation is actually likely to cause the most damage when it hits the underworld star field.

But in the end, the super doomsday weapon of the Gallente Federation was still launched into the Cetus Star Territory, which was the next level of war intensity. There were various reasons.

After discussions among several true spirit-level magicians in the wizarding world, the Gallente Federation’s cultural heritage is highly uncontrollable.

Now there is a war breaking out at the frontier of the Underworld Star Territory. If the Gallente Federation's endless light hits here, it will definitely cause a large number of federal fleet groups to be accidentally damaged on the frontier battlefield.

Secondly, it is very likely that the Federation does not have much confidence in this weapon of its own.

The most elite main force of the wizard civilization is gathered here in the underworld star field. According to the combat power shown when surrounding the federal vanguard fleet, there are more than ten true spirit masters, among whom have reached the eighth life level, or have eight There are several people with level ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏.

Bev even came to the front line in person, holding the light of wisdom, the most precious treasure of civilization.

If the Gallente Federation’s ultimate quantum computer’s calculation and derivation capabilities were really that amazing.

It should be concluded that the results of their battle against the underworld star field may not achieve the expected benefits.

The worst that can happen is that Bev will expose the light of wisdom and the endless light released by the Gallente Federation, and it will be a wave of hard steel.

Since Qingtian, the alien ruler of the alliance with an eighth-level life level, was able to sustain himself in the endless light of the Gallente Federation, he also tried his best to protect another seventh-level knight on that battlefield.

This shows that the Gallente Federation's endless light can only wipe out seventh-level creatures for the time being, and eighth-level creatures can still barely withstand it.

Sometimes suffering huge losses suddenly is not necessarily a bad thing.

For example, although the wizarding civilization suffered huge losses in the Sethus Star Territory, it also relied on this to learn what the ultimate foundation of the Gallente Federation was, and also roughly understood the power ceiling of this civilized war, and at what level it was. .

Endless Light is still very powerful!

The mountain giant god Qingtian, as an eighth-level earth element master, pushed his defense to the extreme, and was seriously injured by the impact of the endless light.

Thanks to Qingtian's retreat quickly enough, it did not attempt to rescue the other massive wizard civilization legions in the Sethus star field that were affected.

Otherwise, wait for the subsequent Gallente Federation army to press on the border, especially those Dominator-class war fleet groups and Dominator-class giant mechas that cooperate with each other to encircle and kill it.

It would be difficult for Qingtian to leave at that time.

This is also the Gallente Federation’s existence so far.

A shortcoming.

Their super weapons may be very powerful, but they are dead creatures after all, too stiff to be compared with real master-level creatures.

Even those Dominator-level war fleets and Dominator mechas are the same. This is also a common problem for weak and weak creatures who master powerful weapons.

When Victor, the true mechanical spirit, left at the end, because Ms. Bev mentioned the inert crystal veins around Blue Star, he couldn't help but ask: "Ms. Bev, when will the Zerg return?"

After that, Victor said with some emotion: "In the past more than 100,000 years, in the Wizards Alliance, the Titan World and the Zerg have always occupied the most important positions."

"After the Zerg left, it gradually developed into a dominant family in the Titan world."

"In order to maintain balance and ensure the absolute leadership of our Wizarding World in the Wizarding Alliance, and also to prepare for civilized wars‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, there is a follow-up Elf World And the purple diamond world, promotion to the eighth level master."

"Including the orc world, the world of the undead and other alliance worlds, the proportion of resource tilt they enjoy is gradually increasing."

"They are completely certain worlds that are absolutely loyal to our wizard civilization."

"If the Zerg can return in time, whether it is the subsequent war with the Gallente Federation or the future confrontation with the Hades Empire, we will be more calm." Victor said.

Bev nodded, and she agreed with Victor's words.

But in response to Victor's inquiry, Bev said regretfully: "I haven't contacted my sister yet. The Zerg army she led seems to have entered a special time and space that is isolated from the outside world."

"But based on what I know about her, once she knows that the war between us and the Gallente Federation has broken out, she will come back in time to provide support even if there are not those recently discovered inert crystal veins," Bev said.

Bev's sister is the famous Blade Queen of the Zerg.

Why is it said that Titan World and Zerg were once the two giants of the Wizards Alliance.

The reason why the wizarding civilization dares to support them in this way and is not afraid of raising tigers is because the leaders of these two races are half of the wizarding world.

The Titans, the Zerg, and the wizard civilization have always been in a state of prosperity and loss.

Including the world of orcs, the world of elves, the world of the undead, etc. that Victor mentioned before, all aspects are also tied to the wizard civilization.

The Gallente Federation has the opportunity to rebel against the Underworld and the Beholder World, but it will never be able to shake these large alliance planes.

Listen up Bev

Victor couldn't help but sigh regretfully at the lady's answer.

Bev, on the other hand, does not have such obvious mood swings. In her opinion, the wizarding civilization has achieved a clear advantage in the war with the Gallente Federation. In addition, the wizarding civilization is larger than the Gallente Federation and the progress of civilization is It also develops faster than the Gallente Federation.

Even if the wizard civilization will suffer heavy losses during the war, this is a loss within an acceptable range.

The wizarding civilization has been at peace for a long time. It seems that in the past two hundred thousand years, it has not experienced any huge and traumatic wars.

This situation, on the one hand, shows the strength and prosperity of wizard civilization, but there are too few worlds that can compete with them.

But on the other hand, it can also be a hidden danger.

This war with the Gallente Federation can also be regarded as a process for the wizard civilization to sharpen its edge.

At the same time, it is also a process of redistribution of wealth within the wizarding world.

After the war is over, most of those who survive must be elites.

Only the elite are qualified to enjoy more resources and wealth.

During this period, the Zerg really didn't need to come back to help.

Perhaps he has seen through this, now that it is the war of civilizations, there are actually a few top experts in the wizarding world who have not returned in time, but continue to travel outside the territory.

For example, Lilith, the "number one dark summoner in the wizarding world", and Karel, the top knight known as the "Sword Master", are not within the wizarding civilization at this time.

Especially for the former, eighth-level true spirit magicians including Douglas and Nigel all said that the other party's strength may exceed theirs by a lot, and they are almost the undisputed strongest in the current wizard civilization.

Master Douglas's knowledge may be more erudite and extensive, while Nigel has greater achievements in the fields of black magic such as death plague magic.

But strength is something that can only be shown through actual results.

Through the bits of information and traces that Lilith has passed back to the wizarding civilization in recent years, she has reached an extremely advanced stage in her exploration of truth.

That large world called Faerûn, perhaps Rose and Thain thought they were well hidden, and it was a large world they would develop alone in the future.

But in fact, some people in the wizarding world have already noticed that world.

Especially the guardians must have discovered some traces of time and space that were associated with Lilith when she threw back the piece of destiny stone.

If you can't even detect the situation in your own plane, there's no need to take up the position of guardian!

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