The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,582 Differences between Mother and Daughter (Additional update)

In the laboratory, Thane continued to deal with the mess caused by Tourmaline.

Gal Gadot's condition was quite stable. A series of restorative medicines with different effects were taken out by Thain. Thain even took out the scalpel he used in his experiments.

It may be that there were too many dissected specimens. When Thain treated Gal Gadot's injuries, he did not simply use medicine. Some of the skin and flesh that had obviously deteriorated seriously would be cut out directly with a scalpel.

Gal Gadot was also tough, bleeding profusely, and having a large piece of flesh and blood eroded by the power of the alien law gouged out by Thain. In the end, except for a few "snorts" at the beginning, he was gritting his teeth at other times. persist in.

After finally helping Gal Gadot take care of his injuries, Thane looked at the metal spear in front of him.

It seems that Gal Gadot's mother Hippolyta also uses a spear-like artifact.

The attributes of the artifact in Se‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏en’s hands are “just okay” in all aspects. If it were sold in the Wizards Union market, it would probably fetch 600,000 to 700,000 magic coins. high price.

If you go to the auction house, the price may be higher. Depending on the user's needs, it may not be possible to touch millions of magic coins. After all, it is a weapon used by peak level four creatures.

This is war money.

I heard that the user of this spear, the fourth-level peak sea planet creature that was severely injured by Thain, could not leave the wonderful plane alive.

That's just right, the two are packaged and sold to the Wizards Alliance trading market.

During the war, Thain and most of the powerful wizards in the civilization were unlikely to handle and sell the trophies themselves.

Therefore, artifacts and biological parts of level four or above that are not used by oneself are basically sold through the Wizards Alliance.

The price officially given by the alliance is quite reasonable.

At least Thain has always been inclined to use this relatively worry-free way to deal with his war proceeds.

"Your injuries are almost taken care of. The next step is to rest. Remember to take the few magic potions I left for you on time."

"I'll go next door to see your mother," Thain said.

Gal Gadot on the experimental table nodded. Seeing that Thain had packed up the experimental equipment and was about to go out, Gal Gadot stopped him and said, "Thank you, Thain."

Seeing this, Thain smiled and said: "You don't need to thank me, this is just a transaction of equal value."

"You have helped me before, and our wizard civilization does need the power of the wonderful plane." Thain said.

Having such a candid conversation with Gal Gadot in the laboratory, coupled with the wonderful

The strength of the plane also dropped significantly after this battle, and Thane felt that there was no need to be too "hypocritical" with Gal Gadot.

Does the wizarding civilization really love peace and like to help weak and friendly civilizations?

As long as it is a fourth-level creature with a slightly normal brain, it should be able to make rational judgments.

Thain's frank answer caused Gal Gadot's facial expression to change a little.

Although broad words such as "friendship" and "love of peace" were not mentioned, it made Gal Gadot feel a little more at ease.

In particular, Thain mentioned that Gal Gadot had helped him, which shows that Thain is a strong man with clear grudges.

Perhaps, this is the main reason why Thane led his elite army to speed up and jump in time to reach the battlefield of the wonderful plane.

"Sion, after this war in our wonderful plane, our strength has been severely damaged."

"Your wizard civilization still needs our power?" Gal Gadot asked.

Thain walked to the door of the laboratory, looked back at Gal Gadot for the last time, and smiled: "Of course."

Thain left Gal Gadot and went straight to the next door.

Since Thain did not deliberately arrange the elemental barrier, Hippolyta knew that her daughter was next door and roughly heard her conversation with Thain.

Before Thain returned to the Ash Fortress, the mother and daughter who were placed in one place actually used special means to communicate.

The Amazon warriors in the wonderful plane did not embark on the path of faith.

The way Hippolyta talks and communicates with her daughter is somewhat similar to spiritual communication, which is a special practice developed in the wonderful plane.

Hippolyta's problem is actually much more serious than Gal Gadot's.

But because Hippolyta has a fifth-level life level, her endurance is at least stronger than that of Gal Gadot. Therefore, after making sure that the other party was not in immediate danger of life, Thane chose to treat her daughter first.

This is probably what Hippolyta was thinking.

Unlike Gal Gadot, who can't let go on the experimental bench and sometimes shows shyness.

After all, Hippolyta has seen big scenes and has experienced close contact with the opposite sex, so she behaves very calmly and generously in all aspects.

Even with a look from Thane or a slight movement of raising his hand, Hippolyta knew which wound he wanted to deal with and consciously raised the corresponding part.

This saves Thain a lot of energy!

Thane thought about how he faced his beast on the battlefield before.

All the Piron armor was burned into particles, and Hippolyta was able to maintain calmness and composure even in such a situation.

It shows that this level five strong man is much more stable and mature than her daughter.

When Thane was treating Hippolyta's injuries in front of the experimental table, Hippolyta was lying flat on the experimental table without saying a word.

The two of them maintained such a silent and somewhat tacit atmosphere.

It wasn't until a few days later that Thain had almost solved all the big problems with Hippolyta that Hippolyta opened her mouth and said: "I am willing to represent the wonderful plane and join the Wizards Alliance."

Thain was currently using a piece of elemental towel to wipe Hippolyta's flat abdomen, which had been stabbed several times before.

The powerful recovery ability of the fifth-level creature and the use of various magic potions made it seem that at least on the "surface" it had been cured.

Regarding Hippolyta’s statement, Thane simply replied: “Oh.”

Hippolyta's eyes looked at Thane's face. Because Thain was not wearing the Formless Mask at this time, Hippolyta could clearly see the appearance of this powerful fifth-level magician in the wizarding world.

To be honest, Thain's appearance does not fit in with the aesthetics of the women of the Amazon forest in the wonderful plane, because he is too "white" and too "gentle". The Amazon female warriors pay more attention to the beauty of health and vitality.

Although Thain has been practicing physical training, his temperament and his usual conversation style can make people recognize him as a magician at a glance.

In fact, Hippolyta has changed quite a lot over the years.

In her early years, Hippolyta also loved fighting and hunting, and also traveled to many planes in the surrounding star fields.

At that time, her skin was yellowish, and her muscular figure made it obvious at a glance that she was a powerful and active Amazon female warrior.

But in recent years, Hippolyta's skin has become much whiter, so white that she doesn't look like a female warrior in the Amazon rainforest.

While other Amazon female warriors wear cool and convenient armor and run around the Amazon rainforest, Hippolyta has been wearing long skirts more often in the Queen's Palace in recent years.

Perhaps it was this change that caused Hippolyta's strength to decline.

At least she felt that her performance on the battlefield in the previous plane was very poor, and she failed to protect her people and other wonderful plane creatures, which violated the responsibility of a queen.

Fortunately, the emergence of wizard civilization saved the spark of civilization in the wonderful plane. -------------------

PS: There is one more chapter, try to update it before eight o'clock~

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