The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1592: Brotherly Struggle

The battles between the bottom creatures took place in various places on the starry sky battlefield in front.

What Thain is concerned about is mostly the games between high-level creatures.

Sea King Orm, who has level 6 strength, would personally leave the field at the beginning of the confrontation between the two armies. This was beyond Thain's expectation.

And to Thane's surprise, Orm did not kill towards the weak area of ​​the Wizarding Civilization Legion. Instead, he flew towards the giant mermaid White Star, which had the strongest defense and the most elite power of the Wizarding Civilization Legion.

The giant mermaid Shirahoshi has high prestige among the sea tribe.

At this time, all the powerful Sea Clan warriors in the wizarding world of Level 4 and above on this starry sky battlefield take it as their own duty to protect the White Star.

Not to mention, there are several Neptunes with level 4 or above strength around White Star to provide protection.

At this time, what was standing at the feet of the white star was a narwhal whale with a life level as high as five.

In terms of size, this narwhal appears to be taller than Shirahoshi, otherwise it would not be able to carry Shirahoshi.

Two rows of crystal blue eyes are located on both sides of the head of this king whale.

This sea king must have sensed the danger coming. Not only did it slightly roll up the whale's tail, but after it made a special whooping sound, the surrounding water elements began to gather rapidly.

Shirahoshi, who was on the head of the Narwhal Whale, patted the opponent's head gently.

The King Whale, which was gradually entering a restless state, gradually calmed down after feeling the power of Bai Xing.

"You can go to other battlefields around you. I'm enough here." Bai Xing said calmly.

Bai Xing's prestige was very strong. After she spoke, both the narwhal whale and the other nearby powerful sea tribes dispersed and left.

The same goes for those strong men from the sea planet who kept approaching the forefront of the battlefield. In the end, only Orm, the king of the sea, flew straight to the white star.

The other fourth and fifth level sea planet powerhouses seemed to "dare not" compete with their king for prey.

During this period, there was a person who appeared as an interlude in the first round of confrontation between Shirahoshi and Orm.

It's Arthur, a level five strongman.

Arthur, with his upper body naked and holding a light golden steel fork, appeared in front of his brother Orm.

At this time, the giant metal shark under Orm's feet let out a thunderous roar at him, but Arthur still looked at Orm with contempt, anger, and unwillingness.

Human eyes are such a strange thing,

It can contain so many emotions.

Orm, who almost grew up with his brother, also understood the meaning in Arthur's expression.

The idea of ​​hunting for beauty that originally arose from beauty was gradually suppressed by Aum. He looked at the brother below him with a serious look.

"Why?!" Arthur asked the Neptune in front of him with suppressed anger.

Prior to this, Arthur had fought against the Sea Planet Legion many times, otherwise he would not have been able to win over some Sea Planets.

But for Neptune Orm, Arthur was meeting his younger brother again after leaving the sea planet last time.

Unexpectedly, in just a few hundred years, everything would be different.

Orm looked at Arthur calmly at this time. After becoming the King of the Sea, Orm developed a lot of magnanimity.

In other words, he ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏ is originally a person who thinks more than Arthur usually thinks, and is more calm and tolerant.

Even though he was now at an absolute advantage, Orm did not get carried away with his former brother.

In fact, Orm still has a bit of brotherly love for Arthur, just as Arthur helped and took care of Orm a lot back then.

"I remember that you taught me the 'Sea King Jue' at the beginning." Orm said. He did not answer Arthur's question directly, but talked about other places.

Arthur frowned after hearing this. He wanted to know what Orm wanted to express.

"Ever since I was born, I have been told that the position of Sea King must be yours in the future."

"In that case, why do you still need to teach me the 'Sea King Jue'?" Orm asked.

Seeing this, Arthur frowned and replied solemnly: "Because we, the Sea King family, have always been a single generation. There are two of us in this generation. Teaching you the Sea King Art is also in line with the ancestral system."

"Besides, if I encounter any accident and leave no heir, you can also..." Arthur said truthfully.

"See, I have always been a substitute!" Orm interrupted his brother.

This is the first time that Orm has behaved like this in nearly ten thousand years.

Also, he is the King of the Sea now and has the capital to do whatever he wants, so what does it mean to interrupt Arthur?

When Arthur followed his own temperament and took pleasure in revenge around the sea planet, Orm was under great psychological pressure.

Orm also believes that the star world is balanced. He once suffered injustice and differential treatment, so now he has got it all back.

In the past, Arthur followed his own temperament and did whatever he liked, so now he has become a loser.

They are all paying off debts from the past.

Arthur has this ending. From some perspectives, it does mean that he is partly to blame.

If he had not been so arrogant, if he had been wary of his younger brother, if he could have taken more legions away from the Planet of the Sea instead of leaving alone...

There is no regret medicine in this world, and it is difficult to reverse time and space. After hearing his brother's true thoughts, Arthur fell into silence for a while.

Orm did not attribute all the reasons for what he did to the injustice in his childhood.

Seeing Arthur fall silent, Orm smiled and mentioned another reason why he did these things: "The Gallente Federation found me and expressed its willingness to pay for nothing. Help me win the position of Neptune. And use technological means to help me solve the problem of the Neptune family’s short lifespan in the past generations.”

"After inheriting the throne of Neptune, you will only live for about 20,000 years. Don't you think it is too short? Especially for creatures of our level." Orm opened his arms, looked around, and asked his brother .

Arthur was also the heir to the throne back then, so he must have thought about this issue.

But Arthur doesn't think about things as meticulously and repressed as Orm.

For Arthur - twenty thousand years, trough! Why bother with so much? Live first and think about the future later.

This is the biggest personality difference between Arthur and Orm: one is rough, one is gloomy, one is informal, and the other is delicate.

Without being disturbed by Orm's words, Arthur was still the same Arthur.

He suddenly raised his head, glared at Om fiercely, and said, "I only want to ask you one thing!"

"Does our father's sudden death have anything to do with you?!" Arthur asked.

At this time, in the surrounding starry sky battlefield, except for an outsider, Bai Xing, who was relatively close, the other powerful people from the planet of the sea were quite far away.

But Arthur's question still made Orm panic.

Taking a deep breath, Orm looked at his brother who was still at the fifth life level in front of him and replied: "The Gallente Federation needs suitable experimental subjects to undo our 'short-lived curse'."

"I also need to clear the way before I can inherit the throne of Sea King."

Arthur stared at Orm for a moment, then came back to his senses and cursed angrily: "Fuck you!"

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