The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1594 God’s Domain

The battle taking place in the starry sky in front of him made Thain fascinated.

Shirahoshi is at the peak of level five and is about to be promoted to level six, while Orm has already established himself at level six.

Paying attention to this level of battle, especially observing and studying how they use the power of law, will be of great benefit to Thane's future growth.

The appearance of several world-class secret treasures made Thain and other powerful men on the surrounding battlefield frequently turn their attention to them.

With so many world-class secret treasures appearing together, I believe that even a certain master would be greedy if he accidentally visited this place.

Especially the world-class secret treasures used by Bai Xing, they seem to be of high quality.

Thain has always been deeply touched by the wealth of sisters Bai Xing and Tour Xi.

Take Tourmaline as an example. Her two cyan ribbons are only low-level world-class secret treasures, but they are two!

If divided individually, wouldn't it be equivalent to Tourmaline possessing two world-class secret treasures?

This was just a gift given to her by Bixi’s uncle back then.

Shirahoshi, who is stronger and has deeper contact with other members of the family, may have more treasures at hand.

Thain even suspected that Bai Xing's world-class secret treasures might not be the only ones he was using in front of him.

The reason why he didn't come up with more trump card equipment was that Thain was more inclined to think that the more equipment, the better.

You have so much equipment, it only counts when you use it.

Bai Xing's life level still hasn't broken through level six.

With her current strength, being able to control and use two world-class secret treasures is already her limit.

Whatever equipment she takes out will only provide limited combat power, and may actually drag down her physical condition.

Anyway, after taking out the world-class secret treasure "Zhenhai Pearl", Bai Xing has regained the initiative on the battlefield.

Orm, the sixth-level sea king, was also shocked and confused by the situation on the battlefield in front of him.

Especially Bai Xing seems to have endless tricks. He wants to capture Bai Xing alive as his queen, but now he takes it for granted.

The metal ball-shaped world-class secret treasure used by Orm is somewhat similar to the individual technology ball made by the Gallente Federation.

Countless energy rays, as well as some energy beams that did not belong to the fortress's main guns, were continuously released from this metal ball.

A small round ball with seemingly endless energy inside.

After receiving the blessing of this metal ball, Orm's strength cannot be underestimated.

At least Bai Xing no longer had the initial calmness and smile, and his facial expression was mostly solemn.

This war must be a protracted battle.

With the strength of creatures above level four, unless one side has an overwhelming advantage, it would not be surprising for the two sides to fight for more than ten years, or even longer, in this evenly matched situation.

Of course, in a war of this magnitude, Thain cannot sit back and watch all the time.

When the war entered its third year, Hu

When the area that the demihumans were mainly responsible for showed obvious decline, Thain, who had no other support troops available, could only lead his own people to fight back.

What appeared on this battlefield was a level five creature from the Planet of the Sea that looked like a sea lion and had two long tusks.

The power of law that Thane masters is the fire-based law of ash. This sea lion is obviously a fifth-level creature that masters the power of water-based law.

Water and fire are difficult to mix. When Thane arrived on this battlefield, it marked that the intensity of the war here was far greater than before.

"Roar!" The huge bloody fangs opened directly towards Thain.

Facing Thain who came to support him, this sea lion who was in the mood to kill actually took the initiative to run towards him.

Along the way, they also easily crashed into an old Huyan warship with flames burning on its surface.

The front end of the underworld star field.

Deep in the wizard civilization army.

After hundreds of years of construction, the direction of the underworld star field has been rearranged into an iron wall by the wizard civilization.

It is almost a foolish dream for the Lunt Federation to break into the wizarding civilization from the underworld star field.

Nowadays, the war of civilization in this direction is no longer at the border of the underworld star field, but has broken into the territory of the Gallente Federation.

With the constant onslaught of the main army of wizard civilization, as well as the chaos caused by black magicians and some obscure forces in the hinterland of the Gallente Federation, at least in this direction, the Gallente Federation is at an unstoppable disadvantage.

