The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1551 Negotiation

On the battlefield of the underworld star field, Thain has already come to an end before he has even seriously participated in it.

For Thain, it is not a big regret.

However, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation is still going on. The thousand-year time war in the underworld star field is only the initial war.

The intensity of wars in other star regions at the junction of the two top civilizations is not necessarily inferior to the battlefield in the underworld.

Not long after Thain's master Berga Garu arrived in the Sanok Star Territory, another of Thain's divisions, Penas, led his off-the-ground Flame Holy Tower Legion to arrive soon after.

Appearing at the same time as this magician army, there was also the Qinghe Knights Hall Legion of the fourth-level knight Bereka.

These two beings seem to have always been inseparable.

Not long after, among the Alliance legions that arrived in the Sanok Star‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎‎‏‏‎‎region, there was also a Huya legion.

Sure enough, just as the master said, alliance creatures that are friendly with one's side will be sent to the corresponding battlefield first.

In addition to the Huya Legion, the other Alliance legions that arrived in the Sanok Star Territory are probably more or less related to Cuilis and others in this Star Territory.

What makes Thain somewhat regretful is that among the alliance creatures he has made friends with, the powerful intelligent robots of Cybertron and the Ghost Crow World Legion have not yet arrived in this star field.

I don’t know if they have other tasks, or if the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization think that the level 6 combat power here is enough, so there are no extra assignments.

The troop mobilization and legion reorganization in the Sanok Star Territory took more than ten years.

A large number of legions and supplies arrived one after another, bringing great shock and impact to Bruce and other creatures of the Black Bat Civilization.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the strength of the wizarding civilization they come into contact with.

It was also after Trillis, the ancestor of Thane, obtained the control over the subsequent development and partial wars in the surrounding star fields, Trillis represented the wizard civilization and renegotiated with Bruce and others about joining the Wizards Alliance.

The conditions offered by the sixth-level magician Fadis are more favorable than those offered by Bruce and others, which is a big reason why Bruce and others find it difficult to refuse.

But another reason I have to say is that Thain's master was much more "domineering" than Master Fatis during the negotiation process.

After all, Master Fatis's attitude towards these alien creatures was quite kind from beginning to end.

But after Cuilis expressed her position of winning over

, and also vaguely revealed the attitude that if you dare to refuse, our wizard civilization will send an army to conquer.

This is the true temperament of Master Thain. If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink the wine as a penalty.

Faced with this situation, and having already heard that the ancient desert wasteland world might have joined the Gallente Federation's camp, even if Bruce of the Black Bat Civilization was slightly dissatisfied, he had to suppress it in his heart.

Because from a practical point of view, as more and more wizard civilization legions gather in the Sanok Star Territory, the Black Bat Civilization he represents does not have much confidence to block the war front of the wizard civilization.

Unless the black bat civilization can unite more plane worlds and unite to resist the wizard civilization.

But is this possible? At least in terms of time, it’s already too late!

The war front of the wizard civilization can start at any time‏​​‎​‏‎‏‏‎‎​‏‏‎‎.

As for Arthur from the other sea planet, he always looked arrogant and fearless, but this time when faced with Trilis' ultimatum, this guy didn't even say a harsh word.

In fact, Arthur is not as strong and brainless as he usually behaves. At least Thain feels that this seemingly rough fifth-level strongman still has some ideas in his heart, and he can also assess the situation.

With some people, you can go hard with them, but with some people you can't.

Obviously Cuilis is the kind of person who finds it difficult for others to disobey her.

Only when facing Lu Lianman, Thain and other disciples, Cuilis will show her tolerant side.

When Trilis negotiated with Bruce, Arthur and other otherworldly creatures, Thane was not present.

He took the initiative not to go.

Because the personal relationship with Bruce and other powerful people from other worlds is relatively good, but when it comes to negotiations between the two civilizations, it is also a troublesome matter.

It is impossible for Thain to make concessions to the vested interests of wizard civilization because of them.

Including Thain's previous initiative to befriend them, it also had certain utilitarian factors.

After the negotiation, Thane heard that his mentor, Berga Garu, had a cold face throughout the negotiation.

On the contrary, Thain's mentor, Lu Lianman, tried to maintain a gentle attitude with Bruce and others.

This hot and cold attitude also accelerated the decision-making of these alien space creatures.

Finally, Bruce, Arthur, and Gal Gadot reluctantly represented their civilization and joined the Wizards Alliance camp.


It can be said to be "reluctantly", because they are not the strongest and leaders of their respective civilizations, they can only be said to be the most potential successors.

The relevant joint statement will not be signed in the form of a legal contract until the Wizarding Civilization sends envoys to these star fields.

"Master Lu Lianman is worthy of being your mentor to Thain. We really need to get along better." After the meeting, Cram came to Thain and sighed.

The Kryptonians had already decided to join the Wizards Alliance and had already signed the contract. Kram was only there to observe.

"Haha, the mentor is indeed a good character." Thain smiled.

"I just didn't expect that Barry still didn't represent the world of lightning and express his stance to the wizarding civilization. It seems that Master Trillis was very unhappy in the end." Cram continued.

"Oh?" Sean made a confused sound.

"The world of lightning is a large plane?" Thain couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his mentor Lu Lianman again.

Seeing this, Lu Lianman nodded and said: "Although the creatures in the electric world did not disclose their dimensional strength, after your master reported the situation to the wizard civilization, a specialized astrologer took action to confirm this situation. "

"Large world..." Thain muttered.

In the battle between the two top civilizations, only large worlds can play a more obvious bonus role.

Other medium, small, and micro worlds are just small shrimps between the two top civilizations.

Just like the star field battlefield that Thain's sect is going to next, because there are no master-level creatures coming in person, the danger is relatively controllable for Thain and others.

"The electric world is extremely far away from us, and it is also beyond the control radiation range of the Gallente Federation."

"I think this large world civilization is not willing to get involved in the war between our two top civilizations. This is why Barry has never been willing to take a stand." Thain thought.

Lu Lianman replied: "Your master thinks so too, so we can't be too aggressive when it comes to dealing with that electrical elemental creature."

"You should communicate more with that Barry during this time."

"Even if we cannot win over the Lightning World immediately, we must not let this large world fall to the Gallente Federation camp." Lu Lianman said.

"Okay." Thain replied.

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