The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1583: Stepping Stone (Additional update)

It is different from my daughter thanking Thain verbally and asking some more "superficial" questions.

Hippolyta never takes the initiative to express something when doing things. She only keeps moving closer to her goals mentally and physically.

Perhaps this is also the experience and growth of being a queen.

For example, Thane plays a great role in the Wonderful Plane now, and he even controls the future destiny of the Wonderful Plane to a certain extent.

Then Hippolyta will take the initiative to show her kindness to him.

This kind of show of goodwill is of course not just a simple respect on the surface, Hippolyta will do it more appropriately and naturally.

Therefore, compared to Gal Gadot's "idealization", Hippolyta is actually more realistic.

After expressing her stance on joining the Wizards Alliance, Hippolyta continued: "Our wonderful plane‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏joins the Wizards Alliance this time and will not ask for anything in return."

"Wizard civilization has saved us in our most critical moment. There is no more valuable help than this."

"In such a friendly and powerful alliance, I believe our wonderful plane will develop better." Hippolyta said.

It has always been the case that when a foreign plane joins the Wizards' Alliance, the indigenous gods will ask for certain benefits.

Thain has also won over several biological groups, so he naturally knows the secrets.

Hippolyta was the first powerful person from another world to join the Wizards' Alliance on a completely voluntary and free basis without asking for anything in return.

Her behavior is a bit like "backward".

It's as if the wizarding civilization can plunder and plunder the resources of the wonderful plane without paying anything.

Hippolyta's "retreat in order to advance" performance brought a smile to Thane's face.

He further said: "It is the duty of our wizard civilization to help the wonderful planes protect themselves from the slaughter of barbaric creatures in the alien star realm."

"We have the responsibility to stabilize the surrounding star fields."

"The Wonderful Plane has been severely affected by the war this time. After joining the Wizards Alliance, you can apply for a reconstruction magic coin subsidy from the Wizards Alliance."

"Including some policy inclinations in the alliance, we should also be able to win."

"We will discuss the specific contract to join the Wizards Alliance after Queen Hippolyta has recovered a bit."

"If there is anything you don't understand about the rules of the Wizards Alliance and you need help, you can communicate with me directly."

Thane laughed.

Thain's time is precious, and her ability to say these words also indirectly proves that the value of Hippolyta and the wonderful planes exceeds the time he may waste.

Hippolyta is also a wonderful person. She has not had much contact with wizard civilization, but she seems to be very familiar with the temperament and habits of wizards like Thane.

I saw a smile on her lips, and said: "Master Thain, you are busy with experiments, so we will definitely not bother you with ordinary trivial matters."

"And even if we encounter problems, I believe that any friendly wizard and civilization powerhouse will help us." Hippolyta said.

When Thain saw this, he didn't say much and just smiled.

Hippolyta probably heard about him and the wizarding civilization from Gal Gadot. After all, Gal Gadot returned to the wonderful plane. It's been a while.

Her Royal Highness the Queen's ability to judge things is quite strong.

Just when Thain thought his conversation with the queen was over and was about to pack up the experimental equipment and leave.

Hippolyta suddenly asked again: "Is the strong man who helps us creatures from the wonderful plane put out fires, remove scorched earth, and bring rain from the sky also a member of the Wizards Alliance?"

Hippolyta asked about the giant mermaid Shirahoshi.

After killing the main force of the ancient desert wasteland world alliance and capturing the fifth-level sand crocodile alive, Bai Xing indeed waved the Poseidon Trident and brought a large amount of rain to the mysterious plane.

Thain believed that Shirahoshi's approach was simply because he didn't like the anxious environment caused by the war in the wonderful plane at that time.

But from the perspective of the creatures in the wonderful plane, Bai Xing did help them a lot invisibly.

The rainfall and water vapor within the entire plane are increased... Because Thain is a fire elementalist, he cannot do this.

Faced with Hippolyta's inquiry, Thane replied: "Yes, she is a powerful member of our wizarding civilization."

"However, they are not ordinary members of the alliance, but strong men from the sea tribe native to our wizarding world." Thain replied.

"Sure enough, the existences in the wizarding world are all powerful and kind." Hippolyta smiled.

A smile appeared on Thain's lips. Being strong is correct, but being kind... is not necessarily so.

There is no absolute good or evil in this world.

After leaving Hippolyta, Thane walked

Go straight to another lab of your own.

The captured level 5 sand crocodile, Thain could no longer restrain his desire to dissect and study it.

The passive evolution level of Sand Crocodile is very high, and deciphering the truth may lead to new improvements in Thain's body-refining secrets.

The secret laws of fire and sand possessed by the sand crocodile also made Thain very envious.

In particular, Thain has endless research interests in the relatively rare use of the Law of Sand and the mystery of the fusion of the Law of Sand and the Law of Fire.

Perhaps Sha'er, the elemental life form under Thane, can also benefit greatly from this process.

Speaking of which, as for Sha'er, Thain hasn't sensed it for a while.

Glancing to the left and right, Thane judged that it ran out of the space fortress and went to play with Bixi.

After arriving at the laboratory where the sand crocodile was imprisoned and bound, the heavily injured and weak level five creature was still struggling, including the way it looked at Thain, It also reveals ruthlessness and resentment.

An extended version of the giant scalpel was taken out of the space equipment by Thain.

After all, the size of the sand crocodile is not small. Even if it has been released from the real body and restored to its original size, the body lying across the laboratory at this time is still nearly two hundred meters long.

Walking to the giant head of the sand crocodile, Thain patted the opponent's strong scales and said, "I hope you can still be so energetic later."

"I'm very interested in your eye. I will remove it later and study it." Thain said calmly.

The sand crocodile gradually gasped for breath through its huge nostrils.

Including the sinister look it originally looked at Thane, now there was also a hint of panic.

Evil people still need to be tempered by evil people, who say the most rational and calm things and do the most terrifying things.

The terror caused by wizard civilization in surrounding star field civilizations spreads further than their "good name".

"More cruel than the devil, more cunning than the devil." This is what some star civilizations call the wizarding world.

This sand crocodile is just another stepping stone for Thane towards the supreme palace of truth.

"Hey, this Fire Sand Crystal is pretty good!"

After a long time, Thain's praise came from the laboratory. -------------------

PS: There are 69 more chapters to be added, please give me a monthly ticket~QAQ~

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