The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,581 Getting into trouble

Thain was quite satisfied with the outcome of this battle.

Creating such results in a very short period of time at the minimum cost is enough to trigger the first shot of the wizard civilization to send troops to the surrounding star areas.

It is a little regrettable that the Bai Xing sisters arrived a little late, and not all of the main sea legions led by them were in place.

Otherwise, none of the powerful men from other worlds who invaded the mysterious plane would be able to escape!

After the war, the distribution of spoils is also a matter of science.

Thain only took away the most valuable Level 5 Sand Crocodile.

Bai Xing seemed to despise the value of Sand Crocodile, or her sister Bi Xi who doted on her, and did not argue about this matter.

However, Thain later compensated Bai Xing and his Sea Legion in other aspects with some benefits.

He knew that Bai Xing actually contributed the most to catching the sand crocodile alive.

Except for Thain, the other powerful wizards who participated in this battle were extremely satisfied with the final distribution of the spoils.

The corpse materials of several level four creatures are enough for every strong person participating in the battle to receive certain benefits.

And the wealth contained in the alliance between the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet cannot be underestimated.

It is worth mentioning that the ancient desert wasteland world and the sea planet army have seized a large amount of wealth and resources from the mysterious plane.

During their hasty retreat and escape, many of these wealth resources were not taken away, and even the corpses of two fourth-level creatures from a strange plane were left behind at the scene.

These things are also counted as captured by the wizard civilization.

Since Hippolyta and Gal Gadot, the two principals of the Wonderful Plane, are still seriously injured and weak, the other Ancient Banyan Vine King is not qualified to represent the Wonderful Plane to talk to powerful wizards such as Thane.

Therefore, this massive wealth from a mysterious plane can only be regarded as a confused account at this time, and nothing can be done about it.

Of course, when the wonderful planes join the Wizards Alliance in the future, the Wizards Alliance will evaluate their planes and provide them with certain magic currency rewards and resource support.

But that is a matter for the future, and it is another amount of money. It has nothing to do with the recent war gains of Thane and other wizard civilization legions.

After dealing with a series of war matters at hand, Thane walked towards the Tower Master Experimental Area of ​​Ash Fortress.

Thane's private area within the Ashen Keep is very

There are hundreds of laboratories alone, and each laboratory has a built-in subspace magic array, so the interior is very spacious.

The level 5 sand crocodile that has been captured is now locked up in a restricted area on the ground floor of Thain's laboratory.

With one-third of the energy of the entire fortress providing suppression, the Sand Crocodile was in a severely injured and weak state, and now it was difficult for him to even turn over.

But Thane was not in a hurry to deal with it. He first went to the rest area where Galgado and Hippolyta were.

The mother and daughter are now placed in one place by Thain, with just an extra layer of compartments between them.

Because the mother and daughter were seriously injured, they did not recover until the end of the war.

Even because the injury was left untreated for too long, there was a faint tendency to worsen.

Level 4 creatures generally will not be injured, otherwise the injuries will be extremely serious.

Both mother and daughter now have extremely powerful alien laws in their bodies, corroding their bodies.

Among the powerful wizards who have arrived in the magical plane, only Thain seems to be proficient in the field of pharmacy. After all, he studied under a "famous master" and is the only magician.

Maybe the giant mermaid Shirahoshi also has some way to save people or special props, but she is obviously not interested in these two weak indigenous gods from another world.

Bai Xing is mainly responsible for the Sea Legion under his command.

It is Thane's job to conclude contracts between wizard civilization and surrounding world civilizations such as the Wonderful Plane, and to join the Wizards Alliance.

Shirahoshi had no intention of intervening.

Thain looked at Gal Gadot first because he was most familiar with Gal Gadot.

At this time, Gal Gadot still had the artifact spear stuck in his chest.

The blood that was gurgling before had stopped long ago, but the addition of such an extra spear seemed strange.

The position of this spear is quite special. It is right between the two peaks.

So much so that when Thane treated Gal Gadot's wound, both of them were embarrassed.

Looking at the two jade peaks with excellent shapes, Thain couldn't help but recall the giant mermaid Bai Xing whom he had just met and fought side by side.

Mermaids generally dress coolly, and Shirahoshi is no exception.

In front of its extremely majestic and vast figure, only two huge white shells hung as a shield.

Coupled with Shirahoshi's physique, that is

A real "mountain".

Thain couldn't help but sigh: "The infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak."

"What did you say?" Gal Gadot couldn't help but ask on the experimental table.

"It's okay. I'll help you pull it out later."

"The process may be a little painful. There is a paralysis potion prepared here. You can apply it around the wound first." Thain said casually.

Gal Gadot's face was slightly red as she followed Thain's instructions. This was the first time she had lost her composure in front of the opposite sex.

The Amazon clan in the fantastic plane values ​​girls over boys, and women have always been the dominant ones.

But Gal Gadot didn't take the slightest initiative in front of Thane. She rarely felt her fragility and powerlessness.

Just when Thain gradually grasped the artifact spear and pulled it out suddenly.

A cry of "Sion!" and the opening of the laboratory door "Bang!"

Thain's movements were a little crooked, causing Gal Gadot to gasp in pain and "Hiss~!"

Seeing signs of "heavy bleeding" on the experimental table in front of him, Thain handled everything calmly and calmly.

Looking at Gal Gadot's painful face, Thane said calmly: "It seems to have hurt his heart, but it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll take care of it for you."

The culprit responsible for Thain's mistake was obviously Tourmaline who came to the laboratory to find him in excitement.

All the permissions of the Ash Fortress, except for Thane's private bedroom, are basically open to Tourmaline. It's no wonder that she can find this place without any hindrance.

With the blessing of dragon blood in Thane's body, Bixi would have no trouble finding him.

Seeing Bixi getting into trouble, he covered his mouth with his little hands and his eyes widened.

After realizing that Thain ignored her, Bixi looked around, then took a few steps back with her calves, and slowly moved out of Thain's laboratory.

After leaving the laboratory, there was no more pungent smell of blood around, and Bixi breathed a long sigh of relief.

Thain is busy, who should Bixi go to play with.

After thinking for a while, Bixi decided to go find Sha'er and the half-undead girl Luo.

On the way to leave, Bixi couldn't help but look back at Thain's laboratory, then looked down at her ordinary body, and sighed rarely.

With Tourma's cheerful nature and optimistic style, it's incredible that there are still things that can make her sigh.

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