The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1593 All the trump cards revealed

The dark blue light and shadow transformed by Arthur was shot into the distance by the more majestic and powerful power of the water element.

In the star realm, the difference in life levels, often just one level, represents a world of difference.

This is especially true for levels four and above.

Unless, like Thain, you have a world-class secret treasure as your trump card, cross-level battles will never be that easy.

As a symbol of the medium-sized plane world, sixth-level creatures are one level higher than fifth-level creatures.

Not to mention, Orm is still carrying the inherited secret treasure of the Planet of the Sea - the Crown of the Sea King on his head at this time.

The role of this crown is not only to help the current generation of sea kings, receive the infusion of the power of the plane, and be promoted to the sixth level in one fell swoop.

It can also provide blessings to the power of Neptune in various fields.

The Crown of Neptune has been with the Neptune family for several generations.

Its compatibility attributes with Neptune are far superior to those of ordinary sixth-level creatures.

If it were other sea creatures, the blessings they would enjoy after receiving the Crown of Sea King would be less than one-third of those of the Sea King lineage.

This is a world-class secret treasure that is almost customized for the Neptune family. When Orm used the power of Neptune's crown, he severely injured Arthur and knocked him away.

Even Bai Xing, who was originally calm, gradually showed a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"You can kill him directly, but in the use of power just now, it seems that you still have a hand. Do you still have feelings for him?" Bai Xing looked at the sea king Orm in front of her and asked. This was her first time with Orm. dialogue.

"You will let me kill him?" Orm asked Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi said nothing about this.

Indeed, if the power level displayed by Orm just now was high enough to kill Arthur, Shirahoshi would never sit idly by.

Bai Xing had no feelings for Arthur, but Arthur was now a member of the wizarding civilization. Bai Xing could not sit idly by and watch his own fifth-level creatures be killed by the opponent so lightly.

"I can feel that your power is very strange. Even the Crown of the Sea King reminded me that your strength is not comparable to mine, and there are even some other dangerous elements in you."

"Be my queen, and we will rule this sea territory together. I like your breath very much." Orm raised his head and said to Shirahoshi.

Orm has not fully entered the fighting state at this time. His height is about three meters. Facing the White Star body that is nearly 10,000 meters in size, Orm's words... are a bit strange when viewed in this way.

Orm himself doesn't know it, he even looks serious now.

After being promoted to level six, Orm already has

She has a lot of concubines, but none of those ocean beauties can compare to a hair on the white star in front of her.

This is really a...perfect woman! Orm couldn't help but sigh.

Orm's confident statement and this straightforward expression of love made Shirahoshi laugh, a mocking smile.

Since Orm inherited the throne of Neptune, no one dared to disobey his will, so Shirahoshi's smile caused him great dissatisfaction.

Even though Shirahoshi's mocking smile was beautiful.

"My family believes in loyalty and filial piety, and attaches great importance to family ties."

"Your previous behavior is suspected of killing your father and killing your brother."

"Such a scumbag is worthy of looking at me?" Bai Xing said.

Bai Xing's statement made Orm's face turn blue and white. He then sneered twice and said, "Since you don't want to, I can only take it by force."

"Actually‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏Actually, I am a very reasonable person." Orm said, waving his hands forward, and with the power of the Crown of the Sea King, he powerfully The power of the ocean gradually rises in this starry sky battlefield.

In the originally empty and boundless surrounding starry sky, the density of sea elements became increasingly dense.

Because there are not many planes and meteorite belts around, these dark blue ocean water elements do not move randomly due to the pull of gravity, but quietly stabilize in the surrounding area.

Seeing this, Bai Xing slapped her huge fish tail forward, and extremely pure water elements gathered around her.

The world-class secret treasure Poseidon Trident is held in Bai Xing's hand. In terms of grade, as the dominant weapon, the Poseidon Trident is obviously higher than the Poseidon's Crown.

And by observing Avril, the mermaid master of the wizarding world, giving her exclusive weapon to Shirahoshi to use, it can be seen that she intends to train Shirahoshi to be the next generation of Neptune.

One is the King of the Sea Tribe of the Wizarding World, and the other is just the Queen of the Sea Tribe of the Planet of the Sea. Of course, Shirahoshi cannot accept Orm's boring expression of love.

Just like Orm told Arthur, they are not creatures of the same class.

In fact, Shirahoshi and Orm are not in the same class.

It's just a sixth-level creature born in a medium-sized plane. In the wizarding world, there are a lot of sixth-level sea tribes and alliance sixth-level alien gods who will deliberately please Bai Xing.

Who is this guy? !

The sharp Poseidon Trident flashed with a frightening cold light and stabbed straight towards Orm. Shirahoshi was actually the one who took the initiative.

"How brave!" Orm's size was also rapidly increasing at this time, and he soon turned into an ocean giant with a body of 10,000 meters away.

Orm's usual battle

This is not the habit. Maybe it is to appear that he is not "smaller" than Shirahoshi, so he deliberately maintains such an ocean giant posture.

The fighting between the two sixth-level combatants far exceeded that of other fourth- and fifth-level creatures on the surrounding battlefield.

Although Bai Xing is not at level six, she is indeed much more than a level five creature.

Maybe she already has the qualifications to reach the top of Level 6, but now she just has one more chance.

In such a chaotic battlefield, there is a guy, regardless of the powerful power level of the two warring creatures, rushing towards the center of the ocean vortex again and again, with the target pointed at Orm.

This guy is Arthur.

Anger and hatred made Arthur seem to have endless power in his body.

Blood overflowed from between his teeth. Arthur, holding a steel fork, rushed towards Orm again and again, as if he didn't care about life and death.

This difficult ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ guy makes Omu feel a little annoying.

But with one against two, facing the extremely powerful Shirahoshi, Orm couldn't free his hands to completely erase Arthur, and could only knock him away again and again.

"Haha, it is indeed a sixth-level creature catalyzed by the power of world-class secret treasures and plane origins."

"Compared with level six creatures that have truly grown through self-cultivation, there is still a certain gap."

"With your power, what else do you want to spy on?" Bai Xing said, waving the Poseidon Trident.

"Do you think this is the only power I have?" Orm was furious after being mocked by Bai Xing. Then he actually took out another weapon - a special metal ball, which is in line with the characteristics of technological civilization, and more importantly The thing is, this is a world-class secret treasure!

It is quite costly for the Gallente Federation to win over the two medium-sized world civilizations in this star field.

Providing Salem with gene modulation technology to advance him to the sixth level, helping Orm obtain the position of Sea King, and promising to deal with the "short-lived curse" in the future.

Each of them gave a world-class secret treasure weapon to the sixth-level creatures of the two medium-sized world civilizations.

No wonder the alliance between the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet was able to defeat the Black Bat civilization and other surrounding indigenous worlds.

It's different to have a top-level civilization as a backer.

Facing the spherical world-class secret treasure that Orm took out, Shirahoshi chuckled and asked, "Do you think this is all my power?"

After that, Bai Xing took out a strange light blue divine bead from the shell space on his chest.

"This is a gift my uncle gave me. It's called 'Zhenhai Pearl'!" Bai Xing hit the divine pearl in front of him at Orm.

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