In fact, as early as the success of the underworld star field strategy, the main force of the Gallente Federation's vanguard fleet was almost wiped out, and the master-level combat power was wiped out by the wizard civilization, the decline here was unlikely to be restored.

The mood of the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization was originally a lot lighter due to the war situation in recent years, but the news that came from the Sethus Star Territory not long ago cast a shadow on many people.

The main reason is that the Gallente Federation can wipe out even a medium-sized star field and a master-level existence in one fell swoop. This method even exceeds the imagination limits of ordinary alliance masters.

The wizard civilization was not too panicked about this, especially Bev, who was sitting on the battlefield in the underworld star field. When she saw Victor, the seventh-level mechanic who had returned from the battle, there was a smile on her face.

"You also took a closer look at the situation in the Sethus Star Territory. Did you gain anything?" Bev asked with a smile.

Victor is not as stable as Bev. After hearing Bev's inquiry, Victor shook his head and said solemnly: "That star field is now filled with extremely violent energy factors. Even I can't get too close to that star field. center."

"Based on the speed of elemental particles dispersing around that medium-sized star field, I'm afraid it will take a thousand years before creatures above level four can slowly approach. Before that, it was completely a restricted area of ​​life!" Victor said.

As the first and only true spirit-level mechanic in the wizarding world, Victor's understanding of the power of technology should be the most comprehensive and profound in the wizarding world.

Because mechanics are originally a brand-new profession born from the combination of magical civilization and technological power.

once a wizard

The civilization successfully annexed the Gallente Federation. It is conceivable that the prosperous age of mechanics is coming!

However, even Victor was at a loss to understand the extraordinary technological means mastered by the Gallente Federation.

"I really don't know how the Gallente Federation did it?"

"What kind of technology can reach that level?" Victor couldn't help but sigh.

Bev glanced at Victor in front of her and said, "Actually, this kind of power has never happened before."

"Oh?" Victor looked at Bev in surprise. He was a mechanic who only grew up in recent times. He really didn't know much about what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago.

I only know some epic events that have happened in the history of wizard civilization through some historical records in Sky City.

Belvedere frowned slightly and recalled, "There was an explosion near the Gallente Federation."

"That explosion was even more powerful, directly destroying a vast and large-scale star field, and even the eighth-level master died in it."

"My father once said before leaving the Star Boundary that the Gallente Federation may have reached the top level of civilization by studying the supreme secrets discovered in that explosion."

"Looking at it now, they can control the scope of destruction within a medium-sized star field, and the killing power level is also at the seventh level. This shows that they have really mastered a controllable way of using the power of the 'God Realm'. "Bev said.

Bev's statement made Victor's face straighten.

Others don't know what "God's Domain" is, but Victor, a master-level powerhouse at the pinnacle of power in the wizarding civilization, naturally knows that "God's Domain" is actually the Gallente Federation's cognitive description of the ninth level of power!

If the wizarding civilization can annex the Gallente Federation, what Victor wants to know most is what is the secret of the "God's Realm" that the Gallente Federation masters?

Victor fell into a state of silent thinking for a moment.

After a while, Bev said: "Inform the mountain giant Qingtian to take a rest, and thank him for trying his best to protect the seventh-level knight Balak in such a critical moment."

"As for the Norman Federation, let's convey our regrets to their parliament."

"After all, the destruction of the Dominator-level artificial man is also a big loss to the Norman Federation and our wizard civilization." Bev said.

"Yes." Victor replied.

"By the way, did you find the remains of the Dominator-level artificial man when you went to the Sethus Starfield this time?" Bev asked next.

Seeing this, Victor shook his head and replied, "I didn't find anything."

Seeing that Bev's face was still a little strange, Victor added: "Maybe she was taken away by the Gallente Federation. That star field is still a restricted area of ​​​​the Gallente Federation."

"Including before my arrival, the Gallente Alliance may have sent some special fleet in advance to clean up any remaining traces in the Sethus star field."

In response to Victor's answer, Bev nodded slowly.

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